List of 50+ Different Types of Lilies With Pictures

Thousands of rare, unusual, exciting plants delivered straight to your door. We've pulled together a list of 40 different types of lilies with photos, including favorites like Calla lilies and different colored lilies including white ones, purple, orange and more. You'll even learn about seasonal lilies like the Easter Lily and super fragrant ones like Asiatics. Table of Contents African Queen - Trumpet Lilies

List of 50+ Different Types of Lilies With Pictures

From the rarest lilies like the Lilium polyphyllum ( white Himalayan lily) to the prettiest lilies like the trumpet and oriental lily types? This article is about various lily types including garden lilies with the longest summer blooms e.g. Asiatic lilies and beautiful indoor lilies like the peace lily. Wild Lilies To Grow In Your Garden 1: Lilium Martagon (Martagon Lily) 2: Lilium Canadense (Canada Lily) 3: Lilium Pardilinum (Leopard Lily) 4: Lilium Lancifolium (Tiger Lily) 5: Lilium Candidum (Madonna Lily) 6: Lilium Speciosum (Oriental Lily) 7: Lilium Auratum (Golden-Rayed Lily) 8: Lilium Henryi (Henry's Lily) 9: Lilium Longiflorum (Easter Lily) The History Of The Lily The Different Types Of Lilies And Their Differences Gluhwein - Orienpet Lily Citronella - Asiatic Lily Tiger - Tiger Lily Or Easter Lily Day Lily - Hemerocallis Flower Tom Pouce - Oriental Lily Brindisi - Longiflorum-Asiatic Lily Monte Negro - Asiatic Lily African Queen - Trumpet Lilies Golden Splendor - Trumpet Lily Leic. L amabile L amabile var. luteum L amoenum L apertum, Yunnan L apertum dark form, Yunnan L arboricola L armenum, Giresun Turkey L auratum L auratum var. platyphyllum L auratum var. rubrovittatum L auratum var. virginale L bakerianum var. aureum L bakerianum var. bakerianum L bakerianum var. delavayi L bakerianum var. rubrum L bolanderi L bolanderi

List of 50+ Different Types of Lilies With Pictures

2. Lilium 'Casa Blanca'. (Image credit: Botanic World/Alamy Stock Photo) Hardiness: USDA 4-9. Height: 48in (120cm) With the purest of white flowers, 'Casa Blanca' is widely regarded to be one of the best white oriental lilies, flowering for around four weeks in late summer to early fall. Just a quick glance at their large, elegant flowers makes it clear why lilies have aroused the interest of flower enthusiasts for so long. There are also over 2,000 different types of lilies to choose from, so it is no wonder there are also multiple categories within which to classify them. Nankeen Division IV: American Hybrids Division V: Longiflorum Hybrids White Heaven Division VI: Trumpet and Aurelian Hybrids African Queen Regale Division VII: Oriental Hybrids Casablanca Dizzy Garden Party Here are 14 of the best lilies to grow in your garden. 01 of 14 'Stargazer' Lily (Lilium 'Stargazer') Panoramic Images / Getty Images Today's gardeners are spoiled by the vast number of lilies with upward-facing flowers, but that was not a given during the 1970s.

14 Lily Varieties for Your Garden

These 8 types of lilies are hardy, colorful, and easy to grow. Plus, tips for planting and growing lilies. Types of Lilies: 8 Beautiful, Cold-hardy Choices for the Garden Lilies have so much to offer modern gardens. These 8 types of lilies are hardy, colorful, and easy to grow. Plus, tips for planting and growing lilies. Skip to primary navigation IN THIS GUIDE Types Of Lilies 1) Asiatic Lilies 3) Orienpet Lilies 8) Turk's Cap Lilies LILY GUIDES Asiatic Deadheading Giant Himalayan Varieties Delicately elegant and effortlessly beautiful, lilies are one of the most recognisable flowers in the world. last updated April 02, 2021 Lilies are extremely popular plants to grow in pots and in the garden. Partly because they're so popular, they're also very numerous. There are a huge number of different varieties of lilies, and picking out the right one can get a little overwhelming. Daylilies, toad lilies, peace lilies, and water lilies, while possessing many desirable attributes, are not true lilies . Learn more details about the nine types of recognized true lilies for your garden. Warning Many true lilies are toxic to cats, including the 'Stargazer' and Easter lilies. 01 of 09 Asiatic Lilies (Lillium Hybrids)—Division 1

40 Different Types of Lilies for Your Garden Home Stratosphere

Greece - lilies are associated with rebirth and motherhood. China - popular wedding flowers as they are tied to good luck and 100 years of love. Assyrians & Babylonians - these cultures associated lilies with Ishtar, the Goddess of fertility. Christianity - connects lilies with the Virgin Mary (especially Madonna lilies). Generally, these lily cultivars produce a number of downward facing small flowers with between 12 and 50 flowers per stem! Because Martagon lily flowers are strongly recurved, they are commonly called Turk's cap. Their petals can be a variety of colors that include yellows, reds, pinks, lavenders, whites, and oranges.