Belted Galloway Livestockpedia

The Belted Galloway is a traditional Scottish breed of beef cattle. It derives from the Galloway cattle of the Galloway region of south-western Scotland, and was established as a separate breed in 1921. It is adapted to living on the poor upland pastures and windswept moorlands of the region. The Belted Galloway cow has about 4000 hairs to the square inch making the coat resistant to severe cold. Meat. Belted Galloway Beef has been shown in a research study conducted at the University of Guelph - to have a total fat content of about 2% an extremely low percentage. The same study showed that the Belted Galloway Beef tested only.

Why Highlands and Belted Galloways are the perfect fit for this farmer

The "Belted Galloway", a hardy breed of Scottish Cattle, is distinctive because of the belted, white band evenly distributed around the mid section of the otherwise totally black animal. Many breeders and cattle fanciers refer to the "belties" as Oreo-cookie Cows. Calm Cattle Galloways are friendly, docile cattle. Even bulls are noted for their calm demeanor. Cows are milky, maternal and long-lived, with a well-deserved reputation for getting in calf every year. And, though Galloways are a quintessential hardy Northern breed, they adapt well to Southern climates, too. About Belted Galloways. The unique appearance of Belted Galloway cattle inspires many questions about their origins. With black, red or dun color sandwiched about a white middle, they are familiarly known as 'Belties' among breeders of the animals or 'Oreo Cookie Cows' to fans. Though references to 'sheeted' cattle occur in. Numbers generally range from 75 (winter) to 100 (summer) head. Aldermere farm routinely sells cattle and semen to other breeders. To learn more about Belties, visit the Belted Galloway Society To learn more about the Preserve, visit History of the Preserve

Belted Galloway Livestockpedia

What Are Belted Galloways? Commonly known as "belties," this remarkable old cattle breed is an excellent choice for a small heritage farm. Introducing you to the breed, I will share lots of pictures of our own beautiful animals, and the reasons why we chose them. It started with a Rare Breeds Canada summary of rare cattle breeds. Belted Galloways are also known for their browsing ability and ability to graze coarse grasses that other breeds avoid, giving them added value in the management and diversification of grasslands. Their hardiness and gentle temperament as well as their attractive coloring make them a favorite choice for beginning farmers. Did you know: The Galloway is a Scottish breed of beef cattle, named after the Galloway region of Scotland, where it originated during the seventeenth century. It is usually black, is of average size, is naturally polled and has a thick coat suitable for the harsh climate of Scotland. It is reared mainly for beef . General Characteristics It is claimed that the Belted Galloways are larger, milk heavier, and grow more rapidly than the parental breed. The distinctive white belt found in Belted Galloways often varies somewhat in width and regularity but usually covers most of the body from the shoulders to the hooks.

Banded Galloway Bull Photograph by Rod Jones

Belties are thrifty, rugged, and adaptable - they have been described as the only cattle that will fatten on a parking lot!Want to see more like this? Check. The Belted Galloway, also affectionately known as a "beltie," is a very distinctive cattle breed that stands out a mile. The "belted" portion of the name is in reference to the large white stripe or "belt" around the breed's middle, with another color on either side, often black. A Belted Galloway cow will provide an abundant milk supply, and you can train them for milking without too much trouble. Because Belties thrive on poor-quality grazing, they are an excellent low-cost dairy breed for milk production. You may need to provide supplemental feed when grazing is scarce, such as through frigid winters or scorching. Cows Most notable of our farm animals are our beloved signature black and white belted cows, a rare breed of Scottish beef cattle that was introduced to the United States back in the 1950s. In 1982, R.B. Fitch brought a herd of six Belted Galloway Cows from Virginia to Fearrington. There are now over thirty pet Belties grazing our pastures.

Belted Galloway Cattle The Livestock Conservancy

American Galloway Breeders Association (AGBA) We learned way back that it's not always in our best interest to chase every fad that rushes by. We watched the great frame race of the last two decades, and kept our cattle moderate in size and mature weight - even though it was unfashionable to do so. Then we witnessed the industry push for. Aldemere Farm - one the world's leading breeders of Belted Galloway cattle, also known as the "Oreo Cookie cow" Aldermere Farm, located in Rockport, Maine, is a great experience both because of the farm and the inspirational story behind it. It is home to the famous Belted Galloway cattle or "Belties." The Belted Galloway is a rare beef breed.