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25 "Where There's Smoke, There's Wires." Season 8, Episode 9, "Righties Loosies, Lefties Tighties." There's a cannabis grow-op reference in almost every single one of the Ricky Trailer Park Boys quotes, which is why he associates wires with a possible fire hazard. In fact, it's likely he has some experience with this first-hand. Ricky's quote: "After today we're gonna be a legal family. It's gonna be pretty cool, right, it's gonna be on paper and everything." | Source: Amodays "Instead of breaking the law big time for a big payday, you gotta break the law a lot but little tiny crimes." - Ricky Advertisement "After today, we're gonna be a legal family.

Trailer park boys I am smart Trailer park boys quotes, Trailer park

"Survival Of The Fitness, Boys." After Cory and Trevor disappeared while on a mission for Ricky and Julian in the seventh season's "We Can't Call People Without Wings Angels So We Call Them Friends," the boys discovered Julian's car crashed into the lake, which led them to believe that their two helpers had died. Here are some of the best 'Trailer Park Boys' lines and jokes with great Ricky 'Trailer Park Boys' quotes, Randy Bobandy quotes, best Lahey quotes, and some of the greatest 'Trailer Park Boy' quotes. These quotes are from the 'I am the liquor' episode and many others. Enjoy! 2 21 VOTES A Car Ricky : I mean how many fathers can give a nine-year-old daughter a car? I'm just happy I'm in a position where I can do something like that. 21 votes Love this quote? Photo: Entertainment One 3 65 VOTES A Role Model Ricky : I try to be a role model for kids around the park. Discover the most hilarious and memorable quotes from Ricky, the beloved character from the hit TV show Trailer Park Boys. This collection of 36 Ricky quotes is sure to keep you entertained and laughing out loud. From his iconic one-liners to his unique perspective on life, Ricky's wit and charm shine through in every quote.

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Advertisement "It's all water under the fridge." - Ricky LaFleur, 'The Trailer Park Boys' "Don't judge a cover of a book by its look." - Ricky LaFleur, 'The Trailer Park Boys' "He passed with flying carpets." - Ricky LaFleur, 'The Trailer Park Boys' "Get two birds stoned at once." - Ricky LaFleur, 'The Trailer Park Boys' Entertainment Ricky from TPB Quotes - Classic Trailer Park Humor Trailer Park Boys is known for its offbeat characters, but none are quite as memorable as Ricky. With his unique perspective, hilarious mispronunciations, and unconventional sayings, Ricky has become a fan favorite. Rickyisms, a collection of lines attributed to the character, are a thing. Many great Ricky quotes consist of wrongly substituting a single word or just mispronouncing something, taking puns, metaphors, and wordplay to a whole other hilarious level. There's actually a term for this type of comedy or mistake, and it's called malapropism. The smooth-talking Ricky (all jokes aside, Ricky has a special power to sometimes talk his way out of trouble) tells J-Roc (Jonathan Torrens), "I'm not a pessimist, I'm an optometrist," before.

Trailer Park Boys Trailer park boys ricky, Trailer park boys

Rickyisms is the term devised by the fans of Trailer Park Boys for Ricky's malapropisms and eggcorns (substitution speech errors.) Most of Ricky's speech errors are idiomatic in nature resulting in a phrase (or word) that are linguistically incorrect, but phonetically similar. These slips of the. Trailer Park Boys is a popular Canadian sitcom/mockumentary focusing on the misadventures of ex-convicts living in fictional Sunnyvale Trailer Park which is located near Halifax, Nova Scotia. Contents 1 Season 1 (2001) 1.1 Take Your Little Gun and Get Out of My Trailer Park 1.2 Fuck Community College, Let's Get Drunk and Eat Chicken Fingers 1. "Once a trailer park boy, always a trailer park boy." - Ricky 2. "I try to be a role model for kids around the park. If some kid wants to grow dope, they can come talk to me, instead of growing dope six or seven times through denial and error, they're going to get it right the first time and have some good dope." - Ricky 3. The kitty-loving cart thief played by Mike Smith — who also co-writes Trailer Park Boys — lives in a shed, but somehow, he's the anchor that keeps his friends Ricky (Robb Wells), and Julian (John Paul Tremblay) grounded. Oddly enough, despite his career in the world of crime, he's managed to stay out of jail more than his associates.

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2001 53,014 Views Mr. Lahey: Where ya stayin' Rick? Ricky: At the f***-off hotel Lahey. Mr. Lahey: Why don't you get a life Rick? Why don't ya go to community college like Julian here. Hey, I got a good idea. You could teach, livin' in a car and growin' dope 101. Ricky: Hehe. In this article, we delve into the world of Ricky TPB quotes, showcasing the best and most memorable moments that will leave you in stitches. Key Takeaways: Ricky TPB's quotes have gained a massive fan following. His unique sense of humor and wit shine through in his iconic one-liners.