Sharon Kristen Harmon. 1946 Flower girl dresses, Flower girl, Wedding

Sharon Kristin Nelson (née Harmon; June 25, 1945 - April 27, 2018) was a painter, actress, and author. Sister of actors Mark Harmon and Kelly Harmon, she was married to actor and musician Ricky Nelson for 19 years. Early life. A one-time golden girl, Kristin was born to football star and Heisman trophy winner Tom Harmon and actress Elyse Knox Harmon. She was the older sister of Mark, 66, and former model Kelly Harmon, 69.

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Sharon Kristin Harmon was born on June 25, 1945, in Burbank, California, as the eldest child of American football star, military pilot, sports broadcaster and actor Tom Harmon, and American actress, model, and fashion designer Elyse Knox. Actress Kelly Harmon is her sister, while television and film actor Mark Harmon is her brother. Born Sharon Kristin Harmon, she followed her mother's path into the entertainment industry and married actor-singer Rick Nelson prior to her eighteenth birthday in 1963. She is remembered for playing "Kris Nelson" during the final three seasons of the TV series "Ozzie and Harriet" from 1963 to 1966. Additionally, she co-starred alongside Nelson. Sharon Kristin Nelson (née Harmon; June 25, 1945 - April 27, 2018) was an American primitive painter, actress, and author, once married to the actor and musician Ricky Nelson. Actress. Her father was Heisman Trophy winner Tom Harmon, her mother was actress Elyse Knox, her brother Mark went on to become an accomplished actor. Sharon Kristin Harmon. Mini Bio. Kristin Harmon was born on June 25, 1945 in Burbank, California, USA. She was an actress and producer, known for The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet (1952), Love & Kisses (1965) and Sonic Boom (1975). She was married to Mark Tinker and Ricky Nelson. She died on April 27, 2018 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

Sharon Kristen Harmon. 1946 Flower girl dresses, Flower girl, Wedding

Sharon Kristin Nelson (née Harmon; June 25, 1945 - April 27, 2018) was an American primitive painter, actress and author. She was married to musician Ricky Nelson. She was the daughter of Tom Harmon and actress/model Elyse Knox, her younger siblings are model-actress Kelly Harmon and actor Mark Harmon. Kristin Harmon. Actress: The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet. Kristin Harmon was born on 25 June 1945 in Burbank, California, USA. She was an actress and producer, known for The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet (1952), Love & Kisses (1965) and Sonic Boom (1975). She was married to Mark Tinker and Ricky Nelson. She died on 27 April 2018 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Sharon Kristin Nelson (née Harmon; June 25, 1945 - April 27, 2018) was an American primitive painter, actress and author, once married to the actor and musician Ricky Nelson. Daughter of the American football star Tom Harmon and actress/model Elyse Knox, her younger siblings are model-actress Kelly Harmon and actor Mark Harmon [NCIS]. Sharon Kristin Nelson (née Harmon; June 25, 1945 - April 27, 2018) was an American primitive painter, actress, and author. She was married to the actor and musician Ricky Nelson for nineteen years, and is the sister of actor Mark Harmon.

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A one-time golden girl, Kristin was born to football star and Heisman trophy winner Tom Harmon and actress Elyse Knox Harmon. She was the older sister of Mark, 66, and former model Kelly Harmon, 69. Sharon Kristin Nelson (née Harmon; June 25, 1945 - April 27, 2018) was an American primitive painter, actress, and author.She was married to the actor and musician Ricky Nelson for nineteen years, and is the sister of actor Mark Harmon. Mark Harmon's sister Kristin died on April 27 of a heart attack, according to Kristin's daughter Tracy Nelson.. 'Sharon Kristin Harmon who as a wee and gorgeous blue eyed child had fiercely. Sharon "Kristin" Harmon was born on June 25, 1945 to football star Tom Harmon and his wife, actress Elyse Knox. Kristin was the older sister of actress/ model Kelly Harmon and actor Mark Harmon. She was an actress, artist and author. In 1963, Kris married singer/actor Rick Nelson, They divorced in 1982 and Rick died in a plane crash on New Year.

Picture of Kristin Harmon

1945. Sharon Kristin Nelson (née Harmon; June 25, 1945 - April 27, 2018) was an American primitive painter, actress, and author. She was married to the actor and musician Ricky Nelson for nineteen years, and is the sister of actor Mark Harmon. Kristin Nelson (Sharon Kristin Harmon) was born on 25 June, 1945 in Burbank, California, is an actress. Sharon Kristin Harmon's Bio & Wiki. Kristin Nelson was born as Sharon Kristin Harmon on 25th June 1945 in Burbank, California, USA. She is an American by her nationality and belongs to white ethnic background. Moreover, her father, Tom Harmon was an American football player, actor, military pilot, and sports broadcaster.