New 80 Ferrari Festival Ottawa 2020

Info — FCA Ottawa Thanks for a great 16th Edition of the Ottawa Ferrari Festival! Play Welcome to the FCA Ottawa chapter & Ottawa Ferrari Festival website FCA Ottawa Chapter Ottawa Ferrari Festival Ferrari Club of America, Ottawa Chapter. Ottawa Ferrari Festival. Ottawa Little Italy

FCA Ottawa Ferrari Festival Preston Street, Ottawa To Do Canada

15th Edition of The Ottawa Ferrari Festival — FCA Ottawa Thanks for a great 16th Edition of the Ottawa Ferrari Festival! FCA Ottawa Ferrari Festival. Preston Street Ottawa ON Canada. FCA Ottawa Ferrari Festival. FCA Ottawa Ferrari Festival. Preston Street Ottawa ON Canada. Related Events. December 30, 2023. Ottawa Kwanzaa Celebration. The Ottawa Kwanzaa celebration will include a dynamic showcase of cultural dancers, drumming, singing, music and authentic African. During one weekend every June, the Ferrari Club of America Ottawa Chapter, along with more than 200,000 spectators and visitors, form a celebration of Ferraris and all things Italian. June 14, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - June 16, 2019 @ 2:00 pm. During Italian Week, The Ferrari Club of America Ottawa Chapter turns Ottawa's Corso Italia (Preston Street) into a 1.3 km concourse of rare automobiles with a celebration of Ferraris and all things Italian. The 3-day festival consists of a wide variety of exciting events, including:

Parade Of Ferraris 2012 FCA Ottawa Ferrari Festival YouTube

Ottawa Ferrari Festival & Italian Car Parade June 10, 2023 @ 8:00 am - June 13, 2022 @ 4:00 pm Little Italy, Ottawa Please come enjoy one of Canada's finest gathering of Ferraris in the atmosphere of Ottawa's Italian week in conjunction with the Italian Car Parade Tradition of the ICCO (Italian Car Club of Ottawa) 2022 FCA Ottawa Ferrari Festival Public Schedule Preston Street Ferrari Display Friday, June 17, 2022 6:00pm - 11:00pm Little Italy - Preston Street Ottawa's Little Italy, Preston Street will be closed starting at 6pm. The Ferrari's and friends will be parked on the street from 6pm for public viewing pleasure. This will be the first opportunity to see some of the most beautiful Ferraris that will be participating in the Ottawa Ferrari Festival. The Concours event features Ferrari owners presenting their cars to be judged according to international standards and only the best vehicles will receive awards. Ferragosto in Ottawa's Little Italy on Preston Street — FCA Ottawa Thanks for a great 16th Edition of the Ottawa Ferrari Festival!

Ferrari Festival Ottawa 2015 Part 1 YouTube

9 PRESTON STREET FERRARI DISPLAY Friday, June 9, 2023 6:00 PM 11:00 PM Corso Italia (map) Ottawa's Little Italy, Preston Street will be closed starting at 6pm. The Ferraris and friends will be parked on the street from 6pm for public viewing pleasure. Participez au rendez-vous annuel à Ottawa pour le grand rassemblement Ferrari dans la capitale canadienne. Festival Ferrari à Ottawa Activité officielle du FCA, Chapitre Ottawa Pour plus d'information, consulter le site Festival Ferrari à Ottawa Nous organisons également un groupe qui quittera de Montréal. Plus d'information à venir Ottawa Ferrari Festival - 16th Edition ! — FCA Ottawa Thanks for a great 16th Edition of the Ottawa Ferrari Festival! Check out the Ottawa Ferrari Festival webpage for detailed information These included dinners, our AGM at the end of May, a regional Concours event held in Ottawa in conjunction with the Ottawa Ferrari Festival on June 9th-11th, Track day on July 19th, several drives, brunch, our Fall tour, the return of Bernacci's Drive, and several special events "Cavallinos n" Coffee" dates which compliment our traditional ones.

FCA Ottawa Ferrari Festival Tedford Chan Flickr

Ferrari Festival in Ottawa Ottawa. Official activity of FCA, Ottawa Chapter. For more information, visit the site Ottawa Ferrari Festival. We also organize a group who will leave Montreal. More information to come. Date. 2022-06. The Italian Car Club is joined by the Ferrari Club of America, Ottawa Chapter, who bring the Ferrari Festival to Preston Street for the weekend. FCA Ottawa will have their vehicles on display in Little Italy on Friday and Saturday for all to enjoy.