The Peacock Cichlid ( Aulonocara) is a species of African Cichlid, and they are one of the most colorful freshwater fish in the world. Peacock Cichlids are native to Lake Malawi, which is an African Great Lake located between Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania. Comprising the entire Aulonocara genus of freshwater fish, the peacock cichlid, or simply peacocks, are about the friendliest and most peaceful cichlids you can find to keep in your aquarium. * indicates required

Aulonocara Orange Blue Albina 6 a 7 cm Ciclídeos Lago Malawi

The colors range from blue, red, yellow to orange with some species like the OB having more than one prominent shade. The most popular species is the blue Aulonocara Nyassae. Generally, the fish need to be maintained in a medium to a large tank (55-gallons on average) with plenty of decorations including driftwood, rocks, and caves. Aulonocara are a genus of Haplochromides from Lake Malawi. They are known for all of them being maternal mouthbrooders and being highly sexually dichromic. Only the males show color, the females will remain a grey striped color. 50 products Aulonocara stuartgranti Chilumba from $ 18.99 Albino Swallowtail Peacock, Aulonocara sp caroline from $ 17.99 Care Guides Freshwater Fish Colorful, active, interesting, a peacock cichlid will rival any saltwater fish for beauty and enjoyment. An incredibly rewarding fish (especially if you fancy your hand at breeding), in this guide, I'll teach you everything you need to know to care for peacock cichlids. Peacock Cichlid Care Guide Quick Overview: Aulonocara are stunning species of African Cichlids that come in a variety of beautiful colors, ranging from blues to yellows and reds. Blue Peacock Cichlids (Aulonocara Nyassae) are widely sought after due to their unique coloring, incredible personality, and relatively peaceful nature when compared to other species of Cichlids from Lake Malawi.

Aulonocara Orange Blue, disponíveis pra VENDA, Link na descrição! YouTube

Blue peacock cichlid (Aulonocara nyassae) The blue peacock cichlid is sometimes also known as the emperor cichlid. They can most often be found near the southeastern portions of the lake. The blue peacock can grow to be about 7 inches (17.8 cm) long and is one of the most popular varieties of all the peacocks. Male fish are a striking and bold. Maximum Standard Length 120 - 130 mm. Aquarium Size Top ↑ Minimum base dimensions of 120 ∗ 45 cm or equivalent are recommended unless keeping the fish in smaller aquaria for breeding pruposes. It is advised to find a filter which has a water flow between 4-5 times the volume of your aquarium. Aulonocara Baenschi Out of stock The OB Marble Peacock features a spectacular blue, red, pink, purple, white, orange and black blotches all over its head and body. It is speculated that the Orange Blotched Peacock Cichlid originated from a cross between an Aulonocara nyassae and a female Orange Blossom Mbuna. OB, meaning Orange blotched African Cichlid. This OB is not naturally found in Lake Malawi. The introduction of the Aulonocara sp., OB Peacock African cichlid, was from a man made hybrid creation through crossing a male Aulonocara species with an OB female mbuna, a rock dweller.. The body may be dominated by a blue or orange to yellow cast.


Aulonocara kandeense was officially described in 1988 by Tawil and Algayer. The genus name Aulonocara is a reference to one of the most important features of this species, namely the lateral canals on their heads. The name can be broken down into two Greek parts: 'aulus' means 'flute' and 'caras' means face, a reference to the flute. The Sunshine Peacock Aulonocara stuartgranti "Maleri" is a relatively small sized Peacock cichlid from Lake Malawi, Africa. It only reaches about 5 inches (13 cm) in length. It is a striking yellow in color highlighted with icy blues, especially on the dorsal fin. Captive bred color morphs can also be orange. The Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi Hongi Island is a naturally occurring strain that grows to 6″ in length and is found near Hongi. Island. Males have a metallic blue face and except for the pectorals, orange fins. Fish guide for Aulonocara Blue Gold, Aulonocara korneliae profile with fish pictures, description and information, Aulonocara Blue Gold care, diet, habitat and fish diseases, Peacock cichlid breeding, tank mates, compatibility and keeping the Aulonocara korneliae aquarium, Orange Shoulder Peacock, Aulonocara Chizumulu

aulonocara multicolor

Peacock Cichlids (Aulonocara spp.) are one of the most dazzling freshwater fish among African cichlid hobbyists owing to their incredible colors. However, unlike the Aulonocara species that are endemic to Lake Malawi, the "OB Peacock cichlid" is a man-made hybrid with a mixed reputation in the cichlid keepers community. The male is extremely attractive developing an array of colours in blotches. The colours range from shades of orange, blue, red and brown. It is the only Aulonocara that has blotches and does not occur in the wild as this is a man made species. The OB Peacock is a cross between a Peacock and a Mbuna but which species is not exactly clear.