The word "index" may be used either to refer to a small piece of information used to identify something else, or to refer to a collection of information used to locate objects when given such an index. I would suggest that the plural of the first form of "index" is "indices"; the plural of the second form is "indexes". When to Use Indices. "Indices" is the irregular plural form of "index.". Irregular or foreign plurals are formed based on the language rule where they originate. For instance, "indices" has Latin roots. Technical contexts prefer indices to indexes. The S&P Dow Jones Indices, the leading resource for investable indices, follows this.
Is the plural of index indexes or indices? 9to5Tutorial
In der deutschen Sprache sind beide Formen „Indizes" und „Indices" zulässig. Bei der Sonderform des Plurals „Indexe" gibt es nur diese eine Variante. Die Briten waren weit weniger änderungsfreudig. Im Englischen lautet die Mehrzahlform von „index" immer noch „indices" oder manchmal sogar „indexes". Der Plural «die Indizes» als Mehrzahlform von Index ist mit einer Ausnahme immer erlaubt: Die Variante «Indexe» ist für die Liste von verbotenen Büchern der katholischen Kirche obligatorisch. Die Variante «Indices» können Sie getrost aus Ihrem Gedächtnis streichen. Die Mehrzahlform Indices ist teilweise zwar erlaubt, aber man braucht. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Index' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Wörterbuch Ⓜ︎. Plural: Indizes Beispiel. der Index der Lebenshaltungskosten ist leicht gefallen, gesunken; an gleichartige, in Buchstaben oder Zahlen ausgedrückte Größen. The Plural of Index In the world of mathematics, the plural of "index" is "indices." It has a Latin root, which is the derivation of the plural "indices." When used to refer to a directory, the noun "index," follows the standard English way of marking the plural and uses -es. The plural is "indexes."
Singular Plural Mehrzahl Endungen Gibt es Dual DeutschAkademie
OED states:. Forms: Pl. indexes (also 16 index's) and indices /ˈɪndɪsiːz/ .. Etymology: < Latin inde, indic-em, plural indicēs, the forefinger, an informer, sign, inscription.. In current use the plural is indices in senses 8, 9, and usually in other senses except 5, in which indexes is usual.. And the respective senses are: (5): index in the end of the book etc.; (8): mathematical index. The noun index accepts two plural forms, indices and indexes. Generally speaking, indices is the preferred plural when referring to the stock market index, as in 'stock-market indices show a steady decrease'. To refer to the list of topics in a book, indexes is preferred. Is it indices or indexes? Index accepts both as plurals. plural of index: indexes or especially in technical use indices. The plural of index is usually spelled indexes, but can also be spelled indices (as in the original Latin) in subjects like science and medicine. This page makes a good point by suggesting to use "Indices" as plural for the noun to distinguish it from the verb. Summary Noun [ edit] index (plural indexek) ( automotive) turn signal (US), indicator (UK) (each of the flashing lights on each side of a vehicle which indicate a turn is being made to left or right, or a lane change) Synonym: irányjelző. pointer, hand, indicator (a needle or dial on a device) Synonyms: mutató, kar.
Irregular Plurals Noun in English English grammar, Plurals, Irregular plural nouns
A Index is one of those rare oddball words with two different plurals in English. English copied the original Latin plural at first, making indices. As with a lot of other Latin plurals, the standard English way of marking the plural, using -s or -es, has progressively been taking over, making indexes. The plural for index can be formed in two different ways depending on the definition of the word in context. When used to refer to multiple lists or directories, the word indexes is used. This follows the regular English rule for pluralization by adding the suffix -es to the end of the word.
What is the plural of the word "index"? It seems that there are two that are acceptable: "indexes" and "indices". I happen to prefer "indices" but I was wondering if one was generally preferred over the other. I am using "index" as a programming term to indicate the position of an element in a array. What is the plural form of the word "index"? The plural form (meaning multiples) of the base word "index" is "indexes." Nouns can identify places, people, animals, and other things. They are the basic materials required to construct sentences. There are different types of nouns, including proper nouns, common nouns, compound nouns, collective.
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May 12, 2016 — 10:44 am EDT. Written by MarketInsite for Nasdaq ->. Both "indexes" and "indices" are acceptable plural forms of the word "index" or to refer to more than one index. Index is one. Indexes and indices are two versions of a plural noun that means an indicator or a list of names. Indexes is also a present tense verb, but indices cannot be used that way. Indexes is probably the better choice for formal writing not related to mathematics. Indices is especially common in technical and formal writing.