Recensione In Bocca al Lupo La Tana dei Goblin

In bocca al lupo ( pronounced [im ˈbokka al ˈluːpo]; lit. "into the wolf's mouth") is an Italian idiom originally used in opera and theatre to wish a performer good luck prior to a performance. The standard response is crepi il lupo! ( IPA: [ˈkrɛːpi il ˈluːpo]; "may the wolf die") or, more commonly, simply crepi! ("may it die"). [1] /in bóc·ca al lù-po/ Much like the English equivalent break a leg, the idiom reflects a superstition in which directly wishing a person good luck would actually be considered bad luck. For this reason, the habit of saying something negative emerged instead. How to Respond to "In bocca al lupo" in Italian

Common Italian expression "In bocca al lupo" (meaning and origins

The expression in bocca al lupo seems to find its origin in the hunting world, where hunters were used to wish each other, for luck, to not end up in the wolf's mouth, namely being devoured. For this reason, even today many people use the replies: crepi and crepi il lupo (may the wolf die) 1 It's the same meaning as English phrase 'break a leg'. Ex: >Ada: 'I'll have an exam today', >Bob: 'Brake a leg!' >Ada: 'Oggi ho un esame' >Bob: 'In bocca al lupo' > (Ada: 'Crepi' - lit.: Death to it) - DDS Nov 23, 2017 at 9:42 3 In bocca al lupo is the best way to wish them good luck in Italian. In bocca al lupo is like saying break a leg, but it's not just for the stage. In fact, for superstitious Italians (there are many!), it's bad luck to use buona fortuna ( good luck ), like wishing a dancer good luck in English. What does in bocca al lupo mean? thumbs-up [noun] a sign expressing a wish for good luck, success etc (Translation of in bocca al lupo from the PASSWORD Italian-English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) Browse in balia di in base a in basso in bilico in bocca al lupo in boccio in breve in buona fede in buone mani To top Contents

Learn Italian Italian Expression in Bocca al Lupo Accademia

The phrase andare nella bocca del lupo, or 'to go into the wolf's mouth' means metaphorically 'to get into trouble'. But some people tend to respond with a grazie anyway - as not everyone in Italy considers being 'in the mouth of the wolf' such a bad thing. Some even believe the idea of ending up in a wolf's mouth has positive connotations. 1 Italian 1.1 Etymology 1.2 Pronunciation 1.3 Interjection 1.3.1 Usage notes Italian [ edit] Etymology [ edit] Literally, "in the wolf's mouth" . Pronunciation [ edit] IPA ( key): /imˌbok.ka.alˈlu.po/ Rhymes: -upo Interjection [ edit] in bocca al lupo good luck, fingers crossed, break a leg Synonyms: (vulgar) in culo alla balena, buona fortuna Responses: (1) Che crepi. (2) Crepi il lupo! (3) Crepi. Context of Use. The idiomatic phrase is the Italian equivalent of "break a leg." However, unlike its English counterpart, in bocca al lupo solicits a response, which may be delivered in several different ways. The phrase is used in place of "good luck" when one is entering a. "IN BOCCA AL LUPO" Coming to Italy, you will hear for sure this common expression. Literally translated as "in the mouth of the wolf", it's the common Italian way to wish good luck. It's a scaramantic term: to go "into the wolf's mouth" means, in fact, to go directly into troubles.

In bocca al lupo perché si dice e come rispondere

The literal translation of "good luck" into Italian is buona fortuna. Unfortunately, sometimes wishing a person good luck in this way is actually considered bad luck! If you want to wish someone good luck in Italian, you should say "in bocca al lupo!". Similar to telling someone to "break a leg" in English, "in bocca al lupo" has a. In bocca al lupo is similar to the expression, "Break a leg," except that it's used in any situation, not just in acting or performance settings. There is also a response sometimes used when someone tells you "in bocca al lupo," and that is, "crepi il lupo" — literally meaning "may the wolf kick the bucket." Synonyms: in bocca al lupo!, (non-vulgar) buona fortuna! Usage notes [edit] The typical reply to this interjection is speriamo che non caghi! (literally. fare la bocca a qc to acquire a taste for sth. non voglio metter bocca in questa storia I don't want to interfere. mi hai tolto la parola di bocca you took the words out of my mouth. in bocca al lupo! good luck! respirazione bocca a bocca mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, kiss of life fam. b (di fiume, recipiente) mouth.

The Meaning of "In bocca al lupo!" How to Say "Good luck!" in Italian

Response: In bocca al lupo! (Break a leg!) When someone wishes you "in bocca al lupo," the common answer is " crepi il lupo " (may the wolf die), signifying that you'll conquer the challenge before you. Buona fortuna "Buona fortuna" directly translates to "good fortune" in English. break a leg. all the best. Show more. Volevo dirti in bocca al lupo. I just came by to wish you good luck. Tesoro, in bocca al lupo con il catering. So, sweetie, good luck with that whole catering thing. Volevo farvi l'in bocca al lupo. Just wanted to say, best of luck out there.