1. (= time) loisir m at leisure à loisir at sb's leisure tout à loisir Now I can read at my leisure. Maintenant je peux lire tout à loisir. 2. (as opposed to work) loisirs mpl Not everybody wants more leisure. Tout le monde ne veut pas plus de loisirs. modifier [activities, pursuits] de loisirs ⧫ de loisir [sector, business] des loisirs Synonymes : relaxation, spare time, free time, time off, recreation, Suite. Collocations : make the most of your leisure time, get the most out of your leisure time, the [town's, hotel's, resort's] leisure facilities, Suite. Discussions du forum dont le titre comprend le (s) mot (s) "leisure" : an award-winning £15m leisure complex.
Les sports et loisirs Sports and leisure activities French
n (=time) loisir m at leisure à loisir → In an e-mail, I can write at leisure about my inner thoughts. at sb's leisure tout à loisir → We ate our meal at our leisure. → Browse at your leisure a staggering 250 holiday destinations without leaving home. Now I can read at my leisure. Maintenant je peux lire tout à loisir. leisure noun loisirs pl m loisir m He travels for leisure, not for business. Il voyage pour son loisir, pas pour le travail. Everyone needs moments of leisure to relax. Tout le monde a besoin de moments de loisir pour se détendre. Examples: leisure time n — temps libre m · temps de loisir m · moments libres pl m leisure activities pl — noun / ˈleʒə, (American) ˈliːʒər/ time which one can spend as one likes, especially when one does not have to work (de) loisir She leads a life of leisure. ( also adjective) Ursula enjoys reading and gardening in her leisure time. (Translation of leisure from the PASSWORD English-French Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) Examples of leisure What's the French word for leisure? Here's how you say it. French Translation loisir More French words for leisure le loisir noun spare-time Find more words! leisure See Also in English leisure activities loisirs leisure activity activité de loisir at your leisure à votre guise leisure center centre de loisirs leisure centre centre de loisirs
KS3 French Free Time/Leisure/Hobbies Teaching Resources
leisure {noun} The number of student full-time equivalents in leisure -time education was 30,000. expand_more Ce nombre était de 30 000 en ce qui concerne l'enseignement d'activités de loisir. Cultural activities which take place in the leisure time of pupils are optional. LOISIR translate: leisure. Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary. leisure noun grammar Freedom provided by the cessation of activities. [..] + Add translation "leisure" in English - French dictionary loisir noun masculine time free [..] During the bubble, people dreamed of a life of leisure. Pendant la bulle, les gens rêvaient d'une vie de loisirs. en.wiktionary.org temps libre noun masculine time free [..] Thanks to this video, you will learn the following sports, hobbies and leisure activities in French: reading, radio, music, television, theater, cinema, concert, swimming pool, travel, sports (hiking, climbing, jogging, swimming, soccer, basketball, rugby, volleyball, badminton, tennis, etc.). To learn how to express your sports, hobbies and.
French Sport, Leisure And Activities France Property Guides
Hobbies and "To Make/Do" This next set of activities includes sports, hobbies, and other things you might do in your free time. The one thing that they have in common is that they use the verb faire (to make or to do). In most cases, you will combine the verb faire de with the noun, as in: To garden > faire du jardinage Faire de/jouer à : talking about sports, hobbies and leisure activities in French Jouer or faire? In French, like English, we can both play and do sports/games/hobbies, but you need to know which verb sounds correct for each activity. Here are the rules to help you get it right! Learn when to use "faire de" and "jouer à" with sports in French
How Do You Say Hobbies In French? In French, the word for "hobbies" is "les passe-temps" or "les loisirs". "Les passe-temps" is more commonly used to refer to leisure activities, while "Les loisirs" is a broader term that can include hobbies, sports, and other leisure activities. For example: leisurely. adj. He walked at a leisurely pace. Il marchait doucement en prenant son temps. We took a leisurely stroll through the gardens. Nous nous sommes promenés à loisir dans les jardins. Lunch was a leisurely affair. Le déjeuner était une chose pour laquelle on prenait tout son temps.
French Sport, Leisure And Activities France Property Guides
Want to learn French vocabulary for talking about common leisure activities? In this FREE FrenchPod101.com lesson, you will learn French and get bonus audio lessons. Hallo, Pooh, you're just in time for a little smackerel of something. Lessons. Lesson Library Newest Lessons Favorite Lessons. Vines and grand chateaux mix in the Loire Valley. Truth be told, the number of dazzling places within the country is actually quite dizzying, but we're more than happy to help point you in some.