75 Fun Birthday Jokes For Kids

1. What does a clam do on its birthday? It shellebrates. 2. What does a monster eat on its birthday? I scream cake. 3. Why was the birthday cake hard as a rock? It was a marble cake. 4. What do you say to a kangaroo on its birthday? Hoppy birthday. 5. Why was the birthday cake sad? ADVERTISEMENT It's in tiers. 6. 1. What do you say to a rabbit on its birthday? Hoppy Birthday! 2. Why do candles always go on the top of cakes? Because it's hard to light them from the bottom. 3. What do cakes and baseball teams have in common? They both need a good batter. 4. What goes up but never comes down? Your age. 5. What does every birthday end with? The letter Y. 6.

25 Birthday Jokes for Kids to Create a Tiny Monstrosity!

Kids Joke Themes Birthday Jokes Here are some of the best birthday jokes for kids, parents and teachers to share on this special day. This collection of birthday jokes are great for birthday party favors, birthday party games, birthday card and for all-around birthday fun. All the birthday jokes are clean and safe for kids of all ages. 1. Knock, knock! Who's there? Omar. Omar who? Omar gosh, it's your birthday! 2. What did the ice-cream say to the grumpy birthday cake? "What's eating you?" 3. What did the cheese say to his friend on his birthday? "Hope you have a gouda birthday!" 4. What goes up and never comes down? Your age! Ariela Basson/Fatherly; Getty Images 5. Wanda wish you a Happy Birthday! Other Jokes For Kids You Will Love! 47+ Hilarious Thanksgiving Jokes For Kids. 50+ Silliest Easter Jokes For Kids. 155 shares. Pin; Share; Tweet; Email; Flipboard; posted in: Family. Previous. How To Dye Easter Eggs With Cool Whip. Next. Black Bean Corn Salsa (10 Minute Prep!) Join Our favorite happy birthday jokes for kids Knock, knock! Who's there? Oma. Oma who? Oma gosh, it's your birthday! What one thing will you get every year on your birthday, guaranteed? A year older. What has wings, a long colorful tail, and wears a bow? A birthday pheasant. What did the hermit crab do on his birthday? He shellabrated.

40 Best Birthday Jokes for Kids To Celebrate Their Special Day

50+ Very Best Birthday Jokes Q. What do penguins sing on a birthday? A. Freeze a jolly good fellow! Q. Why was the birthday cake as hard as a rock? A. Because it was marble cake! Q. How does the cat celebrate its birthday? A. By turning up the mewsic. Q. Why were there balloons in the bathroom? A. There was a birthday potty! Q. Birthday Jokes for Kids Q: What do you say to your cat on his birthday? A: Happy purr-day. Q: Why did the man get heartburn after eating birthday cake? A: He forgot to take off the candles. Q: How old was the cave man on his birthday? A: Stone Age. Q: What does every birthday end with? A: The letter Y. Birthday Jokes are my newest collection of funny jokes for kids of all ages, including some Birthday puns! Funny Birthday Jokes are just a few of my joke collections here at Skip to My Lou! So, you've heard it said that laughter is the best medicine and I firmly believe in that kind of medicine! For more groans and giggles, try these joke. 1.14 Even More Food and Cake Birthday Jokes for Kids ; 1.15 There Are a lot of Good Birthday Jokes for Kids About Food! 1.16 Still Going with Food Birthday Jokes for Kids; 1.17 Sweet Food Birthday Jokes for Kids ; 1.18 Birthday Jokes for Kids About Decorations and Presents ; 1.19 More Birthday Jokes for Kids About Presents and Decorations

51 Totally Goofy Birthday Jokes for Kids

These funny birthday jokes for a friend or family member have clean punchlines so they're appropriate for adults and kids of all ages — whether you need a corny joke about getting older to. By Beth McCallum Updated November 24, 2023 Take the edge off of aging with these amusing birthday jokes. Looking for the perfect way to sprinkle humor on a birthday celebration? Whether it's a cute quip for your kid or a hilarious roast for your coworker, I've got you covered. Birthday jokes are the perfect addition to every celebration! Whether you are turning 1 or 99 a good joke can really get the party started! Check out the ultimate list of funny birthday jokes for kids and adults and really get the party started! 1. Why are the candles always kept on the top of the cake? Answer: Because it's difficult to light them from below! 2. What is on the other side of the cake? Answer: The side that hasn't been eaten! 3. What goes up always but never comes down? Answer: Your age! 4. What does every birthday end with?

40 Best Birthday Jokes for Kids To Celebrate Their Special Day

Birthday Jokes for Kids What does a clam do on his birthday? - He shellabrates. What do penguins sing on a birthday? - Freeze a jolly good fellow! What did the tiger say to her cub on his birthday? - It's roar birthday. Why was the birthday cake as hard as a rock? - Because it was marble cake. What is it about birthdays that make kangaroos unhappy? Birthday jokes for kids don't get much funnier than these classic lines! Check out our favourite birthday jokes with these puns. 8. When the candles won't fit on the cake you know you're getting old. 9. I can't believe you're seven already - it seems like only yesterday you were six! 10. Sound the a-llama - it's your birthday!