Jarvis House Pretty in Pink Spring Flowering Shrubs 2014 in the Jarvis

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11 Types of Shrubs That Flower in Early Spring

18 Spring-Flowering Shrubs to Add to Your Yard for Early Color Welcome back spring with these stunning plants. By Andrea Beck Updated on March 23, 2023 Reviewed by Sylvia Duax Photo: Cameron Sadeghpour Your spring landscape will shine when these gorgeous shrubs begin blooming. Early spring flowering shrubs are a great way to bring bright and seasonal colors to your landscape. These shrubs are valued for their flowers that begin to bloom in March and April, and some even stay evergreen year-round. Some varieties remain relatively small while others can grow several feet in height and spread. Tip 1 Hydrangea Not only are hydrangea bushes stunning, but they're also one of the few plants that can be grown from coast to coast in most climates. Some tolerate part sun conditions, but many prefer a few hours of sun for best blooms. In the hottest parts of the country, give them some morning sun and afternoon shade so they don't fry. How Do You Plant Spring-Flowering Shrubs? To plant, dig a hole about two to three times the width of the hole, but only as deep as the container. Set your shrub in the hole and add back the soil, patting down firmly. Water well, and make sure to give your new shrub a drink if you don't get any rain for a few days.

11 Types of Shrubs That Flower in Early Spring

Spring-flowering shrubs - 11 choices for beautiful seasonal blooms Bring your backyard to life after winter with our favorite shrubs for spring flowers Sign up to our newsletter (Image credit: Alamy) Jump to category: 1. Forsythia x intermedia 2. Ribes sanguineum 3. Hamamelis x intermedia 'Jelena' 4. Magnolia stellata 5. Edgworthia chrysantha 6. One of the earliest flowering trees to bloom in the spring, Eastern redbud is an easy-to-grow, small tree native to North America. Its tiny but numerous rosy pink flowers line the branches before the heart-shaped leaves appear. It also has pretty yellow fall foliage. Name: Cercis canadensis Whether you have a large lot or a small patio, you can plant shrubs that bloom from spring to fall so you'll have color all season long. Many flowering shrubs also do well in containers to add color to a front porch, patio, or deck. 25 of the Best Early Spring Blooming Flowers Bulbs Crocus Daffodil Dwarf Iris Glory of the Snow Grape Hyacinth Lily of the Valley Siberian Squill Single Early Tulip Snowdrop Trillium Winter Aconite Perennials Bleeding Heart Carolina Jessamine Columbine Dutchman's Breeches Hellebore Pigsqueak Shrubs Dwarf Flowering Almond Flowering Quince Forsythia

11 Types of Shrubs That Flower in Early Spring

Spring flowering shrubs mark the arrival of warm weather by bringing light, colors, and vitality to your garden after all winter's dreary browns and grays. Early spring blooming bushes like forsythia, and flowering quince wake up as soon as winter is over, around March and April , when the temperatures rise and the days slowly begin to lengthen. Mockorange. This fragrant garden favorite has gotten an upgrade with the Illuminati series. What used to be papery, nondescript foliage is now thick and luxurious. This foliage makes a great backdrop to the bright white spring flowers, and whichever plant you choose will display them in a new and quirky way. 01 of 25 Bleeding Heart (Lamprocapnos spectabilis) The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova The blooms of the old-fashioned bleeding heart (formerly known as ( Dicentra spectabilis ), look like cheery little heart-shaped charms dangling down the length of each branch. Even the chubby, lobbed leaves are attractive. 16 Best Flowering Shrubs for Season-Long Color A seasonal guide to the best flowering bushesBy Anne Balogh FREE WEEKLY NEWSLETTER: Plants, Design Ideas, Gardening Solutions & More! Flowering shrubs provide color and structure and can be used as groundcovers, hedge plants or eye-catching focal points.

Jarvis House Pretty in Pink Spring Flowering Shrubs 2014 in the Jarvis

Spring flowering bushes and shrubs that add color to backyards early in the season, attract pollinators and more. Our editors and experts handpick every product we feature. We may earn a commission from your purchases. Shutterstock / tomtsya Cornelian Cherry Dogwood Cornus mas, Zones 4 to 8 Size: Up to 20 feet tall and wide tb1234 Table of Contents Planting My Shrubs for Spring Popular Spring Flowering Shrubs: My Viburnum (Viburnum opulus) Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) Flowering Quince (Chaenomeles japonica) My Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) - Yellow Spring Flowering Shrubs Camellia (Camellia japonica) Witch-Alder (Fothergilla gardenii)