Liquor Calorie Chart [Infographic] Infostache

Alcohol calorie calculator Alcohol beverages supply calories but few nutrients and may contribute to unwanted weight gain. If you need to lose weight, looking at your drinking may be a good place to start. In the calculator below, indicate your average number of drinks of choice per week. Calories in Liquor and Liqueur List Source (s): USDA, U.S. National Library of Medicine For context, a standard drink is 14 grams of pure alcohol, per the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is generally the amount found in: We Recommend Nutrition How Many Calories Does a Shot of Bourbon Have? Nutrition

The Number of Calories in Every Alcoholic Drink Matt Swierzynski

Calories: 97 Fat: 0g Sodium: 0.42mg Carbohydrates: 0g Fiber: 0g Sugars: 0g Protein: 0g Alcohol: 14g Iron: 0.017mg Potassium: 0.84mg Zinc: 0.017mg Carbs A single shot of scotch contains 97 calories, no carbohydrates, no sugars, and no fiber. Other types of whiskey provide the same number of calories and carbs. Short answer: There are about 105 calories and 0 grams of carbohydrates in a single shot of whiskey (44 ml or 1.5 oz of 86 proof whiskey). However, the way you drink your whiskey makes a huge difference. Read on to find out more… Counting calories is one of the best ways to lose weight. Using standard drinks recipes employed by New York City cocktail bars, we broke down the calories per spirit, fruit juice, and liqueur and crunched the numbers. It just might be enough to sober. A 100-proof whiskey contains about 122 calories in a 1.5 ounce pour, while one of those barrel-proof monsters (say, the 140 proof Elijah Craig Barrel Proof) contains more than 170 calories in a 1.5 ounce pour, about as much as in an equivalent amount of heavy cream.

How Many Calories in a Shot of Whiskey Howmanypedia

Most alcoholic drinks have little Drinkchat Units and calories in whisky Find out how many units of alcohol and calories there are in whisky, and how that relates to the low risk drinking guidelines. On this page Get the facts on the unit and calorie content of whisky and how to reduce your drinking. This list gives you an idea of how many calories are in various drinks. The exact numbers may vary between brands.. Hard liquor (vodka, rum, whiskey, gin; 80 proof) Serving: 1.5 ounces. Easy - just tell us a few things about what you drank and our unit and calorie calculator will work out the number of alcohol units and calories you consumed. Calculate unit and calories for one or more drinks. Calculate your units and calories across the week.

Calories In Whiskey Best Way To Calculate Before You Drink

If you drink 100ml of whisky (with 40% alcohol content) you take in 227.20 kcal. That's about 9% (assuming 2,500 kcal) of the daily calorie requirement for an average man. For a woman (assuming 2,000 kcal) it is even 11% of the daily requirement. Drinking 4 bottles of 12% strength wine a month add up to a yearly consumption of up to 32,400kcal. Drinking 5 pints of 5.2% strength lager each week add up to 57,720kcal in a year. Liquid calories You can find out the calorie content of other drinks using unit and calorie calculator on the Drinkaware Alcohol Change UK website. Weight gain However, what might surprise you is the comparable caloric content between them. Each gram of alcohol has seven calories, so every shot (1.5 fluid ounces) of certain 80-proof liquors contains. So, how many calories in whiskey? On average, a single glass of whiskey will be around 105 calories. But, this is for 1½ ounces, or 44ml, 86 proof whiskey. This is considerably less than one 12 ounce bottle of beer but similar to tequila or vodka. Understand, though, the calories will revolve around how you drink it.

How Many Calories In An Ounce Of Scotch

Most of the calories in whiskey come from the alcohol content. Thus, the calories increase with the strength of the bottle depending on its ABV (alcohol by volume). While the average 1.5-ounce glass of whiskey is around 105 calories, not every whiskey is the same. For instance, 140-proof whiskey will have considerably more calories than an 80. Try these healthier, low-calorie alcohol options on your next night out: Vodka and Diet Coke (single measure) - 54 kcal. Bacardi and Diet Coke (single measure) - 56 kcal. Gin and Slimline Tonic (single measure) - 59 kcal. Glass of Blossom Hill Vie low alcohol white wine (175ml) - 79 kcal. Glass of prosecco (125 ml) - 80 kcal.