Classic Matte Black color hex code is 1C1C1C

Matte black is a deep, non-reflective shade of black that has become a popular color choice in recent years. Often seen on cars, electronics, and home décor, matte black offers a modern, sophisticated look. In this article, we'll explore what exactly matte black is, its history and origins, how it's created, uses and applications, and more. What is Matte Black Color? Matte Black has the hex code #171717. The equivalent RGB values are (23, 23, 23), which means it is composed of 33% red, 33% green and 33% blue. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:91. In the HSV/HSB scale, Matte Black has a hue of 359°, 0% saturation and a brightness value of 9%.

Matte Black color hex code is 171717

Matte black is an unsaturated shade of black with the hex code #28282B low in brightness and non-reflective or shiny. Matte black is growing in popularity, from clothes and interior design to being a new color option for the Surface Pro. Why Matte Black? Studio Heimat When it comes to choosing colors for your home, be it paint, accessories, fixtures or even appliances, choosing to go with matte black may not be your first. Matte black paint makes a bold statement in a small space such as a bathroom. In this space, painted shiplap creates a super stylish look. Kitchen Cabinets View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jean-Charles Tomas (@jeancharlestomas) Here's a great use of matte black in this two-toned kitchen. Matt Black Color, also known as #151515, is a deep and rich shade that exudes a sense of sophistication and elegance. Its dark appearance makes it a classic choice for various applications. Historical Significance: Throughout history, Matt Black Color has played a prominent role in various fields. It was widely used during the Gothic and.

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Sophie Flaxman Updated on September 19, 2023 Black decor is like the little black dress of interior design. It's timeless and versatile and makes any space look classy—so it's no surprise that matte black decor is having a moment right now. Matte black is a dark, non-reflective black color. It absorbs light rather than reflecting it back, giving it a flat, muted appearance. Matte black is often used in fashion, graphic design, photography, and industrial design for its sleek, modern look. Matte Black. #28282b. Matte black is a flat and dull shade of black, lacking any shine or glitter. The color is associated with authority and a desire for control. The hex code for matte black is #28282b. 8. minutes) November 18, 2022. By. Kallista Design. While bright color in a design can add vibrancy, matte black creates a uniquely modern look, offering a stark foundation for a variety of décor choices. From brassware to wall colors and appliances, matte black can be an excellent addition to any room or a grounding color choice for accents.

Classic Matte Black color hex code is 1C1C1C

Paint Pour your paint into a tray and use a small paintbrush to cover the areas along the floor, ceiling, and corners. Then, use the roller to cover the large parts of the wall. For this project we used Emerald ® Interior Acrylic Latex Paint in Black Magic SW 6991. For a matte look, we recommend a flat finish. Tip: Not sure how much paint you need? It's really a dreamy soft look." Help soften the look and feel by using matte black paint to cover just one standout wall in a common living area. Make certain the room has ample lighting and add balance by using a soft white or cream trim. Matte Black Part of: Color Wheel Color Wheel Linear The element of color is visually represented in Color Wheel. This vibrant collection offers a wide spectrum of colorful selections from bright hues to neutral, earthy tones. A favorite of artists and designers. Go To Application Info > Go To Technical Specifications > Classic Matte Black has the hex code #1C1C1C. The equivalent RGB values are (28, 28, 28), which means it is composed of 33% red, 33% green and 33% blue. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:89. In the HSV/HSB scale, Classic Matte Black has a hue of 359°, 0% saturation and a brightness value of 11%.

Matte Black Color Palette Black color palette, Color palette, Matte black

Black Black is a color with the perception that is the absence of the light that stimulates the three color-sensitive cone cells in our eyes, and it is the darkest color you can have. Black Hex #000000 RGB 0, 0, 0 CMYK 0, 0, 0, 100 Black Bean As a color term, matte indicates washed out colors that are both shaded with black and tinted with white to give them a greyish tone. The following are common examples of matte colors. Duck Blue #007791 Forest Matte #09443c Black Matte #191919 Sea Green Matte #277e71 Blue Matte #2cccd3 Diamond Matte #62c1d0 Mint Matte #72e6cb Ruddy Blue #76abdf