Tabela Diodo Zener 1N47XX Kabelao

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Descripción de la hoja de datos del diodo Zener

TABELA DE DIODOS DE REFERÊNCIA - ZENER Código Tensão Watts Código Tensão Watts Código Tensão Watts 1N746 3,3 0,4 1N5227 3,6 0,5 1N4751 30 1 W 1N747 3,6 0,4 1N5228 3,9 0,5 1N4752 33 1 W 1N748 3,9 0,4 1N5229 4,3 0,5 1N4753 36 1 W 1N749 4,3 0,4 1N5230 4,7 0,5 1N4754 39 1 W. Este são os códigos dos diodos zener mais comuns no brasil, existem também os diodos zener que tem faixas de cores como os resistores, para saber seus valores deve-se usar o mesmo processo dos resistores. Lembrando que a maioria dos diodos tem uma tolerância 5%. Tabela de Diodos Zener de 0.5 Watts 1N746 - 3V3 1N747 - 3V6 1N748 - 3V9 1N749 - 4V3 Standard Zener Diode Values. The standard Zener diode values for the commonly available BZXC family of diodes is shown below in the table. They usually engineer the reverse conduction voltage to occur at popular values. The table below shows a typical range of reverse conduction voltages Vz and their associated reverse currents Iz. Vz (V) Iz. Manufacturer ZENER DIODE Datasheet, PDF Search Partnumber : Match&Start with "ZENER" - Total : 1 ( 1/1 Page) ZENERDIODE Datasheet. Part #: ZENER. Datasheet: 1MbKb/14P. Manufacturer: Zibo Seno Electronic Engineering Co.,Ltd. Description: ZENER DIODES. 1 Results.

Tabela Diodo Zener 1N47XX Kabelao

Zener Voltage Test Current Max. Zener Impedance Max. Reverse Leakage Current Package Outline Drawing No. Please refer to V Page: 131~139 Z @ I ZT I ZT Z ZT @ I ZT Z ZK @ I ZK I ZK I R @ V R Min. Max. mA Ohms Ohms mA μA V Enter value and click on calculate. Result will be displayed. Enter your values: Maximum Input Voltage: Volts. Minimum Input Voltage: Volts. Output Voltage: Volts. Low zener impedance Jiangsu High diode Semi. 1N47-SERIES 1Mb / 5P: DO-4 1 Glass-Encapsulate Diodes Microsemi Corporation: 1N4700 48Kb / 1P: SILICON 250 mW ZENER DIODES TAITRON Components Inco. 1N4700 245Kb / 4P: ZENER DIODES Tak Cheong Electronics. 1N4700 127Kb / 3P: 500 mW DO-35 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators SEMTECH. The Zener impedance is derived from the 60 Hz ac voltage which results when an ac current having an rms value equal to 10% of the Zener current (IZT or IZK) is superimposed on IZT or IZK. Zener impedance is measured at two points to insure a sharp knee on the breakdown curve and to eliminate unstable units. 0 40 80 120 160 200

Tabela de Diodos Zener de .4W .5W 1W 3W 5W e 6 Watts Engenharia de

Zener current (I ZT): 76mA; Package: DO-35; Note: Complete technical details can be found in the 1N4728A Zener Diode datasheet given at the end of this page. 1N4728A Equivalent Zener Diodes: 4.7V Zener, 5.1V Zener, 6.8V Zener, 7.5V Zener, 15V Zener . How to select a Zener Diode: A Zener diode is another form of diode, but is used for entirely. 1N4744 Product details. FEATURES. ♦ Silicon Planar Power Zener Diodes. ♦ For use in stabilizing and clipping circuits with high power rating. ♦ Standard Zener voltage tolerance is ±10%. Add suffix "A" for ±5% tolerance. Other Zener voltages and tolerances are available upon request. ♦ These diodes are also available in the MELF. Diodo Zener (também conhecido como diodo regulador de tensão , diodo de tensão constante, diodo de ruptura ou diodo de condução reversa) [ 1] é um dispositivo ou componente eletrônico semelhante a um diodo semicondutor, especialmente projetado para trabalhar sob o regime de condução inversa, ou seja, acima da tensão de ruptura da junção PN, nest. Zener Diodes OTC Temperature Compensated Zeners 1N829A-1; Microchip Technology; 1: $8.00; 3,973 In Stock; Mfr. Part # 1N829A-1. Mouser Part # 494-1N829A-1. Microchip Technology: Zener Diodes OTC Temperature Compensated Zeners. Learn More about Microchip Technology microchip high reliability . Datasheet. 3,973 In Stock: 1: $8.00: 100: $7.43: Buy.

Estudando e Praticando Eletrônica Tabela de Diodos Retificadores

TABELA DOS PRINCIPAIS DIODOS ZENER. TABELA DOS PRINCIPAIS DIODOS ZENER. TABELA DOS PRINCIPAIS DIODOS ZENER. Tiago Oliveria. See Full PDF Download PDF. See Full PDF Download PDF. Related Papers. 253 LTM 1160-5 2 TD 253 02 DEFISR09 2015 15606-1. RICHARD ALANGUIA. Download Free PDF View PDF. UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Title: Tabela dos principais Diodos Zener Author: EDGAR ZUIM Created Date: 5/31/2010 11:28:41 PM