An alternate flag I made for Canada. vexillology

Flag Designs Canadians submitted thousands of designs for a new flag. Pearson's own choice was a flag of three red maples leaves on a white field, flanked by two blue bars. It was soon dubbed "Pearson's Pennant." "en. Beaver Before the arrival of the Europeans, the beaver was honoured by such Indigenous communities as the Wendat. (October 2021) The national flag of Canada (at left) being flown with the flags of the 10 Canadian provinces and 3 territories

Alternate Flag of Canada by CMMDA on DeviantArt

The National Flag of Canada ( French: Drapeau national du Canada ), [1] often simply referred to as the Canadian flag or, unofficially, as the maple leaf flag or l'Unifolié ( French: [l‿ynifɔlje]; lit. 'the one-leafed'), consists of a red field with a white square at its centre in the ratio of 1∶2∶1, in which is featured a stylized, red, 11-poin. Feb 15, 2020, 1:41 PM Updated Today is Canada's flag day, which means if you get a chance, you should really take a moment to appreciate the country's emblem. It's so simple, yet so instantly recognizable: two red bars, and a red maple leaf centred on a white background. Perfect. However, this design wasn't even around until 1965. Here's a fun fact: Canada didn't have an official national flag until February 15, 1965. A not-so-fun fact: choosing one caused a huge divide in both public and political opinions, and the matter. 1 Current and historical flags 2 Proposed flags 3 Royal standards 4 Other and Fictional flags 5 Flags of Provinces and Territories Current and historical flags National flag (1965-present) Canadian Red Ensign, 1957-1965 Canadian Red Ensign, 1921-1957 Canadian Red Ensign, 1868-1921 Republic of Canada (1837-1838)

[another] Alternate flag of Canada 2 by TheFlagandAnthemGuy on DeviantArt

The Huffington Post Canada May 28, 2013, 04:29 AM EDT | Updated Jul 28, 2013 Canada has had more than a few flags over its history, so it's not surprising new designs for the national emblem are floated so often. This week, it's designs incorporating the maple leaf into other world flags. The center of the flag should have a white circle that cuts into the other quadrants to allow for the maple leaves to be larger (and maybe add a bit more detail to the leaves such as the main veins given that most of the other elements on the flag have additional detailing to them) à la the current flag of Montreal. Overall an interesting concept. Alternate Flag for Canada. This is an alternate flag I made for my nation Canada, it took my a bit to come up with the design but I think it turned out pretty well. EDIT: I never once took inspiration from an US state flag, I simply came up with the design Edit 2: I also never took inspiration from another nations current or old flags. Another British flag used in Canada was the Red Ensign [PDF version, 1 MB].While it was officially a naval flag used by Canadian ships starting in the 1890s, the Canadian Red Ensign — a combination of the Union Jack and the shield of Canada — had been used unofficially both at sea and on land since the 1870s and was widely recognized as a national symbol.

Alternative Canada flag Flag, Unique flags, Canada flag

Many people are pointing this out on social media following Canada Day, and although the replacement by Mulidzas-Curtis Wilson is far from new, it's being brought out with extra force this year in light of a recent groundswell of criticism of systemic racism against Indigenous and Black people. Happy Canada Day!! Find out the rules for flying the National Flag of Canada while it is attached to a building or a pole, as well as its placement when combined with other flags.. Canadian identity and society; National anthem and symbols of Canada; National flag of Canada; Made an alternate Canadian flag. This is a good flag for if Canada stays close to the British crown and for monarchists, but potentially offensive for progressive Canadians looking to the future and Canadian nationalists. I can see this being used as pro-British and pro-Commonwealth propaganda, an 'ideal Canada' close to Britain and the. These rules are established by Canadian Heritage and are mandatory for use across all Federal properties and during Federal events. Other jurisdictions and private companies, institutions and individuals are also encouraged to use these rules as a guideline.. Alternate format. Displaying the National Flag of Canada — quick reference [PDF.

Flag of (an alternate) Canada by ramones1986 on DeviantArt

Alternate format. Order of precedence for flags — quick reference [PDF version - 536 KB]. The Queen's Personal Canadian Flag, as well as the Personal Canadian Flags of members of the Royal Family and the personal flags of the Governor General and Lieutenant Governors (in their province of jurisdiction) when assuming the duties of the. (June 2021) Compilation of all the well documented national flag proposals of several countries, dependent territories, autonomies, and states with limited recognition . An asterisk in headings denotes an incomplete list, which has more proposals not in Wikimedia Commons yet. Algeria Proposal (1962) Proposal 2 (1962) Angola