German Colors (Farben) English German Color Chart Foreign language learning, Classroom

Blue - blau Light blue - hellblau Dark blue - dunkelblau Purple - lila Pink - rosa Khaki - khaki Black - schwarz White - weiß Grey - grau Brown - braun German colors: Fun facts Red - rot If you're a wine drinker, rot is an important color to learn. Red wine is Rotwein in German. noun the colour/color of a cloudless sky das Blau The sky was a beautiful blue. a blue paint, material etc das Blau We'll have to get some more blue. the sky or the sea das Blau The balloon floated off into the blue. View all (Translation of blue from the PASSWORD English-German Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) A1,C2,A2 Translations of blue

Colors in German 90 Mesmerizing Shades From Lilac to Lemon

How To Name And Pronounce Colors In German Roses are rot, violets are blau; here's a guide to master German colors right now! Here's an overview of all the colors in der Regenbogen (the rainbow). By Thomas Moore Devlin October 3, 2018 Color words are one of the most useful tools we have for identifying things. How to say blue in German What's the German word for blue? Here's a list of translations. German Translation Blau More German words for blue blau adjective drunk, high, plastered, sloshed, boozed das Blau noun blue der Himmel noun sky, heaven, canopy, roof lining traurig adjective sad, sorry, sorrowful, mournful, unhappy melancholisch adjective Glossary with the most common colors in German and English with pronunciation 'Hellblau' is the most common way to say light blue in German. It is a combination of 'hell' meaning light and 'blau' meaning blue. Read Ways To Say We're Hiring In German Another way to say light blue is 'Blaugrau,' which is a mix of blue and gray. These terms will help you accurately describe different shades of blue in German. Dark Blue Shades

How to pronounce 'blau' (blue) in German? German Pronunciation YouTube

1 Learn some basic colors: Green = grün [ɡʁyːn] (pronunciation: groon) Brown = braun [bʁaʊ̯n] (brown) Yellow = gelb [ɡɛlp] (gelp) White = weiß [vaɪs] (vice) Gray = grau [ɡʁaʊ] (gr - ow, as in how) Blue = blau [blaʊ] (bl - ow, as in how) Orange = orange [oˈʁaŋʃ] (or-ahn-sh) Black = schwarz [ʃvaʁt͡s] (shvarts) Beige = beige [beːʃ] (beige) Here you can find the translation for "Blue" and a mnemonic illustration to help you remember it. / / /. noun 1. Blau nt the boys in blue (inf: = police) die Polizei pl, die Grünen pl (dated inf) 2. (liter, = sky) Himmel m out of the blue (fig inf) aus heiterem Himmel (inf) 3. (Pol) Konservative (r) mf 4. (inf) the blues plural (= depression) der Moralische (inf) to have the blues den Moralischen haben (inf) 5. (Mus) the blues plural der Blues 25 Colors. 02:05. The world is full of color. What's your favorite color? Blue, yellow or red? Or something completely different? Learn the names of colors in German.

Basic colors in German and their association Lingoda

German 90 mesmerizing shades of color in German from royal blue to red March 21, 2022 Author Marie Schmoll Colors beautifully demonstrate how speakers of different languages often see the world through different lenses. Did you know that other languages don't always differentiate colors in the same way that English does? Blue also has its unique meanings, such as sadness or depression. In Germany, a color may mean different things, and each color has its distinct cultural implications. The Color Red. In German, the color red is used to express love and anger. For example, the German phrase, 'Rot wie die Liebe,' means red like love. Colour words in German. schwarz - black. Shades / expressions. pechschwarz - pitch black. kohlrabenschwarz - black as a raven. Schwarzfahrer - black rider, i.e. someone who rides a bus or train without a ticket, like a stowaway. Schwarzseher - black-looker, i.e. a pessimist. schwarzmalen - painting in black - expressing a pessimistic outlook. But in German, bunt or farbenfroh (colorful) expressions are usually very literal: Expressions that contain colors— grün (green), rot (red), blau (blue), schwarz (black), and braun (brown)—use colors literally. Adjectives and Expressions

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Here are some useful examples. "Ich liebe das Himmelblau in deinen Augen." - I love the sky blue in your eyes. Well, grammatically spoken, this is called an "elision". So, what you describe is something "blau", so, blau wie der Himmel, (blue like the sky), Some expressions, like the ones above, are widely used and have a standard name, but if you have your own poetic mind and you. How to Say "Blue" in German How to Say "Green" in German How to Say "Yellow" in German How to Say "Orange" in German How to Say "Pink" in German How to Say "Purple" in German How to Say "Grey" in German How to Say "Black" in German How to Say "White" in German How to Say "Brown" in German Over to You!