EIGHT DAYS A WEEK Easy Piano Sheet music Easy Sheet Music

Unlimited access to Eight Days A Week The Beatles (Chords) and lyrics (ver 4) . Dive into music for free without limits. Ultimate-Guitar: music for all Eight Days A Week by The Beatles (Chords). G#. Intro D (add9) E/D G/D D D E7 Ooh I need your love babe G D Guess you know it's true D E7 Hope you need my love babe G D Just like I need you Bm G Hold me, love me Bm E7 Hold me, love me D E7 Ain't got nothin' but love babe G D Eight days a week D E7 Love you every day girl G D Always on my mind D E7 One thing I can say girl G D Love you.

Eight Days A Week Chord Chart printable pdf download

Create and get +5 IQ. [Intro] D E/D G D [Verse] D E7 Ooh I need your love babe G D Guess you know it's true D E7 Hope you need my love babe G D Just like I need you [Chorus] Bm G Hold me, love me Bm E7 Hold me, love me D E Ain't got nothin' but love babe G D Eight days a week [Verse] D E7 Love you every day girl G D Always on my mind D E7 One. Ask if you want chord fingering help. Intro: G A/G C/G G G A C G Ooh I need your love babe, guess you know it's true A C G Hope you need my love babe, just like I need you Em C Em A Hold me, love me, hold me, love me G A C G Ain't got nothin' but love babe, eight days a week G A C G Love you every day girl, always on my mind A C G One thing I. Create and get +5 IQ. Eight Days A Week chords The Beatles * [Intro] D E7 G D [Verse 1: John Lennon] D E7 Ooh I need your love babe G D Guess you know it's true E7 Hope you need my love babe G D Just like I need you [Chorus] Bm G Hold me, love me Bm E Hold me, love me D E7 Ain't got nothin' but love babe G D Eight days a week [Verse 2] D E7. 👉 Over 600 Song Guitar Lessons With Chords, Tabs, & Lyrics: www.JustinGuitar.com/songs In this lesson, we'll learn how to play Eight Days A Week by The Beat.

Eight Days A Week sheet music by The Beatles (Easy Guitar Tab 81956)

G Eight days a week. D. A Eight days a week. Bm I love you. A Eight days a week. E Is not enough to G show I D care. D Ooh I need your E love babe, G Guess you know it's D true. D Hope you need my E love babe, D Just like I need D you. Bm Hold me, G love me, Bm hold me, E love me. D I ain't got nothin' but E love babe, G Eight days a week. D. A. Eight Days A Week CHORDS by The Beatles for GUITAR, UKULELE, and PIANO !! CHORDS USED (C, D7, F, Am, G, G7, Dm7) ~ Intro C Verse C D7 Ooh I need your love babe F C Guess you know it s true C D7 Hope you need my love babe F C Just like I need you Chorus Am F Hold me love me Am D7 Hold me love me C D7 Ain Eight Days A Week CHORDS by The Beatles Hold me, love me D E7 G D Ain't got nothin' but love babe, eight days a week D E7 G D Love you every day girl, always on my mind D E7 G D One thing I can say girl, love you all the time Bm G Bm E Hold me, love me. Hold me, love me D E7 G D I ain't got nothin' but love babe, eight days a week A Bm Eight days a week, I love you E G A A7 Eight. Learn how to play Eight Days A Week by The Beatles on the guitar. Get chords, lyrics, and tab with JustinGuitarTABS.

Eight days a week Tab and Chords, レッスン, como tocar YouTube

[E] Eight days a week, is [G] not enough to [C] show I care [ D ] Ooh, I need your [ E ] love, babe, [ G ] guess I know it's [ D ] true Hope you need my [ E ] love, babe, [ G ] just like I need [ D ] you Love you ev'-ry day girl Al-ways on my mind D E G D One thing I can say girl Love you all the time Bm G Bm E Chorus: Hold me Love me Hold me Love me D E G D I ain't got noth-in 'but love babe Eight days a week A Bm Bridge: Eight days a week I lo-o-o-o-o-ove you E G A Eight days a week Is not e-nough to show I care D E G D 3. Chords: Intro: G|A7|C|G Verse 1: G A7 C G Ooh I need you love babe, guess you know it's true, G A7 C G Hope you need my love babe, just like I need you, Em C Em A7 Hold me, love me, hold me, love me G A7 C G Ain't got nothin' but love babe, eight days a week Verse 2: G A7 C G Love you every day girl, always on my mind G A7 C G One thing I can. Learn to play the chords for Eight Days A Week (The Beatles) on WeChords. Oh, I need your love babe / Guess you know it's true / Hope you need my love babe / Just like I need you / Hold me, love me / Hold me, love me / I ain't got nothin' but l

Eight Days A Week Sheet Music Direct

Simplify chords. Print Download. D E Ooh I need your love babe G D Guess you know it's true D E Hope you need my love babe G D Just like I need you Bm G Hold me, love me Bm E Hold me, love me D E Ain't got nothin' but love babe G D Eight days a week D E Love you every day girl G D Always on my mind D E One thing I can say girl G D Love you all. The Beatles - Eight Days a Week: chords. D E Ooh I need your love babe, G D Guess you know it's true. Hope you need my love babe, Just like I need you. B m E B m E Hold me, love me, hold me, love me. D E Ain't got nothin'but love babe, G D Eight days a week. Love you ev'ry day girl, Always on my mind. One thing I can say girl, Love you all the.