How to play CMajor Ukulele Chords Tutorial YouTube

C Ukulele Chord Played '0003' on the soprano - Standard Tuning (GCEA). Alternative name: Cmajor. View this chord in: G-Tuning (DGBE) D-Tuning (ADF#B) Slack-Key Tuning (GCEG) Don't know how to read a chord? Read this first. Diagram/Chart Notes: G C E C Fingering: 0 0 0 3 How to play the C on your ukulele C major ukulele chord is also written as Cmaj or C or CM. Ukulele chord chart for C major chord with suggested finger positions on the ukulele fretboard is shown below. O O O 1 O 2 O 1 O 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 7 O O O 1 5 1 3 O 4 7 O O 2 1 7 O 1 2 1 7 3 1 2 1 8 2 O 1 3 10 O O O 1 9 1 O O 2 10 3 O O 1 10 O 3 O 1 10 3 4 O 1 10 O O 3 1

How to play CMajor Ukulele Chords Tutorial YouTube

225 23K views 4 years ago How to Play "Must-Know" Ukulele Chords (The Most Important Chords to Learn) Learn how to play a C major chord on ukulele. The C chord is a common, must-know. The C chord is one of the basic chords on the ukulele. To play the C chord on a standard GCEA-tuned ukulele, follow these steps: Place your ring finger: Press down on the third fret of the bottom string (A string). The bottom string is closest to the floor when holding the ukulele. The standard C ukulele chord is again formed of the notes G, C, E, and C and strummed an octave higher. How to Play the C Chord on Ukulele As told earlier, you'll find several ways to play the C chord on the ukulele. This section talks about some general voicings of the C chord on the uke and tips for playing them. Standard C Major Ukulele Chord C Major Chord: Variation #1 This is the C major chord you're probably most familiar with. To play C Major Chord Variation #1 on ukulele, place the ring finger on the 3rd fret of the bottom A-string. Let the other strings ring open. C Major Chord: Variation #2 Let's find new ways to play this common chord.

How to play C Major chord on the ukulele! YouTube

10. The C chord has the formula 1, 3, 5 with notes C, E, G. Matching Scales: C Major C Mixolydian E Minor E Phrygian G Major G Dorian. The major chord is one of the basic triads and can be found in every genre of music. It is characteristically happy and often serves as a basis for forming more complex chords. Learn different positions of the C. Welcome to Ukulele School! This is the Ukulele Chord Tutorials for Beginners Series! In today's video, we are learning how to play C chord with the proper ha. C ukulele chord is also written as C majormaj or C or CM. View ukulele chords chart for C chord along with suggested finger positions. Watch more How to Play Ukulele videos: to the ukulele? In this video you'll lea.

C Ukulele Chord

The standard C ukulele chord is made up of the notes G, C, E, and C again, played one octave higher. How to Play the C Chord on Ukulele. As mentioned above, there are several different ways that you can play the C chord on the ukulele. This section covers a few of the most common voicings for the C chord on the uke, as well as tips on how to. C Ukulele Chord Aka: Cmajor The C major triad Chord for Ukulele has the notes C E G and interval structure 1 3 5 and has 3 possible voicings/fret configurations. Full name: C major triad Common abbreviations: Cmajor Chord Sound: Chord Structure: Tuning: More in this page: Another C Chord. Now let's try another variation. We're going to switch it up a little for this one. Drop your index finger on the 7th fret of C string. Place your second finger on the 7th fret of the A string and your third finger on the 8th fret of the C string. Leave the G (top) string unfretted. Essentially you're playing a G chord. Select Chord C Major Ukulele Chord Explanation The C major chord contains the notes C-E-G. To build a C major chord, take the major triad formula (1-3-5) and apply it to the C major scale (C, D, E, F, G, A, B). Identify the first, third, and fifth scale degrees in the C major scale which are C-E-G. Having a tough time smoothly changing chords?

C Major & A minor scale charts for Ukulele

The horizontal spaces represent each fret of your ukulele (in this case, the black dot is placed in the 3 rd fret of the 1 st string), and the numbers under the lines represent which finger of your left hand you're going to use to play that chord. The C Chord Ukulele Diagram | Mariulele.- Uke Like The Pros Basic C Chord on Ukulele How to Play C Chord on Ukulele Yes, it is that simple! One finger on the third fret of the first string. This is why little kids can learn the ukulele. Just one thing to point out, use your ring finger for that one note. Learn the F Chord on Ukulele C Chord at the Third Fret on the Ukulele