Longnosed Emperor; Lethrinus olivaceus Chaloklum Diving Koh Phangan Thailand

Lethrinus olivaceus, common name longface emperor or long-nosed emperor, is a species of marine ray-finned fish belonging to the family Lethrinidae, the emperors or emperor breams. This species has a wide Indo-Pacific distribution. Taxonomy Longnose Emperors are one of the largest of its species and a popular sports fish known for a tough fight and are a good table fish. In many parts of the world they are commercially fished. Species Sustainability Food Rating Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes Family: Lethrinidae

Lethrinus olivaceus

Length - 70cm Depth - 1-185m Widespread Indo-West Pacific Most members of Lethrinidae are able to rapidly switch on and off dark mottled patterns, spots and bars to deter predators. Ref: https://www.fishbase.se/summary/lethrinus-olivaceus Also known as the Bream. Feeds mainly on fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods. In Palau, it spawns throughout the year on the first few days of the lunar month along the edges of reefs. Large individuals often ciguatoxic in New Caledonia and possibly elsewhere in Oceania (Ref. 9775). Caught mostly with handline and traps, occasionally by trawls and gill nets (Ref. 68703. This large lethrinid has a very long snout, with dark wavy streaks. The basic color of the body is olive-grayish, usually with various irregular darker blotches, but it can have different colour and pattern for a better camouflage. It has 10 dorsal spine, 9 dorsal soft rays, 3 anal spines and 8 anal soft rays. Longnose Emperor. (Lethrinus olivaceus). Other Common Names: Longface Emperor. Identification: Grey body with brown to green tint. Spines on first half of the dorsal and anal fins. Long sloped head with large eyes and a red edge around the mouth. Typical Location: Sandy coastal areas, lagoons and reef slopes. Fishing Methods:

Long nose Emperor's can be found from Exmouth to Cairns in warm water

Long-nosed emperor, as the name suggests, have a long snout and are typically an overall mottled grey/black colour. They are generally not easily confused with other members of the emperors. Size Long-nosed emperor in the 3-5 kilo range are most commonly caught, and any fish nudging upwards of 6-7 kilos is a big one. Long Nosed Emperor Grass Emperor Long Nosed Emperor Lethrinus olivaceus Often a by-catch while fishing for other species, Longnose Emperor put up a great fight and can be found in all kinds of waters. Long-nose Emperor can grow up to 1m in length and up to 6-7kgs in weight, although common sizes are 3-5kg. November 17, 2022 Long-nosed emperor Lethrinus olivaceus Eating: 3 stars ID - Extended snout, mottled blue/grey colouration. I will never forget my first long-nosed emperor. We were fishing off Ningaloo Reef in around 50m and I had put an unweighted bait out, with a whole mulie on ganged hooks. Lethrinus olivaceus Classification Longnose Emperor, Lethrinus olivaceus Valenciennes 1830 Other Names: Longface Emperor, Long-nosed Emperor A Longnose Emperor, Lethrinus olivaceus, at Guam. Source: David Burdick / http://guamreeflife.com. License: All rights reserved Summary:

Lethrinus olivaceus Longnose Emperor

Lethrinus olivaceus, common name Longface emperor or Long-nosed emperor, is a species of bony fishes belonging to the family Lethrinidae. Lethrinus olivaceus can reach a length of about 70-100 centimetres (28-39 in). This large lethrinid has a very long snout, with dark wavy streaks. The basic color of the body is olive-grayish, usually with various irregular darker blotches. It has 10. The Kuroshio Sea Rareness:★★★ ★★ シェア Tweet Longface emperor ※Off display. Distributed across the Indo-Pacific and the Red Sea. In Japan, found from Kagoshima southwards. Inhabits coral reefs in coastal areas and rocky shores. Reaches 1 meter in length. Its elliptical body has slightly compressed sides and a protruding snout. Long Nosed Emperors are another member of the emperor family and one of the most widespread of the Sweetlips (real a Sweetlip not an Emperor) How To Identify: Long Nose Sweetlip have the typical sweetlip body shape but easily recognizable by it long pointed nose. Colour can be a greenish shade to brown with darker brown markings on its body. Long Nosed Emperor Fish ( Lethrinus olivaceus ) Nov 16 Posted by benaiahfogle Common Name: Emperor, Long Face Emperor, Local Name: Bakutut, Batilya, Bukawin (Tagalog), Dugso, Katambak (Cebuano) Max Size: 100cm (14 kgs) Biodiversity: Marine, Reef Associated Depth: 1 - 185 m Fishing Season: All Year Long Minimum Size Limit : 10 inches

Longnosed Emperor; Lethrinus olivaceus Chaloklum Diving Koh Phangan Thailand

Are Long Nosed Emperor any good to eat? We caught some last trip up north, the fillets look good, but haven't tried it yet. I need to know if i should keep it for myself or give it to the mother-in-law? ____________________________________________________________________________ The Doctor with no Patience Longnose Emperor Lethrinus olivaceus Emperors Medium priced. Grass, Redspot, Redthroat and Spangled Emperors and Seabream.