Prairie Bluebell Chickens were recently released by Hoover Hatchery in 2019. All first-generation (F1) Prairie Bluebell Chickens have at least one blue egg gene. Second-generation (F2) chickens may have two blue egg genes about 25% of the time. For best results, breed roosters who carry two blue genes to your hens. A Prairie Bluebell Egger is a hybrid bird, not a true chicken breed. This means there are no characteristics specified or registered. The Prairie Bluebell Egger is the offspring of a White Leghorn hen and an Araucana rooster, producing an outstanding egg layer that lays beautiful blue eggs.
Prairie Bluebell Egger Female Chicks Inspire Farms
Free Shipping Always! QUICK OVERVIEW Our Prairie Bluebell Egger® lays a novel blue egg but produces higher quality eggs than a pure Araucana. This breed was created by crossing Araucanas and White Leghorns, this creates a chicken that lays a large quantity of eggs that have blue shells. What Is A Prairie Bluebell Egger Chicken? The Prairie Bluebell Egger is an active hybrid breed between the Araucana and the White Leghorn chicken breeds. The White Leghorns were chosen due to their being prolific egg layers. And the Araucana was chosen for its blue egg genes because they are amongst the most common breeds that produce blue eggs. Prairie Bluebells are a hybrid Easter Egger type chicken developed by Hoover's Hatchery. True Araucanas (blue egg layers) were crossed with Leghorns (white egg layers) to produce guaranteed offspring that will always lay a blue egg, like the Araucana, but will lay lots of eggs like a Leghorn. The Prairie Bluebell Egger is a generally active bird capable of incredible egg production. A single hen can lay up to 280 eggs annually. One of the main standout features of this chicken breed is that it lays large powdery blue eggs that are cherished in most markets.
Prairie bluebell eggers is the breed right for you? The 1912 Homestead
Prairie Bluebell Egger Chicken, also known as the Prairie Bluebell Chicken Egger, is a breed highly regarded for its remarkable blue egg-laying capabilities. They have earned a reputation as reliable and consistent layers, making them an excellent choice for chicken keepers seeking a consistent supply of blue eggs. A Prairie Bluebell Egger is a vibrant backyard chicken known for its unique blue eggs. Originating from Europe, this bird is admired for its beauty and gentle temperament, making it perfect for families. It often has a mix of blue, black, and splash patterns, giving each bird its distinct appearance. Hoover's Hatchery Live Prairie Bluebell Egger Chickens, 10 ct. 4.5 (90) SKU: 135975899 Available Promotions View more promotions Sex: Select Sex Unsexed Female Select Sex for Availability Pickup and Delivery options may vary based on Availability Important: The Prairie Bluebell Egger® lays a novel blue egg and produces a higher quality egg than a pure Araucana. The females will lay approximately 280 large blue eggs. They are active birds that are very good at foraging. They are lightweight, weighing only 4 to 5 pounds at maturity, and do not eat as much as some of the larger egg-laying breeds.
Breed Highlight Prairie Bluebell Egger™ Flockjourney
These are chickens with a purpose. They like laying eggs and foraging for food. These are traits picked up from their Araucana and Leghorn parents. Furthermore, they are friendly and love humans. You will find that your Prairie Bluebell Egger will spend time with you whenever they can. Prairie Bluebell hens typically carry one blue and one recessive white egg gene and lay a beautiful, bright powder blue egg. Prairie Bluebells are a hybrid first offered by Hoover's Hatchery in January 2019. Their beautiful mix of feather colors and guaranteed blue eggs made them wildly popular. Our first chick order arrived in June 2019 and.
The Prairie Bluebell Egger is a chicken that has been rising up the popularity charts in recent times. Its history only goes back to 2019, but the quality of its blue eggs has made it a must-have for many backyard farmers. Because it's so new, a lot is yet to be established about the Prairie Bluebell Egger. Many farmers haven't owned this. Since Prairie Bluebell Eggers™ are crossed with leghorns, they are small, dainty birds. In overall appearance, they share a similar shape. Small birds with tall, fan-like tails that are very fast and can usually fly quite well. Some birds will have fluffy cheeks, but this has mostly been lost. PBEs have small heads with rose combs.
Prairie Bluebell Egger Productive Blue Egg Layers
#1 iamtrinat In the Brooder Oct 16, 2016 6 2 29 Hi all! I purchased this beautiful Prairie Bluebell Egger via Hoover's Hatchery the first week of March, so right at 4 months old now. I'm beginning to wonder if I have an imposter in my hen house. Would anyone care to take a guess on it s gender? The BC1 offspring pullet laid the dark speckled egg. Why Are None of Them Dark Olive? F1 Olive Eggers are usually a light or medium color olive. Dark olives come from Back Crossing or mating OE roos to OE hens to produce F2 Olive Eggers.