FLSTF Softail Fat Boy 2008 HarleyDavidson pictures

The Harley-Davidson Fat Boy, is a V-twin softail cruiser motorcycle with solid-cast disc wheels. [2] Designed by Willie G. Davidson and Louie Netz, Harley-Davidson built a prototype Fat Boy in Milwaukee for the Daytona Bike Week rally at Daytona Beach in 1988 and 1989. Harley-Davidson FAT BOY Motorcycles for Sale View Trims | View Colors | View New | View Used | View States | Under $5000 | Under $2000 | About Harley-Davidson FAT BOY Motorcycles close Kentucky (5) North Dakota (2) (73) Gray (13) Orange close Available Years 2018 Harley-Davidson FAT BOY - 94 motorcycles 2023 Harley-Davidson FAT BOY - 91 motorcycles

PreOwned 2016 HarleyDavidson FLSTF Fat Boy in Franklin TT010426

The Harley-Davidson FLSTF Fat Boy's long-lived (it dates from the 1950s) pushrod V-twin was boosted again in 2006 from 1450 to 1584cc (the original 1989-99 motorcycles were 1340s) and is now. Harley-Davidson FLSTF Fat Boy Launched in 1990, fat is still where it's at. Come and chew some. After a quarter of a century, it's still one of the most desirable bikes in the Harley-Davidson range. Big, bold, and even a little brutal, the austere livery has long since given way to a range of colours. But how do they ride? Harley-Davidson FLSTF Fat Boy Specs (1999) Add bike to comparator The Harley-Davidson FLSTF Fat Boy model is a Custom / cruiser bike manufactured by Harley-Davidson . In this version sold from year 1999 , the dry weight is and it is equipped with a V2, four-stroke motor. The Fat Boy® model is the very definition of a heavyweight motorcycle, delivering a bold styling statement and a wide, comfortable riding stance. Standard Anti-lock Braking System and Smart Security System option deliver the most advanced technology in a way that only Harley-Davidson can deliver. 6-Speed Cruise Drive® Transmission

PreOwned 2016 HarleyDavidson FLSTF Fat Boy in Franklin TT010426

A 7-inch chrome headlamp, textured leather seat insert and a hand-laced leather tank panel add to the distinctive look. Key FLSTF FAT BOY® Characteristics. Rigid mount, 1450cc Twin Cam 88B™ balanced engine. Black powdercoated engine with chrome covers. Fat FL front forks. The Harley Softail® Fat Boy® is one of the quintessential cruiser motorcycles. Hearkening to the "hardtail" choppers of the '60s and '70s, the Harley-Davidson Fat Boy motorcycle keeps that heritage alive more than forty years later. The FLSTF Fat Boy is the original "fat custom" bike laid-back and luxurious with an unmistakable profile on the. 2008 Harley-Davidson FLSTF Fat Boy . One of the most recognizable motorcycles on the road, the FLSTF Fat Boy defines Harley-Davidson for many people. Still going strong after 18 years and as massive as it is iconic, the Fat Boy rolls on a 200 mm rear tire and chopped FL rear fender. Laced leather and bullet studs trim the two-up seat and tank. 2000 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy Review. It only took the biggest project in The Motor Company's history to produce the best Softail ever. By Mark Hoyer. August 24, 2017. More Reviews. Reviews.

2004, Sierra, Red, Harley, Davidson, Softail, Fatboy, Fat, Boy, Flstf

The Harley-Davidson FLSTF Fat Boy was painted in an elegant silver and yellow color scheme. The Fat Boy's simple yet elegant silver paint scheme was enhanced by a matching frame, with subtle yellow highlights being the only idiosyncrasy in the monochromatic theme. The Fat Boy was alone in its use of solid 16-inch wheels both front and rear, and. The Harley Softail® Fat Boy® is one of the quintessential cruiser motorcycles. Hearkening to the "hardtail" choppers of the '60s and '70s, the Harley-Davidson Fat Boy motorcycle keeps that heritage alive more than forty years later. The FLSTF Fat Boy is the original "fat custom" bike laid-back and luxurious with an unmistakable profile on the. The 16-inch solid wheels front and rear helped set the Fat Boy apart from other Harley models. In its shape and use of solid wheels, the 1997 Harley-Davidson FLSTF Fat Boy motorcycle was nearly indistinguishable from the original 1990 model. The tank-mounted instrument panel is standard Harley practice. The headlight treatment dates from 1949. The riding position is relaxed, the footboards have ample room and the rocker gear change system is a doddle to use. Aesthetically the Fat Boy is just about perfect. Fat rear fender, hidden shock for the hard-tail look and those gorgeous solid wheels. The most iconic Harley ever made - Visordown is the world's fastest growing motorcycle website.

2015 Fat Boy FLSTF Harley Davidson Lee Custom Cycles

The Fat Boy® model is the very definition of a heavyweight motorcycle, delivering a bold styling statement and a wide, comfortable riding stance. Beautiful Used 2017 Fat Boy FLSTF this bike has some soul to it, Ready to take the trip to the next level with its 2 tone color Black and Gold, and some aftermarket pipes, if this isn't a true sound of a Harley Davidson Motorcycle we don't know what is, the iconic sound of this bike is truly amazing.This Bike also has a pouch to hold some of you.