Clara Caufield A growing movement for Indigenous People's Day

It's a Good Day to Be Indigenous: 5 Ways Indigenous Communities are Reclaiming their Land Katie Nehls October 24, 2023 Blog When we are doing the important work of Rights of Nature and Land Back, sometimes it can be disheartening to hear about all of the setbacks occurring in our communities. Being a good relative every day Native Nations March. Native nations gather this week to stand up for indigenous rights. Thousands march from the Army Corps of Engineers to Lafayette Park, in front of the White House, where a rally is held. 1. Know the land you are on

Happy Indigenous Day Quotes 60 National Aboriginal Day Wish Pictures

For us, every day, every month, and every year is a good day to be Indigenous, to honor our peoples. We celebrate collectively as Native peoples, while simultaneously recognizing and reaffirming that we are not a monolith. We are many peoples with diverse cultures and experiences. A peoples whose understandings of self, peoplehood, and. News It's Always a Good Day to be Indigenous Since the first Indigenous Peoples' Day Celebration in Salt Lake City, local Indigenous activist and allies continue the efforts to honor Indigenous people and promote the wellbeing and growth of Indigenous communities. Faculty & Staff A good day to be Indigenous: Highlights from Indigenous Peoples' Day Fort Lewis College honored its Indigenous students, staff, and faculty on Indigenous Peoples' Day on October 10, 2022. Fort Lewis College honored its Indigenous students, staff, and faculty on Indigenous Peoples' Day on October 10, 2022. President Biden issued a proclamation on Friday to observe Monday, Oct. 9, as a day to honor Native Americans, their "resilience, strength, and perseverance" and "determination to preserve.

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"It's a great day to be Indigenous," Hall said. Hall, a citizen of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians said despite everything Native Americans have endured and sacrificed. Dedicating the Soaring Eagle Prairie Garden UND President Andy Armacost speaks on Indigenous Peoples' Day in the shadow of the Soaring Eagle artwork, while Keith Malaterre, director of the Indigenous Student Center, and Dan Henry, director of the Indians into Medicine program look on. Photo by Mike Hess/UND Today. A good day to be Indigenous: Highlights from Indigenous Peoples' Day by Fort Lewis College. "Indigenous Peoples' Day should be observed across the United States," said Rexine Williams, a citizen of the Navajo Nation and academic support coordinator for the Native American Center. "We should celebrate Indigenous peoples every day. Fort Lewis College honored its Indigenous students, staff, and faculty on Indigenous Peoples' Day on October 10, 2022. The FLC community recognized Indigenous peoples' enduring power and cultural significance as well as the impacts of settler colonialism. The theme for this year was "Healing Our Communities," which touched on FLC's ongoing reconciliation with its origin as a Federal.

Indigenous Day Poster Happy International World's Indigenous Peoples

Senior Independent Study Thesis. As Hollywood perpetuated stereotypes such as the Savage and the Noble Savage in films such as John Ford's Stagecoach and Cheyenne Autumn, American Indians struggled to maintain their own identity. Additionally, the physical and cultural genocide of Native Americans, including massacres and white-washing. 1. Learn about the people native to where you live and visit. Beyond learning their names, seek out their histories and who they are today. How did they live in harmony with the land? Which promises did the US government make—and then break? Land acknowledgments in your meetings or introductions is merely a starting point. "It's a Good Day to be Indigenous!": The Impact and Legacy of 'Smoke Signals' by Shea Vassar November 14, 2019 Miramax Advertisements Twenty-one years ago, the film Smoke Signals — directed by Chris Eyre — debuted at the Sundance Film Festival to a positive response. And every day is a good day to celebrate Indigenous people! Connect with First Nations: Contact Us. National Headquarters First Nations Development Institute 2432 Main Street Longmont, CO 80501 Tel: 303.774.7836 Fax: 303.774.7841 [email protected]. New Mexico Field Office First Nations Development Institute

it's a good day to be indigenous, indeed! Native humor, Dj like

A good day to be Indigenous by Michael Rios. For the sixth consecutive year, the greater-Seattle area and its thousands of Native citizens celebrated Indigenous People's Day. Replacing the former misbegotten holiday dedicated to a slave trader and lost navigator, the commemorative day to honor the past, present and future of Indigenous. Culture It's a Good Day To Be Indigenous I will never forget hearing "It's a good day to be Indigenous" during the opening scene of the 1998 independent film " Smoke Signals ." Native American activist and author, John Trudell, played the Tribal radio station DJ who greeted listeners with the empowering morning message.