Give A Little Bit by Supertramp Easy Guitar Tab Guitar Instructor

A7 D A7 D G A G A G D 2x D A7 D G A G A G Give a little bit, give a little bit of your love to me D A7 D G A G A G I'll Give a little bit, I'll give a little bit of my love to you Bm Esus4. Supertramp chords expert chords ukulele cavaco keyboard tab bass drums harmonica flute Guitar Pro there is a video lesson for this song Learn how to play exactly like Supertramp Give a Little Bit Written by Richard Davies/Charles Roger Pomfret Hodgson Key: D A A# B C (one step down) C# (half step down) D (original key) D# (half step up)

Supertramp Give A Little Bit sheet music for guitar solo (chords) v2

Give A Little Bit Chords by Supertramp 9,346 views, added to favorites 176 times Further refined from some of the older ones, along with better line-breakdown and what Hodgson is actually. Give A Little Bit - Chords Easy - Supertramp (Version 1) | Guitar Chords, Tabs Give A Little Bit D Supertramp D Vote rhythm Select version 1 0 / Tobi (0) Tobi 15 99,205 124,043 Sumbit correction Merge lines ∬ Auto scroll Columns ≣≣ Easy chord Tone: D A7 D A7 D G A G A G D 2x D Give a little A7 bit, D give a little bit G of your A love to G me A G 0:00 / 11:42 Latest Content - - - http://www.MartyMusic.comMerch - Have fun with it Ty Give A Little Bit by Supertramp chords. One accurate version. Recommended by The Wall Street Journal

Give A Little Bit Sheet Music Supertramp Easy Guitar

Intro A7 D A7 D G A7 G A7 G D A7 D G A7 G A7 G Verse 1 D A7 D G A7 G A7 Give a little bit Give a little bit of your love to me G D A7 D G A7 G A7 Give a little bit I'll give a little bit of my love to you G Bm Esus4 E There's so much that we need to share G A7sus4 A7 Em11/A Emadd11/ A So send a smile and show you care D A7 D G A7 G A7 I'll give. Supertramp - Give A Little Bit chords Chords: Show diagrams in lyrics new Transpose Left handed A7 × × 5fr × × × × 2fr × 3fr × 5fr × 5fr × 5fr 5fr 5fr × × 5fr × 6fr × × 6fr × 7fr × × 7fr × Give a Little Bit Supertramp Chords in parentheses are anticipated. Intro: / - - - (A7) / / (D) - - (A7) / (D) - - (G) / / (A7) - - (G) / (A7) - - (G) / / (D) - - (A7) / (D) - - (G) / / (A7) - - (G) / (A7) - - (G) / / (D) - - (A7) / / (D) - - (G) / Give a little bit give a little bit of your / (A7) - - (G) / (A7) - - (G) / love to me 1.6K 87K views 1 year ago #givealittlebit An isolated acoustic guitar cover/lesson using a 12-string guitar. This is a 1977 tune which peaked at #15 on the US Billboard chart on August 27th of that.

Buy "Give A Little Bit" Sheet Music by Supertramp for Easy Guitar Tab/Vocal

Give A Little Bit Chords by Supertramp 19,936 views, added to favorites 791 times Neat formatting, all lyrics, breaks and riffs with accompanying chords. Full chord legend and info on. 3, 2, 1.. Volume loop 100% tempo capo - transpose midi print Loading the chords for 'Supertramp - Give A Little Bit'. guitar ukulele piano Mandolin Animated Summary All your favorite songs in one place Create setlists to perform during live events or just practice your favorite songs. Unlock Premium Frequently asked questions about this recording D A D G A G A G Give a little bit, give a little bit of your love to me D A D G A G A G Give a little bit, I'll give a little bit of my love to you Bm E4/7 E7 There's so much that we need to share G Bm A D A Send a smile and show you care D A D G A G A G I'll give a little bit, I'll give a little bit of my life for you D A D G A G A G So give a little bit, give a little bit of your time to me. More ways to support the channel:Super Thanks (see below the video screen)Patreon: (tabs and chord charts on patreon)Lear.

Supertramp Give A Little Bit sheet music for ukulele (chords)

Give A Little Bit chords Supertramp 1977 (Even in the Quietest Moments..) A7 D A7 D G A G A G D A7 D A7 D G A G A G D D A7 D G A G A G Give a little bit, give a little bit of your love to me D A7 D G A G A G I'll Give a little bit, I'll give a little bit of my love to you Bm Esus4 E There's so much that we need to share G Bm A D A Send a. Give A Little Bit is in the key of D and is played at a moderate tempo in 4/4 time. The main rhythm chord pattern, established in the introduction, relies on these particular chord voicings: If you were to chase this song down in TAB or sheet music, chances are that you'll find this progression written out as A - D - A - D - G - A - G - A.