Resina Harmonize Kerr Odonto Dental Produtos Odontológicos.

Wide Range of Resins Online at RS. Order Now! RS Brings The Latest Technology To Market. Shop Resins Now. 36634 Harmonize - Unidose Intro Kit CONTENTS: 40x 0.25g Unidose (10x Dentine A3, 10x Dentine A3.5, 10x Enamel A2, 10x Enamel A3); Instructions for Use.

Resina Harmonize Kerr Odonto Dental Produtos Odontológicos.

Universal Composite with Adaptive Response Technology Meet the next generation of nanohybrid universal composites—Harmonize. Infused with Adaptive Response Technology, Harmonize helps you achieve lifelike restorations with more ease and simplicity than ever before. Home Produtos Restauração Conheça A verdadeira resina do camaleão Premiada internacionalmente por dois anos consecutivos, a resina nanohíbrida universal Harmonize mimetiza o dente natural, garantindo excelentes resultados nos procedimentos estéticos em dentes anteriores e posteriores. BUY 2 GET 1 FREE. To buy this product, please create an online account/login. Harmonize™ Syringe Intro Kit. To buy this product, please create an online account/login. Harmonize™ Unidose Intro Kit. To buy this product, please create an online account/login. Harmonize™ Syringe Advanced Kit. Universal Composite (1 x 4 g syringe) Harmonize. Nanoparticle filler system thatfacilitates natural-looking restorations and improves integration capability. Composite features: Adaptive reflection at the wavelength of light that improves the Chameleon effect. Excellent gloss retention and improved polishability

Resina Harmonize Dentina KERR 4G Larense

Kerr sought to answer that call with its Harmonize Universal Composite, which is infused with Adaptive Response Technology (ART). The nanoparticle fi ller network of Harmonize is designed to provide better. blending capabilities and enhanced structural integrity to ensure restorations have exceptional strength and unmatched esthetics. Harmonize™ Nanohybrid Universal Composite Kerr Restorative Consultants' Comments "I found it good for anterior composites but was too translucent for the posterior region." With an adequate bevel, the interface between the tooth and composite was invisible." "Beautiful polish, it polished to a mirror finish and seems like glass. because Harmonize doesn't stick to your composite instruments.1 Reduced time required for trimming and finishing. 2 In a blind evaluation, 94% of leading US dentists stated Harmonize had excellent handling characteristics including non-stickiness, carvability, spreadability, and viscosity. OF LEADING US DENTISTS RATED HARMONIZE EXCELLENT IN. One-way ANOVA revealed significant differences between all RCs both regarding σ < .0001), with values ranging from 3.9 to 15.5 GPa and from 76 to 130.3 MPa, respectively ( values were observed for light-cure RCs than for self- and dual-cure ones, while no clear trend was noticed regarding σ.


Kit Resina Harmonize + Adesivo Optibond - Kerr. Kit com 6 seringas de 4g nas cores (A1D, A2D, A3D, A1E, A2E e TC) e 1 adesivo Optibond. Cod. de Referência: KER21825A. Cód Fabricante: 10144014. Criamos sua lista Criar nova lista passo 1 de 2 Escolha uma das opções abaixo para seguir com a criação da sua lista: Resina Harmonize - Kerr Resina Nanohíbrida. Seringa com 4g. Escolha a cor. Cod. de Referência: DC25896 ( 3 ) Escolha uma opção R$299,90 2x de R$149,95 sem juros Adicionar ao Carrinho Adicionar a lista de desejos Calcular frete e prazo A previsão de entrega inicia-se após a emissão da Nota Fiscal. Digite o CEP Calcular Lovers. 3M™ Filtek™ Universal Restorative is a versatile composite material that can be used for a wide range of dental restorations. It features a unique nanofiller technology that provides excellent polish retention, wear resistance and strength. It also offers a simplified shade selection system that adapts to the natural color of the tooth. Learn more about the technical specifications. SimpliShade works in all cavity classes without the need for a blocker. Choose SimpliShade™ Universal Composite to streamline your restoration workflow and inventory management, without compromising strength or esthetics. Featuring three shades (Light, Medium, and Dark), SimpliShade makes it quick and easy to match all 16 VITA® Classical.

Kit Resina Harmonize + Adesivo Optibond S Kerr Apoio Dental

1. Introduction. Flowable resin composites are versatile materials with optimized handling characteristics that have been used in various aesthetic dental procedures, such as preventive restorations (for minimally invasive Class I and II); pit and fissure sealants; cavity liners; restoration of Class V abfraction lesions; bonding of orthodontic brackets; splinting fractured and mobile teeth. HARMONIZE é uma resina universal fotopolimerizável, indicada para dentes anteriores e posteriores. O VERDADEIRO EFEITO CAMALEÃO HARMONIZE conta com um sistema tecnológico denominado ART - Adaptive Response Technology, responsável por aprimorar a eficiência mecânica e estética do material.