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Thunbergia alata (Blackeyed Susan Vine) World of Flowering Plants
The black-eyed Susan vine ( Thunbergia alata) is a tropical perennial that is often grown as an annual flowering vine. It is a frequent sight in hanging baskets at the garden center. This flowering vine is as easy to care for as it is charming. Thunbergia alata, or black-eyed Susan vine, is a common houseplant. This is probably because it is easy to propagate from stem cuttings and, therefore, easy for owners to pass along a piece of the plant. A native of Africa, the vine needs warm temperatures but also requires shelter from the hottest rays of the sun. Black-eyed Susan Vine, Thunbergia alata Thunbergia alata is a fast-growing, free-flowering vine. Black-eyed Susan vine is commonly grown in the Midwest as a season annual to provide color in a vertical setting. Thunbergia alata (Black-Eyed Susan Vine) is a vigorous twining evergreen vine, often grown as an annual, with lush heart-shaped green leaves and attractive single yellow-orange flowers, 2 in. across (5 cm), adorned with dark purple-black throats. Borne in the leaf axils, they bloom throughout the summer and fall.
BlackEyed Susan Vine (Thunbergia Alata) Flower Profile
Description Black-eyed Susan vine is a showy tropical tender evergreen that is best grown as an annual and replaced each year. Dispite its common name, it has no relation to black-eye Susans ( Rudbeckia hirta) Plant in full sun with some afternoon shade, in rich, medium moisture, well-drained soils. Features I go ABOVE and BEYOND. This annual vine, will give you color all summer long, while climbing happily up whatever support you give it. Fast growing and fun, kids and adults alike will love it. Continuous Bloom or Rebloomer Long Blooming Heat Tolerant Deadheading Not Necessary Vine: Vine Characteristics Plant Type: Annual Height Category: Thunbergia alata, commonly called black-eyed Susan vine, [3] is a herbaceous perennial climbing plant species in the family Acanthaceae. It is native to Eastern Africa, and has been naturalized in other parts of the world. It is grown as an ornamental plant in gardens and in hanging baskets. The black-eyed Susan vine belongs to the Thunbergia genus which comprises between 100 and 150 species. The plant shares this genus with other showy species like T. atriplicifolia, T. battiscombei, T. erecta, T. fragrans, T. grandiflora, T. laurifolia, and T. mysorensis. The black-eyed Susan vine is a herbaceous perennial species.
Thunbergia alata "BlackEyed Susan Vine" Buy Online at Annie's Annuals
Black-eyed Susan vine, whose botanical name is Thunbergia alata, is a tender, evergreen, herbaceous perennial plant, but grown mostly as an annual. The plant is ideal for hanging baskets and containers. Thunbergia alata is pronounced as [thun-BER-jee-uh] [a-LAY-tuh]. The vine is native to tropical East Africa and belongs to the Acanthaceae. Thunbergia alata is sometimes known as the Black-eyed Susan vine. It's a tropical evergreen twining vine that can reach a height of 20 feet in frost-free zones. And grows 3-8′ tall in a single season as an annual. Want to add these Black-eyed Susan vines to your garden? Then, let's learn how to take care of it first. Read below to find.
Height: 5' - 8' Spread: 18" - 2' Plant is not sold online. Please try a local retailer. Details Features Don't JUST keep up with the Joneses. LEAPFROG them. This annual vine, will give you color all summer long, while climbing happily up whatever support you give it. Fast growing and fun, kids and adults alike will love it. Thunbergia alata, commonly called black-eyed Susan vine, is native to tropical areas of East Africa. It is a tropical evergreen twining vine that eventually climbs to 20' in frost free areas. As an annual, it will grow to 3-8' tall in a single season.
Plants & Flowers » BlackEyed Susan Vine
Info Species alata (a-LAY-tuh) Info Synonym Endomelas alata Sun Exposure Unknown - Tell us Foliage Unknown - Tell us Height Unknown - Tell us Spacing Unknown - Tell us Hardiness Unknown - Tell us Danger Unknown - Tell us Bloom Color Unknown - Tell us Bloom Time Unknown - Tell us Other Details Category Unknown - Tell us Water Requirements Cultivars offer different colors than orange. Each fruit releases a number of reticulate seeds. Black-eyed Susan vine does best when allowed to grow on some sort of support structure instead of just rambling through adjacent plants, although it can be used as a ground cover.