Guca festival 2023 Posted on Thursday February 23rd, 2023 by Dejan Guca festival will be from 11 th up to 13th August. It will be the 62nd festival in a row and we are expecting details of the program soon. It will be taking place as always, in Guca, at the stadium and at the stage in front of the house of culture as well as on the streets of Guca. (GUČA, 11-13AUGUST 2023) Program of the 62nd Guča Festival from 11.08.-13.08.23. FRIDAY 11. August 2023. 11:00 - Festival opening 11:30 Press conference including organizers and hosts 12:00 Opening of art exhibits 12:30 Street of old crafts opens 13:00 Opening of the book fair The stage of the Cultural Center 17:00 Concert: Trumpet finalists
Guca Trumpet Festival 2023 Rad Season
Na taj svečani dan, 14. oktobra 1961. godine, održan je prvi "Dragačevski sabor trubača", koji će zauvek obeležiti istoriju srpskog trubaštva. Desimir Perišić iz Goračića postao je prvi pobednik, dok je za najbolji orkestar proglašen orkestar Dragana Jovanovića iz Dljina. Tako je započeta naša tradicija i stvoreno neprocenjivo. Guča festival 2023 počinje za dve nedelje. Tako će u sredu, 09. avgusta, Guča festival otvoriti najveći boem regionalne folk scene - Aco Pejović, a već sutradan, 10. avgusta na Glavnom stadionu pred publiku će izaći najpopularnija pevačica današnjice - Aleksandra Prijović. Interesovanje publike za Predsaborske dane je takođe. Guca Festival 2023 Serbia.This year the Final Serbian Trumpet Band Competition will be held for the 62th time in 2023. Maestros from whole Serbia will compete for the prestige Golden Trumpet award. Guca Trumpet Festival 2023: Serbia's Incredible Brass Bands and Trumpet Players from all over the World The Guca Trumpet Festival is a celebration of trumpet culture in Serbian folk music, an instrument that has deep historical and political ties to the country.
Guca Festival en Serbia, 2023
The Dragacevo Assembly, commonly known as the Guča festival, is a well-liked annual celebration of Balkan brass band music. The festival's most recent iteration will be held in the picturesque Serbian village of Lucani from August 11 to 13 of 2023. Guča Festival od 09. do 13. avgusta! Koncerti Ace Pejovića (09. avgusta) i Aleksandre Prijović (10. avgusta) zagrevanje za 62. Sabor i smotru najboljih trubača i trubačkih orkestara Srbije Autor: Republika Zabava 10.07.2023 16:38 Pratite nas i putem Android ili iOS aplikacija The Guča Trumpet Festival (Serbian: Фестивал трубача у Гучи, romanized: Festival trubača u Guči), also known as the Dragačevski Sabor (Serbian: Драгачевски сабор or Dragačevo Fair (Fete, Gathering or Assembly), pronounced [draɡǎːtʃeʋskiː sǎːbor]), is an annual Balkan brass band festival held in the town of Guča, near the city of Čačak, in the. History - Guca Trumpet Festival 2023 HISTORY of most famous Folk Festival in Serbia "I didn't know you could play trumpet that way" Miles Davis, a Guca Festival visitor. The village of Guča (pronounced Gucha) in the Dragačevo district is a peaceful, scenic and colorful part of western Serbia.
Winners of the 62th Guca trumpet competition 2023 Guca Trumpet Festival 2023
Guca Trumpet Festival 2023 Private group · 1.9K members Join group About Discussion More About Discussion About this group Are You booked Your place for the 62nd Guca Trumpet Festival for 2023? It's right time to get all discounts we offer..UP TO 25% DISCOUNT ON REGULAR PRICES. Contact: DM Private About Discussion About this group Accommodation Guca: (Trumpet Festival 2024). OFFER: Konak Curcic and about 40 private accommodation houses, 5 apartments, 3 flats. All accommodation type in center cross the stadium, where festival organize. More than 3.000 people from 40 different countries every year stay with us.
The trumpet festival in the western Serbian town of Guča is one of Europe's most captivating musical events. Each year, a bold mix of national pride, fairgro. When: Friday, August 9, 2024 - Sunday, August 11, 2024 - Estimated date! Add Comment Guca Brass Band Festival Photo: GuÄa brass band festival is held, every year in August, in the little Serbia town GuÄa which is located 150 km south of Belgrade.
Guca Trumpet Festival 2023 Rad Season
Date11-13 agosto 2023. Qualcosa non va? Guča Trompet Festival è un festival di orchestra che si tiene ogni agosto a Guča, una città della regione di Dragačevo in Serbia occidentale. Ogni anno, la piccola città si trasforma in una festa massiccia con musica ottone suonando ovunque, l'odore di decine di maiali grigliati, e ballare su ogni. 11210 Belgrade Serbia Cell phone / viber Dejan +381653392303 Email:
[email protected] Guca is a village in Serbia best known for the final competition of trumpet orchestras. Festival of food, drink and traditional trumpet sound