St. Name Day Dance at St. Greek Church Manchester NH

According to Greece 's Orthodox tradition, every day of the year is dedicated to some Christian saint or martyr. When someone is named after one of these saints, that saint's celebration day becomes his/her "name day." In Greece people celebrate their namedays with gatherings and gifts much like an actual birthday. [ics_calendar url=

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According to the Greek Orthodox tradition, nearly every day of the year is dedicated to a Christian saint or Martyr. When someone is named after one of those saints, that day becomes their "name day" and, traditionally, is celebrated. The present Greek name day portal includes more than 3800 Greek first names with known name day and 980 Greek. The celebration of Saint George on April 23rd is one of the most important feasts in Greece and at Arachova in particular where the saint is the town's patron. For days this town in central Greece prepared for a local festival or paniyiri which has its roots in Byzantine times. As the name implies, St. George's Day is a celebration of Saint George, and it's a day that's observed on the date of his death. It's a holiday that's observed on April 23rd for most people, and on May 6th for Eastern Orthodox Churches. Orthodox Name Days for the year 2024 - Home page of the Greek name day (namedays - nameday) reference portal GREEK NAME DAYS for the year 2024 - ΕΟΡΤΟΛΟΓΙΟ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΩΝ ΟΝΟΜΑΤΩΝ we celebrate today Fri Jan 05, 24 : Theopemptos, Theoni, Syncletica, Siglitiki, HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!

Orthodox Calendar The Holy Mysteries of our Church Monthly 2023 No.35, 2023 Orthodox Calendars

Greek Name Days. November 7, 2022. For millions of Greeks around the world, a Name Day is a bigger deal than a birthday! Especially when you live in Greece! The Greek Orthodox Church celebrates saints on different days throughout the year. When your name doesn't have a saint you celebrate on June 18, which is Agion Pandon Day (All Saints Day). May 3, 2021 An Orthodox icon of Saint George. Credit: Public domain George is one of the most popular names in Greece and Saint George is one of the most beloved saints throughout the Christian world. In Greece, Saint George Day, or Agios Georgios Day, is celebrated on April 23. Written by Greek Boston in Greek Orthodox Religious Information Comments Off on Orthodox Saint George the Trophy - Bearer History and Name Day Information. In the history of Christianity, few figures inspire as much reverence as Saint George. The patron saint of several localities, including England and Georgia, Saint George is the epitome of knightly virtue and chivalry. According to the Greek Orthodox tradition, nearly every day of the year is dedicated to a Christian saint or Martyr. When someone is named after one of those saints, that day becomes their "name day" and, traditionally, is celebrated.. The present Greek name day portal includes more than 3800 Greek first names with known name day and 980.

Greek Name Day Calendar 2022 May 2022 Calendar

April 26, 2016 In Greece, Saint George Day, or Agios Georgios Day, is celebrated on April 23. However, if Easter is after April 23, then it is celebrated on Easter Monday. Why is that, though? Orthodox calendar for 2023 2023 year There are 11 holidays and days off in the Orthodox calendar in 2023. Orthodox calendar January February March April May June July August September October November December Orthodox calendar Catholic calendar Muslim calendar Jewish calendar Hindu calendar This movable feast day is celebrated 56 days after Greek Orthodox Easter Sunday (so All Saints Day is on 14/06 in 2020). Find your Greek name day in the list below, featuring the most common names in Greece today: (Numbers in parentheses indicate names that are celebrated on multiple feast days. Xronia Polla/Happy Name Day to all the George's and Georgia's who celebrate today. The Artoclasia Service today is offered by the Mish family in honor of the feast days of Ss. George & Alexios and for their daughter Alexis' name day; Mary Troianos in honor of the feast day of St. George and for the health and well-being of her family.

St. Name Day Dinner at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Holyoke MA

St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral Press Releases; What We Believe; About St. Nicholas Cathedral; Orthodoxy in America;. George Nameday. Date & Time. April 25, 2023. Save Event. Download Our App . Find Us. Cathedral 36 N Pinellas Ave. Tarpon Springs, FL 34689. Office 17 East Tarpon Avenue Tarpon Springs, FL 34689. Get in Contact Greek NEWS, Name day, RELIGION September 2, 2022 .. 2023. December 27, Feast day of Agios Stefanos. Gct December 27, 2023. Jordan delivers aid to St. Porphyrius Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza. Athens Bureau December 25, 2023. Somber Vigil Replaces Festive Cheer in Bethlehem as Christians Pray for Gaza.