IST's (MAPA MENTAL) BIOLOGIA NA VEIA COM PROF. GIAN BRITO 21.4K subscribers Subscribe 0 No views 1 minute ago Nesse vídeo, o Prof. Dr. Gian Brito faz um mapa mental com as IST's mais. Mapas mentais semelhantes Esboço do mapa mental Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis. 1. Gonorreia 1.1. Usar preservativos na relação sexual é o melhor meio para se prevenir gonorreia. Use camisinha em todo e qualquer tipo de contato sexual, seja ele vaginal, anal ou oral. 1.2.

Mapa Mental Inss Completo 2019 Mercado Livre

Semantic Web. v. t. e. A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information into a hierarchy, showing relationships among pieces of the whole. [1] It is often created around a single concept, drawn as an image in the center of a blank page, to which associated representations of ideas such as images, words and parts of words are added. Mapa Mental em IST, criado por Beatriz Lima em 20-11-2018. Mind Map by Beatriz Lima , updated more than 1 year ago 279 0 0 Resource summary Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST) Como prevenir? Previamente Preservativo feminino ou masculino Imunização HBV HPV Após exposição Recorrente PREP Não recorrente PEP Conhecimento dos usuários Mind Map Online. MindMeister makes creating stunning mind maps easy. Our intuitive editor allows you to map your big ideas together with your team, quickly and beautifully. From project planning, to brainstorming, to meeting management, set your collaborative creativity free and create epic mind maps. Mind Mapping Brainstorming Project Planning Las plantillas para mapas mentales de Canva son la forma más rápida y sencilla de crear el tuyo. Personaliza una plantilla de mapa mental con tu equipo y crea ramas de ideas a partir de un concepto utilizando nuestras herramientas y funciones de pizarra. Elige entre nuestros ejemplos de mapas mentales para empezar a diseñar tu pizarra.

Mapa Mental Uso da vírgula

A Mind Map is a diagram for representing tasks, words, concepts, or items linked to and arranged around a central concept or subject using a non-linear graphical layout that allows the user to build an intuitive framework around a central concept. A Mind Map can turn a long list of monotonous information into a colorful, memorable and highly. Capture ideas at the speed of thought - using a mind map maker designed to help you focus on your ideas and remove all the distractions while mindmapping. Create unlimited mind maps for free, and store them in the cloud. Your mind maps are available everywhere, instantly, from any device. Mind Mapping is a powerful note-taking method. Mind Maps not only highlight important facts, but also show the overall structure of a subject and the relative importance of individual parts of it. They are great when you need to think creatively, and can help you to make new connections between ideas. This is useful when you have problems to solve. 6 Easy Steps to Make a Mind Map. Enter the Main Topic. Start by entering the main subject in the center of the mind map, for instance "Capitals of the world". Brainstorm Topics. Create main branches to enter your topics such as "London", "Paris", "New York" and "Beijing". Do not worry about the order of the topics. Create.

¿Cómo hacer un mapa mental? Lucidchart

Os modelos de mapas mentais do Canva são a maneira mais rápida e fácil de criar um mapa mental. Personalize um modelo de mapa mental com sua equipe e crie ramos de ideias a partir de um conceito usando nossas ferramentas e recursos de quadro branco. Escolha um de nossos exemplos de mapas mentais para começar a criar seu design de quadro branco. As Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST) são causadas por vírus, bactérias ou outros microrganismos. Elas são transmitidas, principalmente, por meio do contato sexual (oral, vaginal, anal) sem o uso de camisinha masculina ou feminina, com uma pessoa que esteja infectada. GoConqr MindMaps let you brainstorm with friends, classmates or colleagues so that you can pool together a wealth of ideas and insights on any topic you want. Whether it's the life and death of Martin Luther King or a understanding the fundamentals of a programming language, when you create a mind map online the connections become so much. 3. Let your creative thinking flow by personalizing your central concept with our free online mind mapping software. 4. Design mind maps by editing infinite canvas possibilities. Change or add text, icons, stock photos, and color coding using our easy-to-use editor. 5. Download your completed mind map online design as a PDF, PNG or PPT; or.

mapa mental sobre DSTs/ISTs Mind Map

Create new mind maps from scratch or open existing ones. Add one or multiple mind maps to your team's channels. Collaboratively edit mind maps with your team members. View mind maps as dynamic presentations. And thanks to our most recent update, you can now also view your entire MindMeister dashboard right inside Microsoft Teams, enabling you. Orientações: Projete ou leia o título da aula para os alunos. Fale que eles irão conhecer as principais infecções sexualmente transmissíveis e como preveni-las. Questione-os a respeito do tema. Neste momento, poderão surgir relatos de alguns alunos. Valorize essas falas, pois poderão servir de embasamento para uma futura discussão.