Haste de Orquidea Phalaenopsis Roxa Pintadinha de Silicone Toque Real

Common Name: Moth Orchid Scientific Name: Phalaenopsis (FAL-en-op-sis) Popular since Victorian times, this moth-shaped orchid is now what most people think of when they think "orchid." Phalaenopses are showy, come in many varieties, and are naturally comfortable in home environments. Phalaenopsis orchids, native only to the tropical regions of Asia and Australia, are mostly known for brightening up the indoor spaces of homes in the U.S. In fact, these exotic flowers are almost impossible to grow outdoors anywhere in continental North America.

Haste de Orquidea Phalaenopsis Roxa Pintadinha de Silicone Toque Real

Step 4. Feed every other week in the growing season and less in winter. Use a specialist orchid feed sprayed on the underside of the leaves and roots. This will help keep your plant in great condition. Find out how to care for a moth orchid (Phalaenopsis) in four steps, including watering and feeding. Phalaenopsis orchids require nighttime temperatures between 55-60ºF to induce the formation of a flowering spike. Keep Phalaenopsis orchids away from both hot and cold drafts. These plants can do well in moderate to high humidity. Keep the flowers and leaves dry. Use a well draining pot and growing media and never let your orchid sit in water for more than a few minutes. Keep the orchid after it has flowered. They are easy to care for in the vegetative stage and will flower many times if treated well. Use a water soluble fertilizer. Phalaenopsis, the moth orchid, is perhaps the best orchid for growing in the home, and is also a favorite with greenhouse growers. Well-grown plants can flower often, sometimes with a few flowers throughout the year, though the main season is late winter into spring. Average home temperatures and conditions are usually sufficient.

Orquídea phalaenopsis roxa Kefro na nossa loja online

There are several ways to raise the humidity around your orchid. Using a humidifier works best, but a daily, light misting can be effective, and so can a dish of water placed beneath the orchid's pot. Fertilizing. Fertilize your orchids with a balanced fertilizer once a week while they are in bloom. Phalaenopsis is a group of about 60 orchids that are native to Southeast Asia, where they grow in the canopies of humid lowland forests, protected from the direct sun. They are epiphytes (air plants) and don't need soil to grow. Instead, they're often found in the crooks of trees or even growing from rocks. Phalaenopsis care and maintenance is all about correct information and applying it to your daily routine. We'll get to each of these topics in this guide, so you can properly care for your moth orchid. But, I'll also throw in some interesting facts about Phalaenopsis along the way. Phalaenopsis is a genus of around 45 species of mainly epiphytic orchids native to India, southern China, and Southeast Asia. Commonly called moth orchids, they are popular house plants that, with proper care, will flower repeatedly once per year (sometimes more often) with the flowers lasting for four months or more..

Haste de Orquidea Phalaenopsis Roxa Pintadinha de Silicone Toque Real

In short, Phalaenopsis orchids prefer low light and humidity levels around 50%. For the most part, you can water these orchids once a week and fertilize regularly with an orchid-specific fertilizer. Use medium-grade orchid potting media to pot your Phalaenopsis orchid. Those are the basics, but I'll go into more detail about each care topic. Phalaenopsis ( / ˌfælɪˈnɒpsɪs / ), also known as moth orchids, [2] is a genus of about seventy species of plants in the family Orchidaceae. Orchids in this genus are monopodial epiphytes or lithophytes with long, coarse roots, short, leafy stems and long-lasting, flat flowers arranged in a flowering stem that often branches near the end. A orquídea Phalaenopsis pode florescer até 3 vezes por ano, o que faz dessa orquídea uma das favoritas das pessoas pelo mundo afora. E não é só por isso! As folhas são largas, brilhosas e as pétalas são arredondadas. Todas essas características encantam os cultivadores. Orquídea Phalaenopsis Como Cuidar Orquídea Phalaenopsis: Essa espécie é originaria de países da Ásia como, Filipinas, Malásia, Indonésia, Sumatra, China e Taiwan. Ela tem seu habitat natural nas florestas tropical e são epífitas ( vivem nas arvores ).

Flowers Floripanópolis Orquídea Roxa Phalaenopsis 2 hastes

En esta guía práctica verás cuáles son los cuidados básicos de la orquídea Phalaenopsis, desde su riego, sustrato y abono hasta su ubicación, luz necesaria y temperatura adecuada:. Cómo regar la orquídea Phalaenopsis. Como todas las orquídeas, esta planta no tolera los excesos de humedad ni los encharcamientos, tanto en las hojas como en las raíces. Phalaenopsis orchids are one of the easiest types of orchids to grow and maintain, making them an ideal choice even for first-time gardeners and one of the widely traded types of orchids worldwide (1). Their blooms last a long time, too. Read on below to know more about the lovely phalaenopsis orchids. The Genus Phalaenopsis: An Overview