Happy Ending Christian Fletcher's Parallel Stance SURFER Magazine

Christian Fletcher United States Follow 42 Followers First season 2016 Men's QS Stay in the know and top of the action from pro surfer Christian Fletcher. Find videos, photos, age, height and the latest tour results and rankings here. Originally published: 9/26/2001 Thanks in large part to Christian Fletcher (1970-), our medium has largely transformed into a liquefied skate park. "When I'm riding down a wave," he says, "I just.

Christian Fletcher's Aerials Win 1989 Surf Bout The Inertia

Legendary Californian hotdogger and early Hawaii pioneer, Herbie Fletcher, Christian was ordained for greatness. Born on oahu, he grew up in surf shacks surrounded by his dad's friends who were also some of the most influential surfing and pop culture icons of the day, including Jimi Hendrix and the Grateful Dead. About Contact Terms Innovative metal-loving goofyfooter from San Clemente, California; an icon in both aerial surfing and surf-rebel extremism. "He's got tombstones for eyes, and is always bleeding from somewhere," surf writer Matt George noted. "Anytime Christian Fletcher shows up, an ordinary day suddenly ends." In 1970, while still living on the North Shore they popped out their first son, Christian. When he hit schooling age, they decided to move back to California. "I just thought it would be better." she reflects to Juice mag. "In hindsight, was it better? I don't know." 24th August 2016 Presented by We've teamed up with Jeep, who are celebrating their 75th anniversary this year, to shine a spotlight on some of the ultimate renegades from the world of action sports - past, present and future. Christian Fletcher is one of the most out there examples in surfing.

44 Christian Fletcher Surfer

Hang with the legendary surfer Christian Fletcher, he hits Salt Creek Beach in Dana Point, CA for a quick session and hangs out on the coast juggling. 00:00 / 02:30:33 Privacy Policy Our guest this week was born with Surfing in his DNA. His Family is one of the most Core Surf Families that have ever lived with decades of contributions that have had a profound impact on the Surfing World. Ian Cairns—Christian really hated Ian Cairns. It occurs to me now that Fletcher should fall to his knees and give thanks daily to Hardman and Cairns and all the other surf-establishment strawmen that he tilted against all those years. Without them, the rebelliousness would have come down to his mom and the haircut. Disruptors Christian Fletcher Wins 1989 Surf Bout; Opens Door for Aerial Surfing Wednesday May 28, 2014 Taylor Pitz The Inertia Health Editor Community Editor's Note: Disruptors is a new series.

Christian Fletcher

Occy asks Christian about his famous contest win in 1989 at Lowers that polarised surfing to such an extent members of the top 16 co-signed a letter to the various surfing magazines asking for photos of Christian not be run. "Got talked into buying a house by my parents. Oct 31, 2014. Christian Fletcher is without a doubt one of the gnarliest humans to set his feet onto wax (or Astrodeck traction). At 44, C.F. is still holding his line harder than anyone else and ollie-ing over spectators in the channel when they cross his path. Now watch as he terrorizes the reeling lefts of Indonesia and all those in his way. Hawaii-born air pioneer Christian Fletcher has used Instagram to relay his tremendous displeasure at moto superstar Robbie Maddison's use of the word Maddhouse to describe his house and track setup in Southern California. Maddhouse, of course, is a play on Maddison etc. Christian Fletcher, Trestles, 1990's. Christian was blazing a new path in surfing. A surfer who didn't care what others thought wanted to get as radical as.

Happy Ending Christian Fletcher's Parallel Stance SURFER Magazine

Christian Fletcher: The epitome of anti-establishment in the surfing world and hailing from a line of surfing royalty, took a dying breed of surfing and gave it a much needed shot in the arm. Rejoice, Christian Fletcher fans, because owning a board shaped and painted by surfing's anti-hero is now a real-life possibility. Hallelujah! The days of technologically incompetent pro surfers.