Overview BD CultureSwab™ and BD CultureSwab™ Plus collection and transport systems help collect and transport aerobes and anaerobes. Numerous published studies have shown that compared to other options, BD CultureSwab swabs provide enhanced performance for microorganism recovery. 1-3 References 1. Gamble SL. BD BBL CultureSwab Transport Systems: Cary-Blair Agar, Single Swab Cary-Blair;Without | Fisher Scientific
Swab com meio CARYBLAIR ABSORVE CRAL Consultenos!
The BD CultureSwab™ system is available with Cary-Blair medium for use in transporting fecal specimens. Aerobic and facultative anaerobic sampling The BD CultureSwab™ Plus system features a 5-mL Amies agar gel column with oxygen-scavenging agents, for sampling of both aerobic and facultative anaerobic organisms. Performance-enhancing features PROCEDURE If a stool specimen is received, place approximately one gram of fecal material into Cary Blair Transport Medium. If specimen is received on a swab, place the swab in Cary Blair Transport Medium and cut off the protruding portion of the swab. Secure the cap tightly and label the specimen. FecalSwab™ combines a COPAN-invented flocked swab with 2mL of Cary-Blair medium in a plastic, screw cap tube. Simplify and standardize fecal sample collection, transport and processing, converting semi-solid fecal matter into liquid specimens. Get FecalSwab™ Request a Sample Try it for yourself! Contact Copan Get More Information Supplies needed: One tube ofCary Blair transport medium Sterile cotton-tipped applicators (swabs) Gloves Pennanent marker Specimen labels or adhesive tape Chill the tube of Cary Blair transport medium by placing it on ice packs or in the refrigerator 1 - 2 hours before collecting the specimen.
Microbiology swab 304260KF Deltalab CaryBlair / sterile
Cary Blair Medium is recommended for recovery of aerobic, anaerobic and fastidious bacteria from faecal specimens containing 2 ml medium with Viscous swabs. For optimum results, the time lapse between sample collection and inoculum onto culture medium s Cultureswab Cary-Blair Agar Single Swab BD For keeping samples viable during transport with the convenient, self-contained BD CultureSwab™ system, which consists of tube, transport medium and swab with integral lid. Single swab contains Cary-Blair agar for fecal specimens and as sterile swab only for general specimen collection and… Cary Blair Swabs 1 - 2 of 2 Related Categories: Sterile Swab Tube Sort View Show Cultureswab Cary-Blair Agar Single Swab BD.system, which consists of tube, transport medium and swab with integral lid. Single swab contains Cary-Blair agar for fecal specimens and as sterile swab only for general specimen collection and transport. Specimens in Cary-Blair transport media are acceptable up to 3 days if stored at 4C. However, performing culture from. If collecting sample with a swab use cotton tip with plastic or aluminum shaft or polyester swabs. Most specimens should be preserved in viral transport media available in the Microbiology laboratory and transported on ice.
Copan Diagnostics FecalSwab CaryBlair Collection and Transport System
Transporter® Transport Swab, Cary-Blair, Plastic Shaft, Rayon Tip, Red Cap. Cat. no. 4132BX. PACK SIZE: 50 per package. Description. Cary-Blair Medium is a modification of the original Stuart formulation but is almost exclusively used for the transportation of rectal swabs and fecal specimens for the isolation of enteric pathogens. Specifications. Cary-Blair transport medium can be used to transport clinical specimens suspected to contain enteric pathogens, including Shigella, Salmonella, Vibrio cholerae, and Escherichia coli O157:H7. Since this transport medium has a high pH (8.4), the viability of Vibrio cultures can be maintained for a longer duration.
Regular Flocked Swab with Cary-Blair Medium. Single Regular Size Nylon® Flocked Swab with 80mm Breakpoint Packaged with 2 mL Cary-Blair Medium in Skirted Tube with Plastic Orange Capture Cap - Individually Packaged, Sterile 50/Pack; 10 Packs/Case. Compare Product Lines View FecalSwab™ in the Product Finder. FecalSwab™ is a modified Cary-Blair medium specifically designed for the recovery, preservation and detection of enteric pathogens, available with two collection devices: a standard flocked swab and a specialized one with stopper for the collection of anal, perianal and feces. Processing and applications Versatile and automatable
Fecal Swab Flocked Swab with Cary-Blair Medium, Copan Diagnostics. Patented sample collection and preservation system for enteric bacteria. Smaller sample quantity, eliminating the need to vent the container, preventing messy accidents during processing. Compact alternative for space efficient transportation compared with traditional bulky. The Cary-Blair transport medium is a specialized bacterial transport medium that provides an optimal environment for the survival and maintenance of various bacterial pathogens during transit from the collection site to the laboratory.