Hex Color: #63666A; RGB: (99,102,106) CMYK: (57,46,40,25) Shades and Variations of Dark Gray #E6EEF7 #ABB0B8 #6F7378 #4C4E52 Complementary Colors to Dark Gray #B8A598 #6B6A69 #B8B398 #6B695E Dark Gray Color Swatch Sample Dark gray / #a9a9a9 hex color #a9a9a9 Color Information Information Conversion Schemes Alternatives Preview Shades and Tints Tones Blindness Simulator In a RGB color space, hex #a9a9a9 (also known as Dark gray) is composed of 66.3% red, 66.3% green and 66.3% blue.
Solid Dark Grey Wallpaper (68+ images)
The 13 Best Gray Paint Colors With VIOLET Undertones. 6. BENJAMIN MOORE AMHERST GRAY HC-167. Amherst Gray is a HUGELY popular dark gray paint color, coming in a hot second place to Chelsea Gray. With an LRV of 17, Amherst Gray has more meat on its bones without going as dark as Kendall Charcoal (also lovely). Black Coral Hex #54626F RGB 84, 98, 111 CMYK 24, 12, 0, 56 Blue Gray Blue gray is a straightforward color representing a standard blue color with heavy traces of gray. Blue Gray Hex #98AFC7 RGB 152, 175, 199 CMYK 24, 12, 0, 22 Cadet Gray 1. Pair dark gray with yellow for a statement color contrast 2. Use light gray and black alongside dark gray for a calming feel 3. Prioritize sophistication with a rich color pairing 4. Mix light, mid and dark grays for a tranquil aesthetic 5. Choose colors from the post-modernist period 6. Go for a dark and dramatic feel 7. The web colors gray, gainsboro, light gray, dark gray, and dim gray are all achromatic colors. A chromatic gray is a gray color in which the red, green, and blue codes are not exactly equal, but are close to each other, which is what makes it a shade of gray. White and black
Dark Gray Wallpapers HD
Dark grey is a range of color that is close to black. These include greyscale shades that are composed of black + white. Dark greys can also be tinged with color. As with black, dark grey is perceived as a serious, formal, classic, gothic, authoritative, conservative, pious and respectful color. Dark warm greys look great with mustard, aqua, and coral.'. 1. Pink. (Image credit: Stephan Julliard. Studio credit Sophie Dries Architect) While grey and pink isn't always considered the most sophisticated pairing, deeper tones of both and strategic ways of pairing them can make the combo feel more modern. Dark grey shades communicate authority, strength, and reliability. It is often associated with professionalism and stability. That's why many companies use a dark grey color scheme in their graphic designs, and combine it with various bright colors. The hex code for dark grey is #5A5A5A. Dark grey is complementary to many colors. Dark Grey hex color code for HTML including the css name, hex, rgb, hsl values and similar lighter / darker color codes. Image Color; Red Colors; Maroon Colors. Grey Colors; Silver Colors; White Colors; Black Colors; Dark Grey Color [HEX: #A9A9A9] You can find more similar colors of dark grey within the Grey Color Codes List. Example: #a9a9a9.
[49+] Dark Grey Wallpaper
The hexadecimal RGB code of Dark Gray color is #A9A9A9. This code is composed of a hexadecimal A9 red (169/256), a A9 green (169/256) and a A9 blue component (169/256). The decimal RGB color code is rgb (169,169,169) . Closest WebSafe color: Manatee (#999999) G Search on Google RGB Red Green Blue HSV Hue Saturation Value CMYK Cyan Magenta Yellow Gray is a neutral and achromatic color, meaning a color without hue. In color theory, a shade is a pure color mixed with black. Technically speaking, a shade of gray would be an achromatic gray only, where the values of red, green, and blue are equal.
The hex code for Dark Grey is #363737 . In the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color space, which is used for digital colors, Dark Grey has 21%% Red, 22% Green, and 22% Blue. Dark Grey has 180° Hue, 2% Saturation, and 22% Value in the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space, which is another way to represent digital colors. Paint similar to Dark Gray . Here are the best recommended paint colors similar to Dark Gray . Delta E (ΔE) is the measure of the difference between two colors. Delta E is measured on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 means exact match, and 100 is the highest difference. Dunn-Edwards. Dark Gray color similar/equivalent paint from Dunn-Edwards.
[47+] Solid Dark Grey Wallpaper
Black is the darkest shade, and the result of the absence or complete absorption of light. Like white and gray, it is an achromatic color, literally a color without hue. Blue Blue is a color, the perception of which is evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 440-490 nm. Silver #c0c0c0 | rgb (192,192,192) Dark Grey #a9a9a9 | rgb (169,169,169) Light Slate Grey #778899 | rgb (119,136,153) Slate Grey #708090 | rgb (112,128,144) Dim Grey #696969 | rgb (105,105,105) Davy's grey #555555 | rgb (85,85,85) Payne Grey #536878 | rgb (83,104,120) Trolley Grey #808080 | rgb (128,128,128) Cadet Grey #91a3b0 | rgb (145,163,176)