Rainbow Scarab Beetle on our Hibiscus. Don Taylor Flickr

Japanese beetles are annoying pests that eat hibiscus leaves and flowers. Adults have brown bodies with metallic green heads and lay their eggs in the soil. The larvae start to eat nearby roots once they hatch. Pick off adult Japanese beetles and drown them. Use Japanese beetle traps to lure these pests away from your hibiscus. The common bugs in Hibiscus plants are aphids, spider mites, scales, whiteflies, mealybugs, thrips, gall midge, and Japanese beetles. In most cases, insecticidal soaps, rubbing alcohol, and Neem oil can help in removing these bugs. If these fail, the last option is using pesticides.

Homer's Travels Photograph "Beetle On Hibiscus Leaf"

#1. Manually Remove Japanese Beetles If there are less than a dozen Japanese Beetles… Use gloves and manually pick Japanese Beetles off the individual Hibiscus leaves, and gently drop them into water with a few drops of dish detergent. Dispose of the dead Japanese Beetles in a garbage bag. Insecticidal soap Vinegar Show 1 more item Some common insects that destroy hibiscus are aphids, ants, thrips, coast flies, fungus, and mosquitoes. Most hibiscus plants become infected by insects due to poor management techniques. Watering and feeding your plant properly will make your plant healthy and will develop its resistance to these pests. Pest free, please. What eats hibiscus plants? How to get rid of bugs on hibiscus plants Whiteflies Thrips Ants Scale How do I get rid of aphids on my hibiscus plant? How do I get rid of green worms on my hibiscus? How to get rid of mealybugs on hibiscus How do I keep animals from eating my hibiscus? Use peppers Sprinkle cayenne Try coffee grounds Biological Encourage beneficial insects that will help control bugs that feed on hibiscus. Ladybugs are one of the best known, but other helpful insects include syrphid fly larvae, assassin bugs, green lacewings, and parasitic miniature wasps. Use chemical pesticides only when all else fails.

Rainbow Scarab Beetle on our Hibiscus. Don Taylor Flickr

Hibiscus beetle is a small oval-shaped black or dark brown beetle, 3-4mm long, which can be found on various flowers, including hibiscus, abutilons, dahlias, roses and even some weeds. The beetle hides in the flowers' buds, feeding predominantly on pollen and nectar, though they do like to snack on petals too. Mealybug infestations typically take the form of masses of a cottony white wax, but you may also notice white insects that do not fly away when disturbed or honeydew on the leaves of your plant. There are a few ways to manage infestations of whiteflies and mealybugs. The Hibiscus Flower Beetle (Aethina concolor) is a native pollen and nectar feeding beetle that may cause damage to the flowers of Hibiscus plants. The beetle is widely distributed in Australia, but is of most significance in the tropics and subtropics. Borers James Solomon, USDA Forest Service, Bugwood.org Twig pruners are the larvae of small beetles that tunnel in twigs and small branches. Female beetles lay their eggs about the time of bud break in the spring. Eggs are laid in small holes which are chewed into the bark.

Hibiscus Harlequin Beetle Caloundra September 2011

Place a bucket of soapy water beneath the hibiscus plant, and gently shake the plant to dislodge the beetles, dropping them into the soapy water. Remove any visible beetles in the early morning when they're not yet active. Plant Japanese beetle repellent plants in the same bed as your hibiscus to keep them away. Japanese beetles feed on hibiscus and many other plants, causing this type of leaf damage (above). Healthy plants will survive the beetles' nibbling, but look unsightly. Watch your garden closely for these coppery green beetles that eat and mate throughout the day. When you see them, remove them. Hibiscus Bud Weevil, Anthonomus testaceosquamosus, is a pest that is most likely to attack in the South, primarily in Texas across to Florida. This beetle feeds and lays its eggs in the flowers of Hibiscus, both tropical types and hardy shrubs. The flowers become disfigured and fall off before ever opening. Healthy plants will detect the hibiscus beetle and drop the damaged flower buds, so if you notice flowers falling prematurely it can usually be taken as a sign of the beetle's presence. Control hibiscus beetle and aphids on hibiscus with Searles Conguard spray. The worst pest of the hibiscus is the hibiscus flower beetle, which feeds on the.

Hibiscus Plant Bug, Vol. 5, No. 29 Mississippi State University Extension Service

Thrips are small insects that are among the common pests that can affect your hibiscus. They feed on the plant by piercing the surface and sucking the plant's juices. This can cause a variety of symptoms such as discoloration, curled or distorted leaves and blossoms, and an overall decline in the health of the plant. Look for beetles, about 2.5 mm long, brown heads, black forewings, eating holes in hibiscus flowers. Look to notice that the beetles invariably seem to be copulating, with males on top of females, but this may be behaviour known as 'male-gating', done to keep rivals at bay (Photos 1&2). Management