Junio 27 a Julio 9 2015

8 6 4 K 10 5 Holding four hearts, Hand A still makes a standard Stayman response. Hand B lacks a four-card major. But playing Puppet, responder should bid Three Clubs — just in case there's a 5-3 heart fit. Hand C is 4-3-3-3 with four spades. My suggestion is to use Puppet with 4-3-3-3 shape, but only to find a 5-4 fit. Puppet Stayman - Used by responder with at least invitational values to discover whether opener's Notrump bid may consist of a 5 card major suit . In the sequence: 2N - 3C responder's 3C 3N with a good hand lacking major support. Note: some extend Puppet Stayman to opener's 1 Notrump ( 1N - 2C) as well.

Conventions Puppet Stayman after a 1NT Opener by Justin Lall Youth

Puppet Stayman is a specialized version of regular Stayman that is popularly used in response to a 2NT opening bid. Beginning an auction with 2NT has pluses and minuses. There are several variations/methods of Puppet Stayman. Here is one of the original methods (after 1NT-3 ): 3 =One (or two) 4-card majors 3 /3 =5 cards there 3NT=No 4- or 5-card major After 1NT-3 -3, responder, with 4-3 in the majors, bids the 4-card major he doesn't have and opener acts accordingly. Example: 1NT-3 -3 -3 =4 spades In Puppet Stayman, assuming the opponents are silent, if the responder has enough values to go to Game and at least one four-card major, he bids 3 Clubs, which is an alertable bid. If the 2 NT opener has a five-card major, he bids it. If the responder has three-card support, he raises to Game. If responder does not, he bids 3 NT. Puppet Stayman By Henry Jackson Over 2NT Openings Partner opens 2NT (20-21) What do you do with this hand? ♠ JT3 ♥ A98 ♦ J9875 ♣ 75 Without Puppet you would just bid 3NT, but there is a way to possibly improve your contract! 2NT openings often contain 5-card suits. Puppet allows you to ask if partner has a 5-card major as well as 4-card majors.

Conventional Wisdom Puppet Stayman (August 17 2020) Bridge Lesson

Regular Stayman was designed to uncover a 4-4 major fit after a 1NT opening bid, the logic being that it those 4-4 fits usually play better than No Trump. Regular Stayman makes no provision for finding out if the No Trump bidder has a five-card suit, and for this reason a modified version of the convention was born, known as Puppet Stayman. Puppet Stayman convention Detail specifications 67VZ - Level 3 ★ Puppet Stayman convention Back to the summary PDF The responder on a 2 NT opening bid : Puppet convention Your partner that opened 2NT promises 20-21HCP in a regular hand. Stayman is a bidding convention in the card game contract bridge. It is used by a partnership to find a 4-4 or 5-3 trump fit in a major suit after making a one notrump (1NT) opening bid and it has been adapted for use after a 2NT opening, a 1NT overcall, and many other natural notrump bids. Stayman is a convention used for locating a 4-4 major suit fit after partner opens 1NT. It is one of the oldest and most widely used conventions in the world, since a major suit contract is often preferable to no-trumps. A 2 response to 1NT normally shows at least a game-invitational hand with one or both majors.


Puppett Stayman is a convention used when partner opens a strong 2NT or rebids a strong 2NT after an ACOL 2 or its equivalent. Employing the convention allows a partnership to open (or rebid) a strong 2NT even when holding a five-card major, which is a major advantage if strong 2 openings are not forcing. Stayman is typically used with hands that have invitational or better strength. If you and your partner play strong notrumps (15 to 17 HCP or 16 to 18), responder should have at least 8 HCP to use Stayman (with one exception we'll discuss at the end). This deal shows why this is recommended: October 2005 Puppet Stayman is a convention that can be used to find such a fit. To use Puppet Stayman, responder must have 10+ HCP and at least one 3- or 4-card major. (With a 5-card major responder will transfer into the major suit.) This bid should be alerted as Puppet Stayman and is game-forcing. Without a 3- or 4-card major and 10+ HCP, responder bids 3NT. Puppet Stayman By Richard Deyerle Most bridge players are very familiar with the Stayman convention, which is designed to find a major suit fit, which is generally superior to a no trump contract. Bridge has been around a long time, and many bridge players have learned and use what is called Standard American bidding. There are many fine

Junio 27 a Julio 9 2015

The Puppet Stayman Convention , used in conjunction with Jacoby Transfer Bids, is a modification of the regular Stayman Convention, and is designed specifically to allow the same requisite disclosures while seeking a Major suit fit, but without the accompanying above-mentioned negative aspect afforded the defense. The current regulations for alerting when using Puppet Stayman sequences are as follows: 1NT - P - 2♣ - P. 2♦, 2♥, 2♠, or 2NT*. 2NT - P - 3♣ - P. 3♦, 3♥, 3♠, or 3NT*. 1NT - P - 3♣. 2♣ - P - 2♦ - P 2NT - P - 3♣. the 2♣ bid is not alerted the rebids by opener are alerted, the 3♣ bid is not.