God Rays Photograph by Mizuleva

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Timelapse Of God Rays From Behind Clouds Stock Footage SBV338666211

The Annunciation is an oil painting by Early Netherlandish master Jan van Eyck, from around 1434 to 1436. The picture depicts the Annunciation by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she will bear the Son of God ( Luke 1:26-38). Crepuscular rays or god rays are sunbeams that originate when the sun is just below the horizon, during twilight hours. [3] Crepuscular rays are noticeable when the contrast between light and dark is most obvious. Crepuscular comes from the Latin word "crepusculum", meaning twilight. [4] These Chohans, as Lords of the rays, guide us in the mastery of each of the seven rays through each of the seven chakras. Paul the Venetian, who was embodied as the Italian artist Paolo Veronese, is the Lord of the Third Ray of divine love. His chelas learn the art of keeping the flame through the discipline of love and the mastery of the flow. The seven rays are outlined as follows: (1) Blue—power and faith (2) Yellow—wisdom and illumination (3) Pink—love and beauty (4) White—ascension and purity (5) Green—science, healing and supply (6) Purple and gold—ministration and service (7) Violet—transmutation and diplomacy

The Seven Rays of God and the Vibrational Healing of Virtue Buddhist

The first Seven Rays of God are the cornerstone of Ascension Mastery. You cannot achieve acceleration (a higher vibrational frequency of Love/Light and all the other associated higher Ascension Quotients) within your four-body system without accessing and utilizing these rays on a daily basis. The Rays of God is a science that has been shared by many metaphysicians to help individuals that choose to be on a very deep spiritual path. We call this pathway Mastery or very recently Ascension. As a student of Dr. Joshua David Stone from the early 1990's, I was always confused about the concept of the rays but I always used color therapy Humanity is an expression of the life of God and every human being has come forth along one line or other of the seven ray forces. Each human being's form, qualities and character is affected by the ray that breathed him forth in every world period; the form and nature change from life to life according to the cyclic need and the environing group condition, which is decided by the ray or rays. 1st ray - The energy of Will, Purpose or Power, which is essentially the Will of Deity. This ray is of such dynamic intensity that it's called the ray of the Destroyer. We are told that there is no true 1st ray type in incarnation yet, due to its potency.

Seven Rays Of God Chananda Cultural Society

Aton, in ancient Egyptian religion, a sun god, depicted as the solar disk emitting rays terminating in human hands, whose worship briefly was the state religion. The pharaoh Akhenaton (reigned 1353-36 bce) returned to supremacy of the sun god, with the startling innovation that the Aton was to be The best way to fully integrate the Rays is to breathe deeply through each of your chakras, commanding the ray to be integrated within that chakra. Utilize deep breathing as you ask each ray to come within your present chakras. This will help in building your 5th dimensional light body. Ray 6 - The Ray of Idealism and Devotion. This is the ray that brings vision and spiritual aspiration to humanity. Indeed, its mandate is to bestow the Vision of Divinity to those receptive to it. During the last several centuries, this radiation has shaped into human awareness a yearning for the spirit within. 53 Bible Verses about Rays ESV / 3 helpful votes So we see that they were unable to enter because of unbelief. Ephesians 6:12 ESV / 3 helpful votes

Rays of God lighting in Cinema 4D YouTube

1. The 1st Solar Ray is the Sapphire Blue Flame with a resplendent aura of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection. The Divine Qualities of the 1st Solar Ray are: God's Will, Illumined Faith, Power, Protection, and God's First Cause of Perfection. The first seven Rays of God are the cornerstone of Ascension Mastery. You cannot achieve acceleration (a higher vibrational frequency of Love/Light and all the other associated higher Ascension Quotients) within your four-body system without accessing and utilizing these rays on a daily basis. The main focus should always be on the first seven.