Weird Australian 'Laws' Fact or Fiction? Go To Court Lawyers

Weird Australian Laws 1. It is illegal to wear hot pink hot pants after midday on a Sunday. 2. It's an offence to possess 50kgs of potatoes in Western Australia. 3. Taxi cabs in Queensland are required to carry a bale of hay in the trunk. 4. Bars are required to stable, water and feed the horses of their patrons. 5. Australia Australia The possession of a knife is illegal and punishable by a $10,000 fine. Don't worry - firearms, slingshots, throwing stars, and just about anything you could conceive of are illegal in Australia. Kind of ruins the old image of Crocodile Dundee or "tough" Australians, doesn't it?

Weird Australian laws Which rules are real, and which are fiction? Adelaide Now

Australia is known for its many strange and unusual laws. From bans on certain foods and drinks to regulations on animal behavior, there's a law for just about everything in the Land Down Under. But why are these laws so strange? And how do they affect the way Australians live their lives? #1 You cannot injure a homing pigeon according to South Australian laws. The same law that makes it illegal to harm this bird is also applicable in Victoria. Although weird, the laws are meant to protect the bird which is important for distant communication. #2 You cannot disrupt a wedding or a funeral in South Australia. 14 of the most obscure Australian laws you've never heard of Posted on 14 Jul 2017 Criminal lawyers at Slater and Gordon have compiled a list of some of the most obscure laws Australians might not know about - after a man was fined $252 for trying to move a fridge on a Brisbane train. Western Australia's powerful spud regular, the Potato Marketing Corporation — which is the last of its kind in Australia — has the power to stop and search any vehicle suspected of carrying more than 50kg of potatoes. It's enshrined in a law from 1946.

27 Stupid Laws That Are So Dumb, They Should Be Illegal

8. It is illegal (and stupid) to leave your car keys in an unattended vehicle. Protecting people from themselves. 9. It is against the law to roam the streets wearing black clothes, felt shoes and. Some seriously crazy laws. Local pub owners must provide water and feed to your horse when you show up for a pint - that's the law but, don't drink too much because it's illegal to be drunk in a pub. Weird laws from around Australia 1 of 8 Attribution: Getty By 9News Staff May 13, 2022 - 2:16PM It's an idyllic, peaceful past time. However, Victoria has taken a strong stance on the flying of kites. It's an offence to fly a kite 'to the annoyance of any person' in the state. [Section 4, Summary Offences Act 1966 (Vic)]. The penalty for breaking this law in Western Australia is $2,000 for a first offence, or $5,000 if you're in the habit of collecting a large amount of potatoes for subsequent offences. You can also be jailed in Western Australia for up to 12 months if you're cleaning up seabird or bat poo without a licence. South Australia

27 Stupid Laws That Are So Dumb, They Should Be Illegal

Gorgeous! You're breaking the law if you wander around Australia with black shoe polish on your face, felt shoes and black clothes because these are the tools of a cat burglar! It's illegal to give psychic and tarot readings as these are forms of witchcraft!? In Victoria it is an offence to fly a kite 'to the annoyance of any person', to harness your goat to your vehicle and drive it through a public place, and you can be jailed for cleaning up seabird or bat poo without a licence in Western Australia. Escape writers less than 2 min read November 1, 2020 - 8:34AM Escape Add to favourites 1. HOT PINK HOT PANTS First on our list of bizarre laws of Australia is this. Apparently, in Victoria, you cannot wear hot pink hot pants after midday on a Sunday. There goes your plan to beat the heat while wearing a good colour. 1- In Western Australia, it is illegal for people to have more than 50 kgs of potatoes in one place. Yes, potatoes!! Police even have the right to stop and search people and vehicles if they suspect that they might be in possession of more than 50kgs of the vegetable.

42 Weird Laws Around The World.

1. Porn That's right, it turns out your favourite past time is quite illegal. Well, illegal in certain circumstances. Pornos are rated X18+ and X18+ films can only be legally exhibited or sold in the ACT or NT. Explains why those adult stores everywhere are so discreet then. On top of all that, porn is also not allowed on the internet in Australia. Anti-hooning Laws. Hoon is the word we use in Australia to describe someone with anti social driving behaviour such as speeding, street racing, burnouts and playing loud music from a car stereo. Though instead of a fine, anti-hooning laws have been introduced in Queensland which give police the power to hit reckless drivers where it hurts and.