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The purple velvet plant is a low-growing evergreen plant with purple and green leaves. Its velvety, fuzzy leaves have a dark green upper side and vivid purple underside. The purple velvet plant has characteristic purple stems and tiny orange-yellow flowers . Basil plants typically have bright green leaves, but there are purple varieties as well. Leaves can vary from a pale purple-green color to deep velvety maroon, depending on the variety and the amount of sunlight the plant receives. Purple Ground Clematis Purple Ground Clematis will attract a variety of pollinators with their fragrant white blooms.

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The oyster plant is a beautiful houseplants that comes with green leaves on top and a purple underside for a stunning look. Sometimes known as boat lily or Moses-in-the-cradle, the oyster plant is an easy-to-grow herbaceous perennial that is equally comfortable inside or outside. The purple passion plant is a beautiful looking plant with its dark green serrated leaves covered in soft purple hairs, which gives the entire plant a purple sheen. This plant grows to 1 to 2 feet and looks great in a hanging basket. The Purple Pearl Echeveria is a beautiful succulent that features soft, purple-green leaves and unique rosette-shaped foliage. It's an easy-to-care-for purple and green plant that prefers bright, indirect light. Look at some Big Echeveria Varieties here 16. Rex Begonia Echeveria 'Purple Pearl,' as it is known scientifically, is a Purple Pearl Echeveria that grows best in USDA Zones 9-12. This stunning succulent has delicate, purple-green leaves clustered in a distinctive rosette-like foliage pattern. It is a purple and green plant that is easy to maintain and thrives in bright, indirect light.

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These 15 plants with purple leaves range from the reddish end of the color spectrum to dark, almost black hues of purple. Choose several to create a striking color echo throughout your garden.. a rex begonia with deep reds, purples, silvers, and green all thrown together. Growing Conditions: part shade and moist, well-drained soil Size: 10. Commonly called the purple passion or velvet plant, Gynura aurantiaca is a flowering plant that belongs to the daisy family. It's most noted for its deep-green leaves that are dusted with a coat of bright-purple fuzz. It features vibrant orange-yellow blossoms and grows wild in Southeast Asia. A few of the beautiful plants with green and purple leaves are: Wandering Jew, Purple Sword, Red Ivy, African Mask Plant, and Tiger Stripes Calanchoe. Whether you're looking for a pop of color or a more subdued aesthetic, there are plenty of indoor and outdoor green and purple-leaved varieties to choose from that will stand out well in contrast to your green-only garden. The Purple waffle plant is another selection among purple houseplants. It is also commonly known as red-flame ivy and red ivy from the Acanthaceae family. The Purple waffle plant is a tropical perennial that grows up to 6 inches tall and 8 inches wide and makes excellent indoor plants. 8. Elephant Ear Plant

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3. Purple Heart Plant. The purple heart plant is a perennial species of spiderwort. It is distinguished by its elongated pointed leaves that are violet or purple. Its iconic purple stems grow to a height of two feet long, this plant even goes under the name Tradescantia Pallida. The Persian shield plant botanical name is trobilanthes dyerianus and is a spectacular foliage plant with leaves of purple, silver, and green veins. For an extra impact, pair it with yellow flowers. You can pinch the buds to encourage branching and a bushier plant up to 2 to 3 feet with a spacing of around 2 feet. The thick clumps of spear-shaped leaves make the oyster plant an excellent border or ground cover plant. The leaves are purple underneath and green and purple striped on top. Oyster plant spreads from the roots forming thick clusters. It's small, growing only 6 to 12 inches high. Below is a list of the 20 most common and popular plants with green leaves and purple flowers. 1. Allium. The allium species is one of the most popular green-leafed plants that produces purple flowers. It is a very exciting addition to any landscape, not just for its lovely feel but for its circular shape. The bloom head is formed from clusters.

A Coleus, colored, flowering, green, leaves, plant, purple, two tone

Often grown as a shrub, the purple leaf filbert plant's deep purple color fades to a green purple in late summer, earlier in the south. It's native to Europe and Southwest Asia. It's a relative of the hazel family as it produces edible nuts. It grows well in Zones 4-8, and can reach up to 20 inches tall. BUGLEWEED (Ajuga reptans)Zones: 3-10 Exposure: Full sun to partial shade Habit: Spreading habit Height/Spread: 6 to 8 inches tall, 24 for inches or more wide Bloom time: Late spring to early summer This perennial ground cover produces green, purple or variegated leaves and attractive blue or purple flowers. Plants are tolerant of a wide range of growing conditions and are virtually carefree.