Location and size The Canadian boreal forest is a very large bio-region that extends in length from the Yukon-Alaska border right across the country to Newfoundland and Labrador. It is over 1,000 kilometres (620 mi) in width (north to south) separating the arctic tundra region from the various landscapes of southern Canada. Download the North American boreal zone map [2.2 Mb] or the shapefiles The boreal forest is important to Canada and the planet Canada's boreal forest (270 million hectares) stores carbon, purifies the air and water, and regulates the climate.
Fast Facts Canada’s Boreal Forest The Pew Charitable Trusts
Canadian Forest Service researchers have used the most current science to map the North American part of the boreal zone. This map gives scientists, governments and others a common tool for discussing the boreal region. Download a printable version of the map as a PDF [2.2 Mb] or the shapefiles. 3. Canada's Boreal Forest alone holds about 12 percent of the world's land-based carbon reserves. It is home to a quarter of the world's wetlands, with millions of lakes—including some of the largest and most pristine on Earth—and the longest free-flowing rivers remaining in North America. It stretches across 1.2 billion acres (485 million hectares) of northern Canada, from the Yukon to Newfoundland and Labrador. Represents 25 percent of the world's remaining intact forest, even more than the Amazon rain forest. Contains 25 percent of the world's wetlands. At 1.3 billion acres, the Canadian Boreal Forest is one of the largest intact forest and wetland ecosystems remaining on earth. It is a major source of North America's freshwater and home to the some of the planet's largest populations of wolves, grizzly bears, and woodland caribou.
New framework identifies climate change “refugia” in boreal forest
The shapefiles that were developed as part of the study "The extent of the North American boreal zone" by Natural Resource Canada's Dr. J.P. Brandt are available for download. These spatial data are provided in a 21Mb ESRI shapefile. In order to view these data, you will need shapefile-compatible GIS software. More than 30% of Canada's boreal has been allocated to some form of current or future development, confirming the need to conserve large portions of the boreal to create a balance in the boreal forest. Boreal Birds 325 North American bird species rely on the boreal forest for nesting or migratory stopover habitat. Bordered to the north by treeless arctic tundra and to the south by temperate forest or grassland, the zone includes three ecologically distinct subzones: the northern boreal woodland, the main boreal forest and the southern boreal forest. The Boreal Region is a massive expanse of forests, wetlands, and waterways covering much of the Northern Hemisphere. In Canada, this vast region stretches for 5000 kilometres from Newfoundland and Labrador through the country's central regions and northwest to the Yukon.
BG The pyrogeography of eastern boreal Canada from 1901 to 2012
Boreal Forest map begins tour | Canadian Geographic Reading: Boreal Forest map begins tour This article is over 5 years old and may contain outdated information. Kids Boreal Forest map begins tour Nov 30, 2013 223 words 1 minutes By Siobhan McClelland Advertisement The Mega Map Goes On the Move Watch on Advertisement The North American Boreal Forest biome has been recognized as containing some of the highest proportions of intact, primary forest left on Earth. Over 6 million km2 of the Boreal Forest biome is found in Canada (5.5 million km2) and the United States (0.74 million km2) across 10 provinces and territories and one United States state (Alaska). All of it is within the traditional territories of.
Canadian forests play a primary role in the ecology,. The forested areas managed for timber production are mostly located in the Boreal Shield, Atlantic Maritime, Montane Cordillera and Pacific Maritime ecozones.. This map shows the forest fire ignition causes for fires greater than 200 hectares. The data represent a compilation of all. Approximately 80 per cent of Canada's forested land is in the immense boreal forest region, which swings in an arc south from the Mackenzie River Delta and Alaskan border to northeast British Columbia, across northern Alberta and Saskatchewan, through Manitoba, Ontario and Québec, terminating in northern Newfoundland on the shores of the Labrado.
Spotlight What we know about Canada’s boreal forest Natural
open access • Framework for large-area mapping of forest structural attributes • Landsat pixel composites and LiDAR plots data combined with an imputation model • R 2 in 0.49-0.61 for key forest attributes when validating on > 20,000 lidar plots. • 30 m resolution forest attributes maps generated for Canadian boreal zone. • In this research, we use a predictive modeling approach to map forest structural attributes over the ~552 million ha boreal forest of Canada. For model calibration and independent validation we utilize airborne lidar-derived measurements of forest vertical structure (known as lidar plots) obtained in 2010 via a> 25,000 km transect-based.