Hoya lacunosa "Silver Leaves", bewurzelte Jungpflanze

This plant has grown to become a favorite of many home gardeners over the years. How not to kill your Hoya lacunosa - Best Care Tips I like to grow Hoya Lacunosa for its deep green fleshy foliage that looks amazeballs when thrown in along with other hanging vines. Hoya lacunosa (Silver) Caring for your Hoya lacunosa (Silver) Due to its smaller size as compared to other hoyas, this plant rewards your care with almost immediate growth results. If you maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels with watering control, your Hoya lacunosa (Silver) will thrive. Hoya lacunosa (Silver) Care Detail

Hoya lacunosa Eskimo Silver EXOTIC PLANT Редкие коллекционные растения

The Hoya Lacunosa 'Silver' is native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, where it was discovered for its captivating beauty. Its popularity began to soar as plant enthusiasts marveled at its unique foliage. Over the years, this stunning variety has captured the hearts of many green thumbs, and now it can be yours too! Hoya Lacunosa: You may have heard of the fun wax plant from the Apocynaceae family that has sticky leaves, belonging to the Hoya family, but do you know how to care for it? This plant is originated from the tropics, and because of that, it's used to lots of humidity and bright lights! In stock only Price Apply (1) Filters Sort by: Best selling In stock only Price Caring for your Hoya lacunosa Louisa's Silver Due to its smaller size as compared to other hoyas, this plant rewards your care with almost immediate growth results. Hoya Lacunosa 'Snowcaps' - White speckled, dark green leaves, and white flowers that bloom in the spring and summer months. Hoya Lacunosa 'Royal Flush' - Dark green leaves with red margins and pink flowers. Hoya Lacunosa 'Silver' - Variegated leaves with silver and green colors as well as pink flowers.

Hoya Lacunosa ‘Silver Splash’ Exotics › Anything Grows

Hoya lacunosa belongs to a relatively large Hoya genus of plants. Cinnamon-scented wax plant, waxflower, or porcelain flower are common names for this plant. Originating in Asia and most commonly found in Malaysia and Indonesia, it is a gorgeous vine plant popular for its beautiful white flowers and rich cinnamon scent. The National Gardening Association The lacunosa Hoya prefers medium to high light conditions. Grow in indirect sunlight near a bright, south-facing window for optimal growth and blooming. Supplement low light with a full-spectrum, LED grow light if needed. The hoya lacunosa plant can grow up to 60-90 centimeters, depending on the basic necessities it receives. The plant has fuzzy white, yellow, cinnamon-scented flowers. Plants like hoya lacunosa are also ideal as hanging plants. Make sure that the plant has humus-rich soil in order for the lacunosa's foliage to bloom well. Hoya Lacunosa is a fun little plant with waxy leaves that belongs to the Hoya family. It originates from the tropics and is used to bright light and plenty of humidity. Due to its trailing nature it makes a beautiful desk plant or is perfect for giving depth to a shelf display.

Hoya Lacunosa ‘Silver Splash’ Exotics › Anything Grows

Best temperature: 68℉ to 77℉ Soil: Well-drained, organic soil Toxicity: Mildly toxic to humans and animals Common problems and pests: Root rot and common pests 'Eskimo' Credit: Plant Studio 'Eskimo' features silver-flecked, heart-shaped leaves that earn it the nickname 'heart-leafed lacunosa'. Hailing all the way from the stunningly beautiful Indonesian islands, Hoya Laconosa is known for its waxy leaves and drooping vines. This unique perennial can also be bought in different color varieties including specimens with frosty and variegated leaves.. One of the most attractive qualities of Hoya Lacunosa is the plant's flowers. Hoya lacunosa 'Louisa's Silver' is a striking variant of Hoya Lacunosa Silver. Unlike its sibling, this plant features leaves that are entirely silver with almost no green, giving it a unique and eye-catching appearance. The leaves are narrower and sharper than those of Hoya lacunosa (Silver), and may also be succulent and smooth to the touch. Hoya Lacunosa Silver Mint is a tropical plant from the (Apocynaceae) family Characteristics Colors Hoya Lacunosa Silver Mint has thick, lance-shaped leaves and has a subtle silver-yellow pattern throughout the foliage. How to care Place Hoya Lacunosa Silver Mint plant in a place that has a light intensity of 60% - 70% with a temperature between.

Hoya Lacunosa Silver Leaf r/hoyas

Hoya lacunosa. A great Hoya and a must have for any houseplant enthusiast - if only for the wonderful perfumed scent of the flowers alone! They can transform any room into a sweet smelling paradise. This plant will suffer considerably in the dry environment of northern centrally heated homes in the winter. If you want this plant to be happy. Hoya Lacunosa Variegated is a vining plant that produces charming small pink or white flowers with a yellow center. Its heart-shaped leaves are adorned with a variegated pattern of silver and green, making it a visually striking plant.