A Media Blog Feature Article Layout Mockup

A feature article is an article written to give more depth to topical events, people or issues. Written by an expert or a journalist, these texts provide background information on a newsworthy topic as well as the writer's personal slant or experience. Voice Features articles use a mix of first, second or third person as appropriate. 1. Explore a topic or issue of current importance. Follows narratorial conventions (i.e. There is a plot, complication, and conclusion) Written in short paragraphs. Combine facts and opinions. Provide a perspective or angle about the topic or issue. Includes catchy features (eg. Includes catchy features (eg. -Messie

The generic conventions of magazines feature article

en.03.01 What is a feature article? A feature article differs in style, pace and structure from a news story. It usually picks up on a particular detail of a news story, person, event or social trend and explores that subject at length. Our features resource is a helpful tool to identify the structural elements of a feature. Read features in Guardian G2 Below is a PowerPoint which includes the language and structural conventions of feature articles. It includes a link to an example of a feature article which can be printed as a class set prior to delivering the lesson. The lesson can be changed to suit your teaching style. English feature article conventions in writing REVISED RE-STRUCTURED There's more and more more apparent agreement in regards to the conventions expected for every text type per the written text B Subject Guide (SL list p.31 HL list p.40).

10 Easy Steps How to Make a Feature Article in 2024

FEATURE ARTICLE CONVENTIONS Term 1 / 3 HEADLINE Click the card to flip 👆 Definition 1 / 3 Bold, descriptive language, images, rhetorical questions, can contain jokes. Click the card to flip 👆 Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by thaliacollova Terms in this set (3) HEADLINE 25 July 2018 | How to structure a feature article Read our easy guide on putting together a feature article Writers - good writers - all have storytelling skills, and feature writers are nothing without them, so feel free to use any tool in your writer's arsenal to serve the story as best you can. How to Write an Amazing Feature Article in 5 Steps We will show you how to write a feature article step-by-step to wow your teachers! Think of this as a preview to the rest of your feature article. It 'introduces' the ideas you're about to explore and as a general rule, is about 10% of the overall word count. The introduction draws the reader in from the headline and provokes their interest by injecting a good dose of intrigue and speculation.

how to write a feature article

A feature article focuses on a specific task — they can be as general or as niche as you like! They usually dive deeper into a story than articles do, giving more depth into events, people or issues. What is a press release? Writing a feature A feature is a longer piece of writing than a news story. Features come in many different types and are widely used in magazines, newspapers and. Persuasive Speech Conventions. Persuasive Techniques. English (Year 12) - Non-Fiction Language Features. Ben Whitten. Persuasive Techniques. These persuasive techniques are a part of feature articles as well as persuasive speeches. Figures of speech: Figures of speech are literary devices used to create figurative language, such as similes,. 1. Choose a format for your article. Feature articles do not have a particular formula the way hard news articles do. You don't need to follow the "inverted pyramid" style of writing that conveys the "who, what, where, when and why" of a news story. Instead, choose a more inventive way to write a story.

G321 FOUNDATION PORTFOLIO Exploring a Feature Article

Fan culture continues to evolve. The Fan Expo Canada north building convention floor is seen in Toronto on Thursday Aug. 25, 2022. The Fan Expo is back this year, a space for comic enthusiasts, TV. The phrase "writing conventions" may sound unfamiliar to some, but everyone knows what they are when they see them. The four pillars include: spelling. grammar. punctuation. capitalization. The writers in our very own content marketing agency use it on a daily basis.