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Beautiful Samoan Girls Names. Ala - A short and sweet Samoan name that has a regal meaning.It is said to carry the meaning of excellence or high ranking. Alani - Samoan girl's name that means orange fruit. Aolani - With this name choice comes a heavenly meaning of cloudy sky or heaven. Arihi - Means kind and noble and has a pretty rhythmic tone to it. Solosolo is a unique Samoan girl name that carries with it the meaning of "dry." TALIA; Talia is a name that is undeniably bewitching and irresistible. This Samoan girl's name is said to come from "fa'atali," a Samoan word that has the meaning of "to wait." It is also said that this name can also hold the meaning of "bonus."

Samoans, Chinese and the myth of the NonAfrican Egyptian origin Samoan women, Samoan clothing

It's a popular choice for baby girls in Samoa, as it represents the natural beauty of the island. Lalago is also a symbol of strength and resilience, two important qualities for any child growing up in Samoa. 21. Samaria. Of Hebrew origin, Samaria was the name of an ancient city in Israel. It's also the name of a mountain range in Palestine. 40. Teuila: This is a beautiful Samoan name for a famous flower called 'red ginger' in the English language. Read Also: 100+ Magical Names (For Boys & Girls) 33 Samoan Baby Boy's Names 1. Alani: This lovely name means orange fruit. 2. Aleki: Aleki is a form of Alexander. This name is commonly used in Samoa, New Zealand, and Tongo, Aleki. 3. It's a phonetic adaptation that reflects the Samoan language's pronunciation while maintaining the essence of the original name. Keep in mind that the translation or adaptation of names can vary, and "Elisapeta" is a common Samoan variation for Elizabeth. Who is the Samoan Princess? Nafanua is a legendary figure in Samoan mythology and. These samoan girls' name are a mix of traditional Samoan names, along with some modern variations. Samoan Baby Names for Boys Here's a list of 100 strong and meaningful Samoan baby names for boys:

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These female Samoan names offer some great possibilities for your baby girl. 1. Amataga. Amataga means beginning in Samoan. Gatoloaifaana Amataga Alesana-Gidlow is a Samoan politician and matai. A matai is the holder of a family's chief title and plays a central role in Faʻamatai, the traditional Samoan governance system, central to Samoan. Samoan Female Names. Hiroiti - (Girl name). Hiroiti is a cute name you can give to a baby, especially if she boasts a rebellious and mischievous side. This name means 'little King Hiro.' It's a cute name for a baby, and yes, it does sound like a Samoan name. The names given to girls in Samoan society are not just labels; they carry profound meanings and embody the island's cultural essence. This article is a celebration of the beauty and significance of Samoan girl names, as we take a journey into the enchanting world of Polynesian nomenclature. Significance of Samoan Girl Names Table: Unique Samoan Names These unique Samoan names are a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Samoa and the meaningful choices parents can make when selecting a name for their child. Whether it's the poetic beauty of Marama or the promise of a new day with Ata, these names carry with them a sense of identity, tradition, and connection to a vibrant culture.

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This rhythmic Samoan name means 'kind,' which we're sure your child will be to everyone. This stately name has been in and out of fashion since the turn of the last century. Currently, it's off the top 100 list. 19. Enele. Enele is a name with loads of energy and spirit. Pronounced as En-e-le, it is a Samoan name for boys, meaning. Welcome to the world of Samoan baby girl names! Are you preparing to welcome a little princess into your life? Selecting the perfect name is a wonderful yet often challenging journey.. Short Middle Names For Girls. Top 50 Baby Names For March 2017. 150 Most Popular Baby Names - Girl, Boy & Unisex For January 2020. 12 Baby Girl Names For. There are numerous Samoan names for girls, but in this list we wanted to compile those that most fathers and mothers have chosen for their babies in 2023. Thanks to this list of names for girls, you will be able to know which Samoan names for girls are the most liked, to the point of becoming a trend. Why choose one of the Samoan girl's names? Their rich and enchanting culture is attracting a lot of western parents to consider Pacific Islander names for their kids. Hence why Samoan first names are becoming extremely popular. And that's not surprising! Much like it is with French, Spanish, Russian and so many other - Samoan names reflect the richness of their culture and tradition.

Studio photograph of three Samoan girls taken by Thomas Andrew in the 1890s Beautiful Culture

A relative once asked my mom for baby names. He and his wife were expecting a girl and wanted to give her a beautiful, meaningful Samoan name. My mom delved into the family history and over a few days she came up with a list of names. Each of these Samoan names carried so much cultural weight, so much deep sentiment. For example, one name. example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the pronunciation. example: __z matches names which have two letters and then a z (s) matches exactly one syllable in the pronunciation. example: (s)(s)ra matches names which have two syllables and then the sound rah (c) matches a.