Paling Horticulture Buy Live Baby Tears Plant Online

But Did You Check eBay? Find Baby Tears Aquatic Plants On eBay. Check Out Baby Tears Aquatic Plants On eBay. Find It On eBay. Baby's tears ( Soleirolia soleirolii) is a mat-forming tropical perennial with myriad tiny leaves. Often confused as a type of moss, it comes from the nettle family. What makes baby's tears special is its dense, delicate mat of fine round or bean-shaped leaves on short, fleshy stems.

Baby's Tears Plant Care & Growing Guide

Mind-your-own-business or baby's tears, Soleirolia soleirolii (syn. Helxine soleirolii) is a creeping perennial with tiny rounded leaves. Despite looking pretty in cracks in paving, it re-grows from the smallest stem sections and can soon get out of control. It is especially difficult to control in the lawn. Mind-your-own-business is often a weed. Baby Tears Plant: Caring for Soleirolia Soleirolii - Epic Gardening 2.58M 1.1M 2.8M 902K 85.1K Categories Shop Edible Gardening Companion Planting Fruits Grains Harvesting Microgreens Nut Trees Vegetables Ornamental Gardening Bulbs Cacti & Succulents Flowers Foliage Ground Cover Houseplants Shrubs Trees Vines Mulching Fertilizers Soil Improvement The Helxine soleirolii is a low growing plant often found in terrariums or bottle gardens. Usually referred to as the baby's tear plant, it may also be listed under other common names such as Corsican curse, Corsican carpet plant, Irish moss (not to be confused with Sagina Irish moss) and "mind-your-own-business" plant. Baby Tears will thrive in bright, indirect settings away from intense sunlight or operating heat sources. Specimens located in darker settings must be watered far less than those grown in brighter areas due to the longer amount of time it takes for the soil to dry out.

How to Grow and Care for Baby Tears Plant

The Baby Tears Plant is at its best when exposed to indirect light. If you leave this plant in front of direct sunlight, the leaves can burn easily. If the plant happens to sit near a west-facing window, put a curtain between it and the window to reduce the sun's rays reflecting straight on it. Soil. Best known as an indoor plant, baby's tears, or mind your own business, Soleirolia soleirolii makes an attractive and maintenance-free alternative to grass as ground cover in moist, shady areas. It's also suitable for using in green walls (pictured), and as a substitute for moss in a Japanese garden. About A Baby's Tears plant, Helxine soleirolii, is native to Italy, Corsica, Sardinia, and throughout the northern Mediterranean area. For a very small plant, it has a great many common names: Bits and Pieces plant, Corsican Creeper, Peace in the Home plant, Friendship plant, Mind-Your-Own-Business plant, and Paddy's Wig. Baby's Tears Plant Care at a Glance Common Name: Baby's tears, baby tears, angel's tears Scientific Name: Soleirolia soleirolii Soil: Organic potting soil Light: Bright, indirect.

Baby Tears Plant Care Guide The Contented Plant

Baby's Tears Care Tips. Light: Will grow in low light, but prefers bright, indirect light. Keep out of direct sun, which will scorch the leaves. Water: Keep the potting medium moist at all times. It will not tolerate dry soil. Humidity: This plant thrives in high humidity. Aim to maintain at least 50% relative humidity around Baby's Tears plant. Baby's tears is super-easy to propagate. Simply chunk off the edges of the plant, place the section in moist potting soil, and keep in bright, indirect light. The pieces will root in a few weeks to a month and start taking off! It's a great pass-along plant for this reason. Baby tears plant grows best in indirect, filtered light or semi-shady locations. Moderate light conditions seem to be best for this plant. It's not tolerant of long periods of full sun, and baby tears plants exposed to direct sun will have aged, scorched leaves. Baby's Tears Plants enjoy consistently moist soil, but they don't like to sit in water. Overwatering can lead to root rot and eventual death. Water your plant once or twice a week, depending on the humidity and temperature of your environment. Stick your finger an inch deep into the soil, and if it feels dry, it's time to water.

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Step 3: Make holes for the stem tip cuttings. Step 4: Search your Baby's Tears for healthy stems. Step 5: Use a sharp, sterile knife and cut the stems directly below the leaf node (the stem should be between 5 to 7 cms long!) Step 6: Remove all leaves but the topmost leaves from the cuttings. Soleirolia soleirolii is a Herbaceous perennial plant that goes by many names. Most commonly, it is known as Baby's tears, but it is also called Angel's tears, Bread and cheese, Corsican curse, Bits and pieces, Paddy's wig, Pollyana vine, or Irish moss. The variety of folk names can be quite confusing.