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lobo ( loh - boh ) masculine noun 1. (animal) a. wolf Escuché a un lobo aullar anoche.I heard a wolf howling last night. Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc. Examples Examples have not been reviewed. wolf (3065) werewolf (833) werewolves (285) More examples Phrases Machine Translators Translate lobo using machine translators See Machine Translations noun / 'loβo/ (also loba / 'loβa/ [ feminine ]) Add to word list (animal) mamífero carnívoro de pelaje gris o pardo wolf [plural] una manada de lobos hambrientos a pack of hungry wolves Se oía el aullido de los lobos. persona astuta y cautelosa old fox El jefe es un lobo. The boss is an old fox. ¡Está hecho un lobo! Synonym zorro

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Dictionary Sentences Grammar English translation of 'lobo' Word Frequency lobo Lat Am Spain masculine noun 1. (Zoology) wolf idiom: arrojar a algn a los lobos to throw sb to the wolves idiom: gritar ¡al lobo! to cry wolf idiom: ¡menos lobos (Caperucita)! tell me another one! lobo - Translation in LEO's ­English ⇔ Spanish Dictionary English Spanish Forums Trainer Search in a text Nouns :: Adjectives :: Phrases / Collocations :: Examples :: Similar :: Related Advertising Related search terms loba Advertising Es existiert derzeit keine Diskussion zu Ihrem Suchbegriff in unseren Foren Switch to mobile view noun hombre-lobo noun lobo (-a) N m (f) lobo (-a) wolf lobo cerval lynx lobo de mar old salt lobo marino seal en esa ocasión le vimos las orejas al lobo that time we saw his / her true colours Brit [ or colors Am] meterse en la boca del lobo to go into the lion's den ser un lobo con piel de oveja to be a wolf in sheep's clothing Spanish-English L lobo What is the translation of "lobo" in English? es lobo = en volume_up garish Translations Definition Pronunciation Examples Translator Phrasebook open_in_new English translations powered by Oxford Languages lobo, loba adjective (Colombia, informal) [vestido/color] garish [cuadro] tacky (informal) lobo, loba

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Spanish English lobo Translation of "lobo" into English wolf, grey wolf, he-wolf are the top translations of "lobo" into English. Sample translated sentence: Vi a un lobo, a un zorro y a una conejo. ↔ I saw a wolf, a fox and a rabbit. lobo noun masculine grammar persona mal vestida; objeto que mustra baja clase [..] + Add translation lobo: Spanish: English ¡que viene el lobo! expr (cuidado, peligro) the wolf is coming! expr: hombre lobo, hombre-lobo loc nom m (licántropo) werewolf n : wolf man n : La leyenda dice que el hombre lobo sale a cazar en luna llena. Legend has it that the werewolf goes hunting on a full moon. lobo con piel de oveja, lobo en piel de oveja expr. 2 (Méx) * (=guardia) traffic cop * b adj (Chile) * (=huraño) shy hombre-lobo sm ( hombres-lobo pl ) werewolf Translation Spanish - English Collins Dictionary lobo marino n. seal [Zool.] Additional comments: Collaborative Dictionary Spanish-English "lobo": examples and translations in context Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

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lobo. Lat Am Spain. masculine noun. 1. (Zoology) wolf. idiom: arrojar a algn a los lobos to throw sb to the wolves. idiom: gritar ¡al lobo! to cry wolf. idiom: ¡menos lobos (Caperucita)! tell me another one! idiom: pillar un lobo (very informal) to get plastered (very informal) noun meat stew No translations Machine translations Glosbe translate error Google translate Similar phrases Alonso Lobo Alonso Lobo Ana Lobo Ana Lobo António Lobo Antunes António Lobo Antunes Baltasar Lobo Baltasar Lobo Câmara de Lobos Câmara de Lobos El Lobo El Lobo more (+15) Examples Add Stem person with bad taste {noun} lobo {adjective} lobo (also: de mal gusto, naco, meosa, huachaca) naff {adj.} [Brit.] [coll.] (in poor taste) lobo (also: rasca, mersa) tacky {adj.} (cheap, tawdry) lobo (also: chillón, chillona, llamativa) garish {adj.}  CONTEXT EXAMPLES Context examples for "lobo" in English (!) What does lobo mean in Spanish? English Translation wolf More meanings for lobo Find more words! lobo See Also in Spanish Ver también Sinónimo de lobo? Nearby Translations lobito de río lobeznos lo bello lobby lobatos loba lobo abajo lobo amelenado lobo aullando lobo blanco Lobo blanco lobo de mar Translations for wolf Latin Japanese Greek

Spanish Book Find Lobo a la vista (a collection of several Aesop Fables that your little ones

lobo - (masculine noun) wolf EXAMPLE Era un hereje, un anarquista, un lobo con piel de oveja He was a heretic, an anarchist, a wolf in sheep's clothing Random Word Roll the dice and learn a new word now! Get a Word Want to Learn Spanish? Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Translation seal. hombre lobo. werewolf. lobo estepario. lone wolf. el lobo negrón. the black wolf. verle las orejas al lobo. to see the writing on the wall.