Equine Anatomy — Burlington Equine Veterinary Services

1. Poll The poll is a boney protrusion located right behind the horse's ears, where the bridle begins. It's the highest point on the horse's head and may be more pronounced on some breeds than others. The poll's many nerve endings make it a spot that's prone to tension. The muzzle is the part of the horse's head that includes the area of the mouth, nostrils, chin, lips, and front of the nose. The muzzle is very mobile and sensitive. Whiskers help the horse sense things close to its nose and the skin is almost hairless. Beneath the skin is cartilage. Continue to 2 of 29 below.

Basic Horse Anatomy for Equine Owners

Diagrams, illustrations and charts will help you understand how your horse is put together. From equine skeletal anatomy to body parts and teeth. Develop a better understanding of where leg injuries occur, and the inner workings of the horse hoof. Horse Body Parts Learn the names of horse body parts with adorable pony model, Cherokee. Horse Parts Diagram. Creating a horse diagram either on a drawing or a photo of a horse is a great way to learn. Use pencil, dry erase marker, or perhaps use a digital copy to be able to write and erase as much as you need. Repetition is key when learning anatomy! Horse Diagram - The Main Body Parts of a Horse - Seriously Equestrian Home > Equestrian Lifestyle > Horse Diagram - The Main Body Parts of a Horse By Anne Forsberg | Published on October 30, 2020 The chances are that you may know the name of some if not most of a horses body parts. This labeled Horse Skeleton diagram shows you how a horse is put together. For some it's the soft velvety muzzle. For others it has to be those big brown eyes. Me? I love those long lovely legs! Did you know that wide set eyes allow equines to see almost 360º? This is helpful to avoid predators.

Free Horse Unit Study Resources

Sometimes used colloquially to refer to the root of the tail. Elbow: The joint of the front leg at the point where the belly of the horse meets the leg. Homologous to the elbow in humans Ergot: a callosity on the back of the fetlock Face: the area between the forehead and the tip of the upper lip Parts of a Horse Diagram A complete overview of the external parts of a horse can be seen in the diagram below. A complete overview of the equine skeleton in the diagram below. Below is the trailer of an animation that explains the parts of the horse in a fun way. You can get this video from amazon here. Parts of A Horse's Head and Neck Horse head diagram Types of horse head builds. The type of horse's head always depends on his race. We differentiate 4 basic types: Noble head, straight profile: It is the most perfectly balanced shape of the head, where the forehead-nose line remains straight. It is characteristic for breed and racing horses with a long top part of the head. Directional Terms. When covering equine anatomy, it is important to understand some directional terms first: Fore - Toward the front of the horse, meaning the head of the horse.; Rear (hind) - Toward the back of the horse, meaning the tail Inside - Toward the middle or belly of the horse.On the right side of the body, this means the left and on the left side of the body it means the right.

anatomyofthehorse Horse Courses Online

We'll look at the horse frame from the outside down to the skeletal structure and even a diagram of a horse. Understanding the horse's characteristics can ensure that you keep your horse healthy and diagnose injuries to specific body parts. Anatomy of the Equine Skeleton Horse Anatomy 101. Learning the key parts of a horse's anatomy is an important part of horsemanship. We asked Kestrel to be our model so you can learn more about what a horse's body parts are called and how they help the horse. There's a lot to learn, but you don't have to do it all at once. We've divided this horse anatomy lesson. Horse Anatomy - Skeleton & Anatomy Diagram Of A Horse Horse Anatomy Horses have, on average, a skeleton of 205 bones. A significant difference in the bones contained in the horse skeleton, as compared to that of a human, is the lack of a collarbone. How Do Horses Keep Their Shoes On? Warning! Graphic picture ahead! Angle of Shoulder = Pastern = Hoof Angle What Is The Correct Angle Of The Hoof? 70 degrees 40 degrees 45 degrees 50-54 degrees 52-58 degrees Angle of the Hoof Angle of the Hoof - Extremely Important! Angle of the Hoof - Extremely Important! Lameness or Unsoundness

Horse Anatomy Allpony

Let's start out looking at a diagram showing basic horse anatomy. Knowing the vocabulary and the areas they refer to on a horse resident's body will allow you to better understand your resident's body, provide better care, and communicate more effectively with an equine veterinarian. General Anatomy Glossary Of Terms Back Cannon Chin Groove Coronet Horse Parts List Pastern Knee Forearm Lips Muzzle Nostril Eye Forehead Ear Poll Crest Shoulder Withers Back Loin Croup Dock Tail Gaskin Hock Stifle Belly