4D4D26 color name is Army Green

The RGB Values and Percentages for Army Green. Each system has a different value, or percentage of colors, that make up every color in the graphic design spectrum, and the same can be said for army green. In the RGB (red, green, blue) system, the army green color percentage is comprised of army green in the RGB system is (78,91,49). In a RGB color space, hex #4b5320 (also known as Army green) is composed of 29.4% red, 32.5% green and 12.5% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 9.6% cyan, 0% magenta, 61.4% yellow and 67.5% black. It has a hue angle of 69.4 degrees, a saturation of 44.3% and a lightness of 22.5%. #4b5320 color hex could be obtained by.

Military Green Color Codes The Hex, RGB and CMYK Values That You Need

Army Green. Army green is a color that has been used in militaries since World War II or even before that period, although the hue of army green in military uniforms varies between nations. Army green Hex #4B5320 RGB 75, 83, 32 CMYK 10, 0, 61, 67. Kelly Green. About the color. Army green is a dark brown-green shade that resembles the color of olives. In fact, this hue is similar to olive drab — a tint widely used in the U.S. military. Olive drab or army green was a camouflage color for uniforms, vehicles, and other military equipment during the Second World War and the Vietnam War. It helped soldiers blend into the natural background. Rectangle. Palette. Rectangle color harmony is a color scheme based on the rectangular shape. It is made up of four colors: two complementary colors: Army Green (#4b5320) and Spacescape (#282053), a split-complementary color: Chestnut Green (#205328), and an analogous color: Violet Carmine (#53204b). This type of color scheme is often used in web design and advertising. The hexadecimal RGB code of Army Green color is #4B5320. This code is composed of a hexadecimal 4B red (75/256), a 53 green (83/256) and a 20 blue component (32/256). The decimal RGB color code is rgb (75,83,32) . Closest WebSafe color: Hunter green (#336633)

Shades of Army green color 4B5320 hex ColorsWall

Army Green Army green is a dark, yellowish-toned green with the hex code #454B1B, used by militaries around the globe in their uniforms since World War 2. Other commonly used military shades of green include olive green and olive drab. The color army green with hexadecimal color code #4b5320 is a dark shade of yellow-green. In the RGB color model #4b5320 is comprised of 29.41% red, 32.55% green and 12.55% blue. In the HSL color space #4b5320 has a hue of 69° (degrees), 44% saturation and 23% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 567.3 nm. Generic color name: Army Green Colors that make up #4B5320 RGB: 75, 83, 32 - HSL: 0.19, 0.44, 0.23 Web safe color: No. Complementary color A good complementary color for this color is #292154. Example text color using #4B5320. An RGB color value is specified with: rgb (red, green, blue). Each parameter (red, green, and blue) defines the intensity of the color and can be an integer between 0 and 255 or a percentage value (from 0% to 100%). Red value of its RGB is 75, Green value is 83 and blue value is 32.

Army Green Laminates Greenlam

Color Information : Army Green Color | #4b5320. The Hex color #4b5320 is defined as dark and the closet Websafe version is #666633 .A complement of this color would be #272053 , perceived brightness of this color 75/255 and the grayscale version is #4B4B4B .. In a RGB color space, hex is composed of 29.4% red, 32.5% green and 12.5% blue.Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 10% cyan. Get all #4b5320 color code conversions: HEX, RGB, HSL, HSV, CMYK, YCBCR. Discover all the similar standard color names: CSS, x11, Pantone, RAL name.. Learn more » Search for a name or a RGB value RRR,GGG,BBB or a Hex value #rrggbb. Army green. HEX #4b5320. RGB 75, 83, 32 CMYK 10, 0, 61, 67 HSL 69°, 44%, 23%. Color space conversion Color. Army Green color belongs to the Green color family (hue). The hexadecimal color code (color number) for Army Green is #4B5320 , and the RGB color code is RGB (75, 83, 32) . In the RGB color model, Army Green has a red value of 75, a green value of 83, and a blue value of 32. The CMYK color model (also known as process color, used in color. army green dark moss green olive verde verde oscuro vert kaki. This color was named with the keyword Army Green by the users. Convert colour Army Green to RGB, Hex, Pantone, RAL or CMYK.

Army Green Solid Color Fabric Schumacher fabric, Paper background texture, Textured background

50% OFF 236 ml Colour Samples New year, new colour. Use code NEWYEAR in your cart from 12/27-1/8. Colour of the Year 2024 Violet and blue come together to create Blue Nova, an elevated and sumptuous hue. Explore Paint Colours. Most Popular Colours.. Army Green. 2141-30. The color Army Green belongs to the color family Dark Yellow. It is of medium brightness and medium saturation.. The color Army Green corresponds to the hex code #4B5320.. In the additive (digital) color space RGB (Red, Green, Blue), it corresponds to 29% Red, 33% Green, and 13% Blue. In the alternative (digital) color space HSV (Hue between 0° and 360°, Saturation, Value), it corresponds to.