I Ching 62 Hexagram xiǎo guò (Small Exceeding) ICHING ONLINE

62: Attention to Detail Ambitious undertakings are not in order, but attention to small matters brings decent progress. Such is the case for a person whose resources are meager but who, through modesty and perseverance, eventually rises to accomplish great things. An early key to success is to avoid pretentious ambitions and grandiose goals. Hexagram number 62 signifies the power of incremental movements and simplicity. Challenges can be overcome by paying great attention to the tiniest details. Reach for the stars, but don't fly too high all at once. This is a time to contemplate things at a smaller scale.

ICHING HEXAGRAM 62 Preponderance of the Small and its meaning

Ching Hexagram 62 Hsiao Kua Small Exceeding Action: Conserve Hu Gua (hidden influence) 28 Critical Mass: Adjust Zong Gua (underlying cause) 61 Inner Truth: Trust The weak force is more powerful than gravity, and the smallest of life forms are the most successful. Appreciating what is small is called enlightenment. 62 Small Traverses/Flying Bird XIAO GUO z Make an offering and you will succeed. Advantageous Trial. This allows Small affairs, it does not allow Great affairs. The Flying Bird brings the omen as it leaves. Above is not the proper place, below is the proper place. Wise Words! The Great Way is open. Finalize all the details. Hexagram 62 (Small Exceeding (xiǎo guò). Small Preponderance) | Book of Changes (I Ching) 62. Small Exceeding (xiǎo guò). Small Preponderance Advise Learn from past mistakes. Learn to meet failures. Do not pay much attention to small insignificant things. Do not make a mountain out of a molehill. Inital text of I Ching The Judgement You can't make the transition called for in Hexagram 62 on the basis of your personal strength and power to bring about change; you have to do it as a small person, one who responds and adapts to a bigger reality even as she travels. This is a significant challenge.

I Ching 62 Hexagram xiǎo guò (Small Exceeding) ICHING ONLINE

Incorporating I Ching Hexagram 62 into Daily Life. Hexagram 62, representing the small and the details, offers lessons on the significance of the minutiae and the smaller aspects of life. The six lines of this hexagram underscore the importance of small steps and minor details. In our grand visions, Hexagram 62 serves as a reminder that even. Click here for the traditional I Ching meaning of hexagram #62. Don't expect a big bang. Love will deepen in your life in smaller, incremental movements. Trust simplicity. You will handle challenging people by paying careful attention to details and small steps. Reach for the stars, but don't fly too high all at once. List of hexagrams of the I Ching This is a list of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, or Book of Changes, and their Unicode character codes . This list is in King Wen order. (Cf. other hexagram sequences .) Hexagram 1 Hexagram 1 is named 乾 (qián), "Force". Other variations include "the creative", "strong action", "the key", and "god". As a divination text, the is used for a traditional Chinese form of cleromancy known as I Ching divination in which bundles of yarrow stalks are manipulated to produce sets of six apparently random numbers ranging from 6 to 9. Each of the 64 possible sets corresponds to a hexagram, which can be looked up in the I Ching.

I Ching Reading A StepbyStep Guide Exemplore

62. Hsiao Kuo / Preponderance of the Small. While in the hexagram Ta Kuo, PREPONDERANCE OF THE GREAT (28), the strong lines preponderate and are within, inclosed between weak lines at the top and bottom, the present hexagram has weak lines preponderating, though here again they are on the outside, the strong lines being within. Work with and pay attention to the details in this process. This hexagram is the inverse of the previous one, Inner Truth. If you receive all changing lines in either hexagram it reverts to the other. Both hexagrams refer to birds in some way. Inner Truth has the bird hidden in the brush calling her babies. This hexagram refers to birds with. This is rightly called a calamity and a disaster. One cannot do everything one wants to do, not even if one has the right to. It has to fit in reality, in circumstances. Stay within the borders of safety, of common sense, of experience - or you will be struck by disaster. (Changes to hex.56) Mirror. 62 -- Small Powers-- 62 . HEXAGRAM NUMBER SIXTY-TWO -- SMALL POWERS . Other titles: Preponderance of the Small, The Symbol of Excess in Small Things, The Small get by, Slight Excess, Small Exceeding, Small Surpassing, Excess of the Small, Small gains, Conscientiousness, Smallness in Excess, Exceeding the Mean, Proliferation of Details, "Like a bird, do not fly too high or attempt too much.

I Ching World Clock

62. Hsiao Kuo / Preponderance of the Small 63. Chi Chi / After Completion 64. Wei Chi / Before Completion 1. Ch'ien / The Creative above CH'IEN THE CREATIVE, HEAVEN below CH'IEN THE CREATIVE, HEAVEN The first hexagram is made up of six unbroken lines.. (Shu Ching) with the philosophy of the Book of Changes, which is based solely on the. Unveiling the mystery of the I Ching . Hexagram Xiao Guo (62) Home.