Telling the Time in German! Examples&Explanations on

In addition, German dates will often be preceded by am, meaning "on," or der, meaning "the.". If you want to spell out the date, it's pretty much the same except the month is spelled out. So now, instead of der 4.11.1990, it would be 4. November 1990. If you want to say this out loud, you should note that the period is kind of like. How to write the date in German. When we write the date in German, we can write the day and the month as ordinal numbers. But we can also write the month out as a word, a method that is preferred when we also mention the day of the week. Examples: 5.10.2011. 5.

3 Ways to Write German Dates wikiHow

Note that numbered dates in German (and in all of the European languages) are always written in the order of the day, month, year—rather than the month, day, year. For example, in German, the date 1/6/01 would be written 6.1.01 (which is Epiphany or Three Kings, the 6th of January 2001). This is the logical order, moving from the smallest. For example, you would write "July 4, 2019" as der 4. Juli 2019. Tip: When using both words and numbers to write the date, you don't need to include a "0" as a placeholder for single-digit days. 3. Add the name of the month and the numerals for the year. After the day of the year, write out the name of the month. How to say the months and dates in German. by Erin McGann Published on January 3, 2021 / Updated on January 8, 2024 Master the art of writing dates in German with this comprehensive guide. Explore the nuances of German grammar, including the Nominative and Dative cases, and learn how to use ordinal numbers effectively. Whether you're using 'sein' or prepositions like 'am,' 'vom. bis zum,' and 'ab dem,'. Perfect for beginners and advanced learners.

die Ordinalzahlen How to say dates in German correctly in 2021 Ordinalzahlen, Deutsch lernen

Just like English dates, German dates require the use of ordinal numbers. 1. If you want to write out the month in German letters, use the preposition am + number followed by a full stop + month + year. Here, the full stop serves as the ordinal ending -ten (in English, you'll see -th, -rd, or -nd following a number). In German, dates are written with the formats: Long format: der 01.Februar 2009. the 1st of February, 2009. Short format: der 01.02.2009. 01 (day)/02 (month)/2009. Differences between English and German date formats: The separating symbol between the month, year and day in English is the slash "/" and in German it is the period ".". To talk about dates in German, we need to know how to say a few different parts: the date, the day of the week, the month and the year. Let's jump right in: In order to talk about dates in German, the first task is to learn the German ordinal numbers. You may already know some of the German numbers, and if you can already count up to 31, then. Here we explain how to write and say the date in German. The ordinal numbers are especially important for this. 15. Juli 1996. 30. November 2008. Learn how to use numbers correctly in German. From telling the time, saying the date, counting and even fractions we've got everything covered!

3 Ways to Write German Dates wikiHow

When making plans, appointments, and travel arrangements in German-speaking countries, you need to be able to state dates and other calendar terms in, well, Ger. When giving a date in German, you state the number as an ordinal, just like English. The numbers from 0 to 19 end in -te to form ordinals like zehnte (10th). In this video I teach you how to read and write dates in German. This video includes an overview of ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc) and how they are use. c.) der erste Mai 2016. The date can also be written in this way. You should only write out numbers under zwölf (12) because the higher numbers are too long to look good in a text. Keep in mind that the year is always a cardinal numbe r in German. And don't forget to capitalize the month, as already mentioned above. Both the English word calendar and German Kalender come from the Latin word kalendae (calends, "the day when accounts are due") or the first day of the month. Roman dates were expressed in "kalendae," nonae" (nones), and "idus" (ides), the 1st, 5th, and 13th days of a month (the 15th day in the months of March, May, July, and October) respectively.

3 Ways to Write German Dates wikiHow

The only two numbers you need with dates after 29 are as follows. dreißigste - 30th einunddreißigste - 31st. German Dates are Masculine. If you want to read or write the date in German, you can form your sentence similarly to what you do in English. Keep in mind that dates are masculine, so everything uses "der" or a variant thereof. That's where Ling comes in! Our awesome language app is here to save the der Tag (the day). Our friendly mascot - Ling - will guide you to learn German or any of the 60 plus languages we offer. You'll learn to read, write, speak and pronounce new languages with Ling. We'll have you fluent in only 10 - 15 minutes a day.