Alex from Target Makes His First TV Appearance on "Ellen"

February 24, 2021 0 If you used Twitter in 2014, or if you used the Internet really, you probably saw the rise of the new internet celebrity, Alex from Target. The young man had never expected that showing up for work in his Texas hometown would mean a chapter in his life. His entire world changed in one day. 16-year-old Alex Lee was catapulted into internet fame when a photo of him went viral on Twitter. Lee and his family faced death threats and harassment, including their Social Security numbers being leaked. A little over 8 years later, Lee appears to have zero social media presence. Advertisement

You Won't Believe What Alex from Target Looks like Now Superfame

Alex LaBeouf, also known as "Alex from Target," rose to prominence during the golden era of the internet in 2014. The story began in an odd place: a Target store in Texas, where a seemingly innocuous photograph of him working at a checkout counter went viral. The Viral Phenomenon Alex LaBeouf — also known as Alex Lee or Alex From Target — rose to social media fame in 2014 after a Target shopper in Texas snapped a photo of a boy working at the checkout counter, and it went viral on Twitter. Published Dec 3, 2020 'Alex from Target' doesn't look like a teen heartthrob anymore, and his Target days are long over. Alex from Target was 16 when he started his job as a cashier and some random teen girl snapped a pic of him at work. A week later, Alex's social media accounts blew up when a boyband-following account shared his likeness. Nov. 12, 2014 Two weeks ago, 16-year-old Alex Lee was your run-of-the-mill teenager. He woke up at 7 for school. He loved playing soccer. He got into trouble for not taking out the trash. His.

Known as ‘Alex From Target,’ Teenage Clerk Rises to Star on Twitter and

The hashtag #AlexFromTarget eventually began trending on Twitter. After people began seeking out information about the fabled Alex himself, his Twitter account — @ acl163 — gained about 250,000. Alex From Target is a nickname given to American teenage cashier Alex Christopher LaBeouf who rose to global viral fame on Twitter for his apparent charming look after an anonymous customer tweeted a picture of him scanning and bagging items at a Target retail store in Texas. Alex Lee was just 16 years old and had been working at Target for only three months when a Twitter user posted a photo of at the register. and it spread around the world. It was just a snap. 7,142 Followers, 18 Following, 114 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Alex from Target (@alexl)

Alex From Target The Other Side of Fame The New York Times

November 3, 2014 11:56 AM EST F or absolutely no discernible reason, the people of the Internet have turned a kid named Alex who works at Target — now forever known as #AlexFromTarget — into. Alex is Alex Lee, a 16-year-old from Texas with Justin Bieber-ish looks. He became the latest Internet sensation after a photo of him working at a Target checkout counter went viral this week. Parents, Take Note: Here's What 'Alex from Target' Can Teach You About Your Teenagers -- UPDATED Is it rude to have sex as a guest in someone's home over the holidays? Here's what experts say.. Alex from Target J-14 recently caught up with the viral star to find out what life has been like for him since that unbelievable day. "I was working at Target and I was just doing my regular.

2014 social media star Alex from Target What is he doing now?

The source of all this madness: a 15-year-old high-schooler named Brooklyn Reiff. Brooklyn Reiff took the original photo of Alex from Target. Reiff is a junior at Prosper High School in Prosper. Alex from Target is precisely who his name would imply: A young man named Alex, employed as a cashier at the mega-retailer Target. And his claim to international Internet stardom is essentially.