Top 10 Brutal Historical Torture Methods Top10HQ

Also known as the choke pear or mouth pear, the pear of anguish delivered unbelievable physical pain and sexual violation to its victims. Whether they like the macabre or enjoy the shiver they get when they see them, torture devices have always fascinated the public. The Pear of Anguish, also known as choke pear or mouth pear, is a torture device based on mechanisms of unknown use from the early modern period. The instrument consists of a pear-shaped metal body divided into spoon-like segments that can be spread apart with a spring or by turning a key.

Top 10 Brutal Historical Torture Methods Top10HQ

The Pear of Anguish, a medieval torture instrument primarily used on women during that era, was employed by inserting it into various bodily orifices. These included the mouth, lady bits, or any available opening while in its closed state. The "pear of anguish," also known as the "choke pear," is purported medieval torture device used to punish and interrogate individuals accused of various crimes, particularly heresy, witchcraft, and blasphemy. Unraveling Myth from Reality: The Dubious Existence of the "Pear of Anguish" 10 Medieval Torture Devices By: Ed Grabianowski | Updated: May 17, 2023 Believe it or not, this quasi-crucifixion was one of the tamer punishments dealt to heretics in the medieval period. Hulton Archive/Getty Images The period known as the Middle Ages stands out as one­ of ­the most violent eras in history. Nov 7, 2016 David Goran There is a wide range of medieval torture devices that were available in the Middle Ages. These devices were separately created for men and women. One of these devices invented exclusively for women torture was the Pear of Anguish (known as choke pear-the modern name for this instrument displayed in some museums).

Choke Pear Worst Punishments in the History of Mankind YouTube

The pear of anguish, also known as choke pear or mouth pear, is a torture device based on mechanisms of unknown use from the early modern period. The mechanism consists of a pear-shaped. This medieval instrument is also referred to as the choke pear. The pear of anguish is made of metal, consisting of four leaf-shaped segments that flank each other in a circular form, thus forming the pear shape. At the end of the instrument's handle is a screw that opens these structures. This is the process that inflicts the pain on the victim. The pear of anguish, also known as choke pear or mouth pea, is a device of disputed use invented in the early modern period. The mechanism consists of a pear-shaped metal body divided into spoon-like segments that can be spread apart with a spring or by turning a key. The choke pear (or pear of anguish) is the modern name for a type of instrument displayed in some museums, consisting of a metal body (usually pear-shaped) divided into spoon-like segments that could be spread apart by turning a screw. the museum descriptions and some recent sources assert that the devices were used either as a gag, to prevent people from speaking, or as an instrument of.


A choke pear or chocky-pear is an astringent fruit. The term is used for the fruit of any variety of pear which has an astringent taste and is difficult to swallow. [1] [2] Varieties The casual introduction of the choke pear, along with the piercings while Tituba gasps and writhes on the bed—that feels like pure exploitation. Maup van de Kerkhof | World History | November 15, 2023 From the rack, Iron Maiden, and breaking wheel, to the impalement sticks and more, medieval torture devices were instruments used during the Middle Ages to inflict pain and punishment on individuals, often as a means of interrogation, punishment, or public execution. The pear of anguish, also known as choke pear or mouth pear, is a torture device based on mechanisms of unknown use from the early modern period. The mechanism consists of a pear-shaped metal body divided into spoon-like segments that can be spread apart with a spring or by turning a key. Its proposed functionality as a torture device is to be variously inserted into the mouth, rectum, or.

Pear Of Anguish Torture Device Brutal Torture Methods Worst Torture Method Choke Pear

The Choke Pear Referenced as the choke pear, the pear of anguish, or the pear of the Pope, this torture device was used to humiliate and torment victims who lied or committed blasphemy or homosexuality. Those convicted as heretics received the "Choke Pear," also known as in the throat. It was inserted into the victim's mouth and then expanded, causing immense pain. As one can imagine, officials consecutively used other pears on homosexuals and witches. Expanding the leaves would cause terrible, long-lasting damage to the victim.