Talking about time in French Level A1

The conjunctions quand and lorsque both mean "when." They are interchangeable when they indicate a simple correlation in time, although lorsque is a bit more formal. However, quand and lorsque each have unique, non-interchangeable meanings as well. 'Quand' ('When') 1. Temporal correlation (interchangeable with lorsque ) quand [kɑ̃ ] conjonction 1. when quand je serai riche when I'm rich Quand je serai riche, j'achèterai une belle maison. When I'm rich, I'll buy a nice house. 2. (autres locutions) quand même (= pourtant) nevertheless; (= tout de même) all the same Je ne voulais pas de dessert, mais j'en ai mangé quand même.

When In French (Quand) + How To Use Lorsque FrenchLearner (2022)

The word "quand" is used to mean "when" when asking a question and seeking information. There is no set place for where to place quand within a question sentence. We'll look at a few examples below. The most common way to ask a question in French is to use the word "est-ce que", which means is/are/do/does. when [conjunction] (at or during) the time at which It happened when I was abroad When you see her, give her this message When I've finished, I'll call you. quand adverb when [adverb] at what time (?) When did you arrive? When will you see her again? I asked him when the incident had occurred quand translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'quant, quanta, quémander, quantum', examples, definition, conjugation When do we use the word quand in French? We use the word quand for three main reasons: 1. Quand is used when you're asking a question. You'll hear it used in a whole range of interrogative questions as an interrogative adverb. For example: Quand irons-nous à la plage? When will we go to the beach? Quand pars-tu? When are you leaving? 2.

Learn French Grammar Asking 'When' Questions Quand in French By

[kɑ̃ ] conjonction 1. when quand je serai riche when I'm rich Quand je serai riche, j'achèterai une belle maison. When I'm rich, I'll buy a nice house. 2. (autres locutions) quand même (= pourtant) nevertheless; (= tout de même) all the same Je ne voulais pas de dessert, mais j'en ai mangé quand même. Quand (when) Chapter 6 - Interrogative phrases Previous Next "quand" means when. Here are examples that will help you understand how to use "quand". It is the same as in English: Quand es-tu parti ? When did you leave? Quand reviendras-tu ? When will you be back? Quand a eu lieu la bataille de Waterloo ? When did the battle of Waterloo take place? lorsque : when Vous recevrez un salaire augmenté lorsque vous obtiendrez une promotion. You (formal) will receive a raise when you get a promotion. (Literally: You [formal] will receive a raise when you will get a promotion quand in the Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary Translations for quand in the French » English Dictionary (Go to English » French) Show summary of all matches

How to ask a question in French using QUAND COMMENT POURQUOI OÙ

In French, to express "when/while I do [something]", you use "quand/pendant que" + Le Futur Simple. How to use "quand/pendant que" with Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) in French Here is a sentence in English using when, where the actions all take place in the future: When I am old, I will have a house. http://LFWA.COM presents ASKING QUESTIONS with the French word for WHEN - QUAND - Lesson 22 of Alexa's popular Beginner's French Essentials course. Click th. 1 Answer Sorted by: 13 Quand and lorsque are interchangeable when they introduce a subordinate clause. The meaning is the same, but lorsque is a bit more formal than quand, and quand is more frequent in spoken French. Quand je suis arrivé à la gare, le train était parti. (standard, common in spoken French) 1. You can use lorsque to say when things happen. 2. You can use lorsque to draw contrasts. The use of à quelle heure Other common quand variants to be aware of Quand même N'importe quand Practice: Talking about when things happen in French And one more thing.

Quand vs Lorsque French language lessons, Learn french, French

9. How to use quand in French. Quand: meaning "when" Another easy time expression. A good synonym would be lorsque. Je serai chez ma meilleure amie quand tu reviendras. = I'll be at my best friend's when you come back. Quand la révolution a éclaté, Jean a fui en Angleterre. = When the revolution broke out, Jean fled to England. Translation Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.